First order of business would be to make use of the very limited power left before th egrids shut down and figure out if a nuclear reactor left alone would pose any sort of meltdown risk. If so, drive my Buick to Greenwich (rich city on the CT/NY border,) and trade up to a nice Ferrari or NSX (the dealers are right across the street from each other, and I'd like to indulge in a b it of materialism while I'm living through the apocalypse.) After that, I'd arm myself at whatever local gun store I could get to, stock up on some ammo, and ensure that no roaming wild animal could threaten me. Next stop, shut down the nearby nuclear reactor (I'd have a while to read up on it and figure out how to do it safely) and make sure I woudn't be getting a lethal dose of radiation if the lack of monitoring caused any problems.
The next big thing would be to find a big stock of signal flares, and send up three every half hour from a prominent location for several days in order to make contact with anyone who might have survived along wtih me.
Whether or not I found anyone, the next step would be to collect important books, a few computers, and other things as a sort of time capsule, and figure out where I could put them so that they'd be preserved for future explorers, whether terrestrial or not.
I'd have to satisfy my curiosity and hit a few places including the Pentagon, Area 51, Mt. Weather, and overseas, the Vatican's secret library, if I could find a way to get there.
Overall, the biggest goal would be to try to find other survivors and continue the species.I'd learn to live off the land as a nomad, traveling by horseback, foot, or bicycle as the world's gasoline supply wenty stale and could no longer be used. I'd just live life as well as I could.