I can totally understand that POP sound. When I landed on my foot I heard the crack and a crunching sound. That sound practically echos through your body and at that point you KNOW something isn't right. Everything was almost slow motion and as I was falling I felt paralyzed.
Mine happened because I was hurring to get the laundry to the basement. I felt so stupid that here I'd gone and fallen down some steps again and injured myself only 2 month's after having my hernia fixed - which had been caused by me falling down a different set of steps. I've got 25 indoor steps in this house which I end up going up and down at least twice each, every day. Not to mention steps to get out of the house if I want to go anywhere. I am thankful that I can still drive. This is my left foot. Unfortunately hubby likes to engage the parking brake on our cutlass when he parks it and that brake is on my LEFT on the floorboard. Ever try releasing one of those with your hand - cause I'm not crossing my sore foot with my right one.
Hey you're accident is one that sounds to me as at least somewhat exciting. Mine - I broke it doing laundry - yup - washing the dirty clothes. um. yeah.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.