BTW where did you get that name "Notre Dame"? Just curious. Is it a bit like the Hunchback's hobble??
Does everyone feel and look this clutzy on crutches?? I feel as if I shouldn't even be trying to walk.
Oh and how did you manage a shopping cart?? Walmart has scooter carts but some stores only have old looking wheelchairs with small baskets. Those baskets fill up quick.
It's been encouraging to keep coming back here today - At least I've got something to do. Can't keep bugging my Mom. She keeps coming up with tedious herbal remedies. Last one she suggested was rubbing my hands with Clove oil. As a matter of fact I've already tried that one. But you can see how she's stretching to look for solutions to help my discomforts.
You may have mentioned it elseware but I don't get around on here near as much as I used to. How did you manage to do all that damage to your knee?? Sounds like it must have been a painful injury.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
Last edited by raeanna74; 03-30-2005 at 12:22 PM..