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Old 03-29-2005, 03:01 PM   #1 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
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Location: Upper Michigan
Broken Heal - Coping

Those of you who read the journals may know that I broke my heal 2 weeks ago. Anterior portion of the Calcaneous is what I remember them saying. Well I'm off that foot completely for a time. I talked to the Dr today about a few of the problems I was having and they gave me some suggestions for dealing with things. Also they told me to expect 6-8 more weeks before I could even think about ditching the crutches. It's killing me to think it's going to be that long. I'm dying to get out and start biking since it's turning into such a nice Spring. This is my first broken bone (unless you count a cracked skull) and I'm totally unfamiliar with ways to cope and I'm a total clutz on the crutches.

Some of the things I've done to cope and continue to function (still running my daycare) but not everything is working too well. Maybe I'm expecting too much. Maybe I'm not being creative enough. I've borrowed my Dad's construction kneepads and used those to walk around on my knees to pick up toys and things. My family has pitched in a lot more but I'm home all day "working" and they can't help all the time. I've also turned to putting my drinks into water bottles that I can carry in my teeth or between my fingers under the handle of the crutches. Still trying to figure out how to go places with my coffee. I've also gone to collecting dirty laundry in plastic grocery bags or using those kind of bags to bring up clean laundry from the basment.

What I'm looking for is ideas on how to function. Commiseration with other's who've dealt with the frustration. And perhaps some encouragement to not look at this as being such a long haul ahead. So far as it looks I've practically blown half my year already. Hernia surgery mid Jan and laid up for about 5 weeks after. Then this in March and laid up prospectively until JUNE. I'm dreading this. What next?

So any thoughts? Thanks for letting me vent at least.
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Old 03-29-2005, 04:57 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I just spent two months on crutches due to a knee injury. I hurt myself on January 12th, and just got off the crutches about two weeks ago. You have my sympathy!

Let's see, the coffee thing is tough - basically the bottom third of my crutches got covered in coffee spills. The best remedy I found for that situation is really just a helping hand from someone else. I did develop a routine for getting from my kitchen to my desk in the front room with a cup of liquid - it involved numerous surfaces to set it on while I crutched one step ahead, then picked it back up and set it on the next surface. For the open areas, I developed a kind of crutch shuffle-walk - basically hold the cup in the fingers of one hand while still grasping the crutch, then slowly move forward one step at a time, dragging the crutch on the side with the beverage so as to not spill it or lose one's balance. I know this doesn't sound like a solution, and it's not really. It's just tough, that's all there is to it.

The bags are a great idea. What I did was found a bag that would fit over one shoulder and was big enough to be useful. Any household item that would not spill went in the bag, and that includes dirty dishes after eating, bottles and cans, garbage etc. that I wanted to clean up, as well as anything going to the table. Oh! I just remembered! Sometimes I put my coffee or other beverage into a bottle with a screw cap and carried it in the bag. That worked, and it's a lot easier than carrying it in your teeth. I also used it for carrying clothes from one room to another, everything really. I kept a smaller, plastic grocery bag inside the shoulder bag for the dirty stuff - then I could just throw that away when I was done with it.

I also used the immobilizer on my leg as a handy pocket device, since it had layers I could tuck things like my cellphone into. I guess whatever you have on your foot is probably not so convenient.

Basically what I noticed was that although I could hook the fingers of one hand around something and carry it, that meant less hand strength and more weight-bearing for the armpits. Pretty soon my armpits just broke one day and went on strike. Towels around the tops helped a little. The other thing is, I developed big callouses on the heels of my hands from the crutches - I'd reccomend using some serious lotion from the outset to help with that, although I suspect it's inevitable.

Sorry, I don't really feel like I have much helpful advice, despite my recent experience. It's just a tough thing to go through. Wait until you start physical therapy!
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Old 03-30-2005, 06:26 AM   #3 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
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Location: Upper Michigan
I like the idea of your big bag.

Now I don't feel so stupid doing the coffee shuffle. I've done that one too.

No my shoe isn't capable of carrying anything else really.

I have taken to wearing a sturdy apron with pockets and that does help some.

One thing I want so bady to do is ride bike. Dunno if it's possible but the desire is so great that I was dreaming about it last night.

What kinds of things did you do to keep yourself entertained?? I don't have much that I can do comfortably but read and I've read most of my books and never get to sit and read for a long time. I sometimes do crossstitch but with the crutches aggravating my carpal tunnel, just holding a needle makes my fingers start going to sleep. Typing here does the same so you can understand why I've not been on nearly as much. My fingers are already numb from typing just this much and I'm wearing my wrist braces too.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
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Last edited by raeanna74; 03-30-2005 at 06:26 AM.. Reason: forgot something
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Old 03-30-2005, 06:49 AM   #4 (permalink)
Frontal Lobe
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Perhaps you've also learned the "Notre Dame" technique, a variation of the coffee shuffle to be used when one's hand is too full to grasp the crutch at all. You grip the crutch with your armpit and drag it along, swinging it into position and hoping it's not too crooked when you go to rest your weight on it. It's horrible to watch and quite slow, but sometimes it's the only way.

I understand about the wrist pain. I have some tendonitis in my wrists myself, so I can relate. Try to keep your wrists straight is all I can say, but it's probably more an issue with the squeezing motion.

Since mine is a knee injury, I couldn't have even considered riding a bike. In fact, a stationary bike is one of the torture implements they're now using on me in physical therapy, since my knee doesn't bend right anymore. It seems like too risky of an idea, but ask your doctor maybe. Is your foot in a cast or anything?

The boredom is horrible, as are the feelings of uselessness. I don't know what to tell you. I don't even have a tv. Since I had torn ligaments, bone bruising and hemorrhage in addition to a chipped bone, I have been in a great deal of pain...that means pain pills, hence naps as a form of recreation. I also spent a lot of time on the internet, although one can only sit and stare for so long. I can relate to the "nothing is comfortable" thing - it was even worse for me since I had my whole leg in an immobilizer, meaning that everywhere I went I had this big log sticking out in front of me, and if I sat in a chair for too long the top of it would start cutting off my circulation. I went back to work earlier than I should have, since I was running out of sick days, so that did keep me occupied. Other than that I just tried to get out of the house whenever possible, if only to ride along for a trip to the store, for a change of scenery.
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Old 03-30-2005, 08:53 AM   #5 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
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Location: Upper Michigan
I so wish I could take naps let alone they codine they gave me. Unfortunately if I don't get paid if I don't keep babysitting (never stopped - had kids the day after I broke it even.) and I can't even think about sleeping with 2 or 3 kids running around. Especially with the 11 mo old.

Yeah I've figured out the "Notre Dame" technique.

I think I'm gonna try out the bike and see what happens.

It sounds like your's was more painful and drawn out. No one has even mentioned therapy for me. Wonder what that will be.

Nice to have someone to commiserate with.

How long do they expect you to have to stay in therapy?
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
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Old 03-30-2005, 09:05 AM   #6 (permalink)
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I'm not sure how long I'll be in physical therapy. I actually have my last appointment of the eight my doctor prescribed today, then I go back to my doctor on Friday. My therapist is going to request another month I think. I'm at the point now where I can make a 10-block round trip walk to the store and back, which is a pretty big deal, but I end up limping and in pain. My knee will bend to the point that I can get my foot up onto a chair I'm sitting in but only with help from me pulling it up and some significant discomfort, and I can't tolerate it for long. This is really a huge improvement for me, since when I first started the physical therapy a month ago I could barely manage a 40-degree angle, and that was agonizing, drawing it up an inch at a time with tears running down my cheeks. I still could barely put much weight on the foot at all because of the pain at that point. Somehow it doesn't sound like your injury will be that much of a problem though.
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Old 03-30-2005, 10:00 AM   #7 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
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Location: Upper Michigan
You're right, mine isn't so bad. Thankyou for at least helping me put mine into perspective and get over my pity party. I'm glad you're on the home stretch and able to see progress.
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Old 03-30-2005, 10:21 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Well hey, anyone who's doing the "Notre Dame" isn't exactly having a tea party. Take care.
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Old 03-30-2005, 12:18 PM   #9 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
BTW where did you get that name "Notre Dame"? Just curious. Is it a bit like the Hunchback's hobble??

Does everyone feel and look this clutzy on crutches?? I feel as if I shouldn't even be trying to walk.

Oh and how did you manage a shopping cart?? Walmart has scooter carts but some stores only have old looking wheelchairs with small baskets. Those baskets fill up quick.

It's been encouraging to keep coming back here today - At least I've got something to do. Can't keep bugging my Mom. She keeps coming up with tedious herbal remedies. Last one she suggested was rubbing my hands with Clove oil. As a matter of fact I've already tried that one. But you can see how she's stretching to look for solutions to help my discomforts.

You may have mentioned it elseware but I don't get around on here near as much as I used to. How did you manage to do all that damage to your knee?? Sounds like it must have been a painful injury.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
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Last edited by raeanna74; 03-30-2005 at 12:22 PM..
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Old 03-30-2005, 12:54 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Yeah the Notre Dame thing is a reference to the hunchback.

I wondered the same thing about being clutzy when I was on crutches! I kept tripping on things, and at first my worst fear was falling and re-injuring myself. I did fall again a couple of times, too. (ow!)

I did not manage a shopping cart. I was not able to do much of anything like that for weeks. Fortunately I had someone willing to take care of me. I couldn't have gotten to the store to shop in the first place, since I couldn't drive either. When I did find myself in a store, I actually found the shopping cart was kind of an easier way to get around than the crutches, if I leaned on it. But I literally could not put any weight on my right leg for a good month after my accident. I think if someone had told me to rub clove oil on my hands I would have bit their head off!

I hurt my knee skiing but it was honestly a pretty lame accident. I just fell, but I fell really badly. I kind of tried to ski through my boyfriend. I skiied over the tops of his skis and I was going too fast, kind of out of control, and I just fell really badly. I twisted my knee as I went down...it was weird, all of a sudden every bit of my attention was all focused in my knee as I was falling, noticing this extremely unsettling severe twisting sensation and then a "pop." Next thing I knew I was sliding down the hill on my face...after I came to a stop, my boyfriend asked me "Are you okay?" and I thought about it for a split second, then shook my head "no." I was definitely not "okay," as was soon to be confirmed by medical personnel.

Anyhow I haven't said much about it here actually. I just started one thread here after my first day of physical therapy, and I also mentioned it in the "when's the last time you cried" thread.

Last edited by Squishor; 03-30-2005 at 01:00 PM..
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Old 03-30-2005, 02:35 PM   #11 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
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I can totally understand that POP sound. When I landed on my foot I heard the crack and a crunching sound. That sound practically echos through your body and at that point you KNOW something isn't right. Everything was almost slow motion and as I was falling I felt paralyzed.

Mine happened because I was hurring to get the laundry to the basement. I felt so stupid that here I'd gone and fallen down some steps again and injured myself only 2 month's after having my hernia fixed - which had been caused by me falling down a different set of steps. I've got 25 indoor steps in this house which I end up going up and down at least twice each, every day. Not to mention steps to get out of the house if I want to go anywhere. I am thankful that I can still drive. This is my left foot. Unfortunately hubby likes to engage the parking brake on our cutlass when he parks it and that brake is on my LEFT on the floorboard. Ever try releasing one of those with your hand - cause I'm not crossing my sore foot with my right one.

Hey you're accident is one that sounds to me as at least somewhat exciting. Mine - I broke it doing laundry - yup - washing the dirty clothes. um. yeah.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
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Old 03-30-2005, 02:57 PM   #12 (permalink)
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I swear every third person who saw me with the crutches and leg brace asked the same question: "skiing accident?" The answer: "yep." That gets old after a while, believe me.

"Were you skiing?" "Yes, but not very well."
"Looks like someone's been skiing." "You guessed it."
"Skiing, huh?" "Trying, anyway."
"Did you do that skiing?" "Yep."
"Let me guess, skiing accident?" "Wow, you got it on the first try!"

I started telling people I was trampled by a mad elephant or something, just to keep myself amused.

I definitely relate to that feeling of being absolutely certain that you're suddenly NOT okay. Another way (aside from the pop) I was able to tell this was that once I came to a stop, I started sobbing into the snow. There was like this outside observer part of me watching that and going, "...uh oh...this isn't like me...this is a very bad sign."

It sounds like maybe you need to slow down on those stairs! Maybe some of those friction strips?
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Old 03-30-2005, 07:47 PM   #13 (permalink)
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That's funny - the comments. I've gotten a lot of them too. Except no-one has been able to guess how I managed it. One comment that I DID enjoy and that gave me a good retort to the nosy ones was an elderly woman paused while coming out a door and patted me on the shoulder and said " You shouldn't have to kick him that hard to make him listen, ya know." looking at hubby and smiling. Then she was on her way. It made us smile and next time someone asked what I'd done I just said "I kicked my husband too hard." I do like your mad elephant one though - that's got more creativity to it. Now I've got a backup.

The steps aren't that slippery but there are no railings on any of the stairs in our place. There is definately one going on the basement stairs. The second floor stairs are too narrow for one. The front steps are only 3 steps but I think they should get a short railing too. That shouldn't be too difficult.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
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Old 03-30-2005, 08:25 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Oh yeah, you can tell people all kinds of stuff if you get bored enough with telling the real story. One day after I had to tell the story five times in a row (!) I just came up with about a dozen options that I thought sounded more interesting. Of course, when people inevitably say, "Really?" I'd relent and tell them the truth. I'm such a wuss sometimes. It's just that "skiing accident" is so cliche. I almost might have got a little more entertainment value out of "doing the laundry." And then you could just leave it at that, you know, not mention the part about the stairs or anything. You could just tell them with a really serious face like laundry is scary business, and see how they react.
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Old 04-02-2005, 12:55 AM   #15 (permalink)
Location: The land of the silent S
Hun Take it EASY

Hi, my name is Holdem. As much as you don't wanna hear this, STAY OFF of it AT ALL COSTS. Weight on it will NOT help it heal. Darlin, its hard bein up off your foot. I know. I'm the guy who went on a rescue call on my sprained ankle. I waltzed into the ER of a local hospital with someone less injured than myself. As an EMT I know, people tend to over do things. You are a daycare mom I know you are tough. I respect it. But hun, have some friends help you around the house or something else will get broken. Like your patella. (knee cap)

I really hope you get better soon, and ice+motrin=relief.

Your pal,
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Old 04-03-2005, 12:15 PM   #16 (permalink)
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I do get what you're saying about hurting something else or making things worse. I've landed more than once on my knees already. Once in Taco Bell. I'm such a clutz on crutches. For the most part I'm taking it easy around the house, scooting around the kitchen on a desk chair instead of walking on crutches and waiting till it doesn't hurt any more before I try walking on this.

On the other hand I'm sooooo dying to get out and ride bike. I tried it on hubby's stationary bike and so long as I can get going I would be able to do it without putting any pressure on the injured heal.

Who knows I may wait till next Mon when I check up with the Dr again. They will take x-rays and will know how it's healing. I'll check with them and see if they think I could ride bike. I hope it's healed well. Originally they told me that this particular break may not reattach on it's own. If not then the other possible results are the body reabsorbs the broken off portion or they would have to do surgery.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
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Old 04-03-2005, 08:49 PM   #17 (permalink)
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i broke my foot a long time ago and had to do the klutzy thing on crutches too! Going down steps was the worst for me!

Get some support on those steps hon! If you're running up and down them all day it's kinda inevitable that you'd fall and hurt yourself at some point!

Anyway, I sympathize with the trying to manuever on crutches part. Take care!
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Old 04-03-2005, 10:36 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Raeanna74, if it's any consolation about the klutzy part, listen to this:

For the first month or so I was on crutches, I went up steps by standing in front of them, placing the left crutch on top of the step in front of me and hauling myself up sideways while supporting myself with the lower, right crutch. Can you picture that? Kind of a difficult, sideways crab-walk sorta thing. Well, one day my boyfriend, brilliant man that he is, said he was tired of watching me do that and made me give him the crutches. Sure enough he demonstrated that one could simply step up with the left foot (the good side), raise one's body by straightening the knee, place both crutches on the upper step, and proceed on one's way without having to do anything remotely clumsy or strenuous. Boy did I feel stupid.
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Old 04-07-2005, 05:27 AM   #19 (permalink)
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lol I actually couldn't picture it too well. I tried to do it as you described and I just about fell down - I bet that did feel completely clutzy.

Thanks for all your encouragement and commiseration. I'm counting down the days - about 3 weeks at the least. I'm hoping I'm one of those that heal fast. Keeping my fingers crossed. Checkup and x-rays this coming Monday.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
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broken, coping, heal

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