That's funny - the comments. I've gotten a lot of them too. Except no-one has been able to guess how I managed it. One comment that I DID enjoy and that gave me a good retort to the nosy ones was an elderly woman paused while coming out a door and patted me on the shoulder and said " You shouldn't have to kick him that hard to make him listen, ya know." looking at hubby and smiling. Then she was on her way. It made us smile and next time someone asked what I'd done I just said "I kicked my husband too hard." I do like your mad elephant one though - that's got more creativity to it. Now I've got a backup.
The steps aren't that slippery but there are no railings on any of the stairs in our place. There is definately one going on the basement stairs. The second floor stairs are too narrow for one. The front steps are only 3 steps but I think they should get a short railing too. That shouldn't be too difficult.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.