Yeah the Notre Dame thing is a reference to the hunchback.
I wondered the same thing about being clutzy when I was on crutches! I kept tripping on things, and at first my worst fear was falling and re-injuring myself. I did fall again a couple of times, too. (ow!)
I did not manage a shopping cart. I was not able to do much of anything like that for weeks. Fortunately I had someone willing to take care of me. I couldn't have gotten to the store to shop in the first place, since I couldn't drive either. When I did find myself in a store, I actually found the shopping cart was kind of an easier way to get around than the crutches, if I leaned on it. But I literally could not put
any weight on my right leg for a good month after my accident. I think if someone had told me to rub clove oil on my hands I would have bit their head off!
I hurt my knee skiing but it was honestly a pretty lame accident. I just fell, but I fell really badly. I kind of tried to ski through my boyfriend. I skiied over the tops of his skis and I was going too fast, kind of out of control, and I just fell really badly. I twisted my knee as I went was weird, all of a sudden every bit of my attention was all focused in my knee as I was falling, noticing this extremely unsettling severe twisting sensation and then a "pop." Next thing I knew I was sliding down the hill on my face...after I came to a stop, my boyfriend asked me "Are you okay?" and I thought about it for a split second, then shook my head "no." I was definitely not "okay," as was soon to be confirmed by medical personnel.
Anyhow I haven't said much about it here actually. I just started one thread here after my first day of physical therapy, and I also mentioned it in the "when's the last time you cried" thread.