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#1 (permalink) |
Any experience living with girls?
Any guys here have any experience living with girls? How was it? Would you recommed it?
A fairly good friend of mine from work were talking yesterday, and it came up in conversation that she would be moving to a different apartment at the end of the month....then she added "unless you know of anybody that wants to live with 2 girls." I'm really starting to consider it, but I haven't lived with any females since living with my mom & sister in high school. The rent/utilities would be about the same as they are in my current situation. One thing I'm thinking is that this could give me an opportunity to branch out and find a few new friends, since right now, about the only people I hang out with are my current roommates. |
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#2 (permalink) |
Location: Denver
I wouldn't recommend it. In my experience roomates are best if they are the same sex. However, that's just my opinion. I am sure there are plenty of other persons that have had better experiences with this than I.
<--The great infidel--> |
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#3 (permalink) |
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Thru college and early 20's I had roommates of the opposite sex, but I'm one of those people that truly believes that men and women can be friends and not have sex get in the way.
If you live with someone of the opposite sex, even same sex really, you just want to setup ground rules, as to what's acceptable behavior and what's not. Don't move in with them, hoping that you'll get a threesome, or regular sex out of it, generally, the old expression, you don't shit where you live applies, it really complicates things if you get involved, sexually, with one of both of them.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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#4 (permalink) |
So Hip it Hurts
Location: Up here in my tree
I lived in a house with 4 other guys and 1 female when I was in college. For me there was no problem just being friends with the female roomate. It actually worked out great having so many different roomates that got along, cause we all got to meet everyone elses friends and make new friends ourselves.
For one of the guys in the house it worked out especially well since he ended up marrying the female roomate 4 years later. I guess it was a bit harder for him to just be friends with the female roomate. I think maleficent gave some good advice above.
"It'd be better for me if you don't understand" |
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#6 (permalink) |
Location: The Kitchen
It depends on the people in the apartment. Girls can be just as messy and bad with paying bills as guys can be, so don't assume otherwise. If you get along with these girls, they're clean, responsible people, and you don't mind seeing the occasional bra hanging from the shower rod, then go for it.
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#7 (permalink) |
I'm baaaaack!
I have lived with a girl for almost 21 years now, and I have no problems with it, until she hogs the fucking bathroom!
To be honest, I could never live with another girl. We are too moody and tempermental in my opinion. I can hardly live with men sometimes, and they are pretty easy to live with. Be sure you have your own living area- not sharing a bedroom- two bathrooms, and a place where you can escape every once in a while.
You don't know from fun. |
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#8 (permalink) |
Darth Papa
Location: Yonder
I spent an interminable summer in a one-bedroom apartment with two (psycho) women. It was nuts. But it wasn't a gender-oriented nuts. It was a sanity-oriented nuts.
Then again, I may not have been completely sane myself that summer. It was really the first time in my life I was out of my parents house without school to keep me busy. Pretty much I just went to work, saw lurkette some evenings, and sat around the apartment. Upshot: in my experience it's about personality compatibility than gender. |
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#9 (permalink) |
Observant Ruminant
Location: Rich Wannabe Hippie Town
Mixed-sex roommates can work, as long as everybody's mature and realizes that they're roommates, nothing more. I used to have a girlfriend who shared a two-bedroom with a guy. Never asked him what it was like being in the next bedroom while we made all that noise, but he was a perfect gentleman about it (ie, acted like nothing was happening)
You seem to be interested in a mixed sex share because you want to use your woman friend's contacts to meet new people; she doesn't know this, of course, so you have what we used to call a hidden agenda in wanting to be her roomie. This is not the basis for a good roommate situation. I mean, if you flat out _told_ her, "I want to move in with you so I can meet your friends," would she be happy with that? She is going to figure it out, sooner or later. Last edited by Rodney; 07-09-2004 at 09:55 AM.. |
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#10 (permalink) | |
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#11 (permalink) |
Is In Love
Location: I'm workin' on it
Maybe you should say something to her like "If we moved in together wouldn't it be cool to have a party and invite our friends? Would be nice to meet yours, and I would love you to meet mine."
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great. |
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#12 (permalink) |
Last year I lived with 4 girls and I was the only guy. Honestly, it didn't work out for me. Not because they were all girls, but because they were simply horrible roommates. Ground rules are a must, you don't want uninvited people dropping by at 2 am. Also as always, make sure your roommates are good on the bills. One of my roommates got pregnanted by her boyfriend, then she quit her work and no longer could pay her part of the rent. It really sucked for us.
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#14 (permalink) |
I lived with a gal for about six months and for the most part things were cool.
The only real problem I had was that she was not real up on housekeeping and it bugged the crap out of me. For me it helped going into the situation with the mindset that I was going to be living with just another roommate, and not focusing on her being a girl roommate. |
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#15 (permalink) |
Location: AWOL in Edmonton
I spent a year sharing a house with three girls. It worked out pretty well, I think I liked living there more then when I was living with 3 other guys.
I had a half bathroom of my own, which was nice and somewhat critcal. One shower though. I had to start showering at night right before bed, because I could never get into the main bathroom in the morning. |
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#16 (permalink) |
Location: the hills of aquafina.
I don't think living with someone is a matter of same or opposite sex. I've lived with MANY roommates, both male and female. If I have a problem with roomies, it's due to something house related, not sex related. I've had problems with male and female roomates, and I've had some of my best friends come out of roommates, again, both male and female friends.
I've personally found that living with people is generally a little stressful. There is no perfect roomie. What I mean is, you are all raised differently, with different ways of living and different priorities. While not cleaning up after themselves may not be a big deal to them, it may be seen as a huge insult to you. These little differences makes it tough to live with people you don't know, and people you THINK you know. I actually enjoyed most of my time with female roomies. If you grow to become friends with them, you get to find out all those little things that you've always wondered about the opposite sex and why they seem to do things you just don't understand.
"The problem with quick and dirty, as some people have said, is that the dirty remains long after the quick has been forgotten" - Steve McConnell |
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#17 (permalink) |
Location: Wisconsin...
The only problem I've ever known other people to have with living with females is make sure you put the toilet seat down.
Donate now! Ask me How! Please use the search function it is your friend. Look at my mustang please feel free to comment! http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthread.php?t=26985 |
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#18 (permalink) |
Location: Green Bay, WI
My First Roomate was a female, nearly a total stranger. It worked out pretty well though, although she was a tad nuts. I would agree with pretty much everyone here and say that it doesn't really matter what gender your roomate is, lay down ground rules and always, always, always, respect each others items/life/time/ect...
My personal experience (I have had two roomates) First one, female, nearly perfect stranger - We were like some messed up married couple from the 50's. Not that we had any relationship or anything, but whoever got up first would make breakfast for us both, whoever got home first would make dinner... we spent a great deal of time hanging out, talking, playing video games, and getting to know each other/each other's friends. Second roomate - male, best friend - Oddly enough I find it much more difficult to live with my best friend than a perfect stranger. I think what it basically comes down to is a complete and total lack of respect of everything in our home (and I own all of it) coupled with the fact that he seems to have difficulty with the most mundane of tasks, such as putting things away and cleaning up after himself. I think this probably stems from us being such good friends before he moved in, he just pretty much has no respect of anything around the house, doesn't pay his bills on time because he knows I won't let them be late, can't pick up after himself without me bitching... honestly, sometimes I feel more like his mother than his roomate. But, on the plus side, you are living with your best friend, so as long as you can deal with all the petty shit, it's pretty neat to hang out all the time you are home...
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement. Just in case you were wondering... |
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#20 (permalink) |
Location: LV-426
I've lived with two women...one of which I was engaged to.
To say that it's not a matter of gender but that of personality, would be correct, but only to a degree. It's also a question of maturity, but since your question dealt specifically with gender issues, we'll go there instead. Women are difficult, complicated and stressful. In general, their idea of what is clean, what is proper, what makes sense, is different from that of a man's. Even the nicest female can turn into a real bitch towards you once the day to day routine and reality of living together under the same roof sets in. Men aren't typically as complicated, but they are more likely to be intrusive and messy. But men are more likely to be cool with you coming home in the wee hours with your drunken buddies, walking around half-naked, leaving the toilet seat up (wtf is big deal anyway...), or with the marijuana you have growing in the corner of your room. They are also less likely to change their opinion of you depending on the kind of friends you hang out with, the shows you watch, or whatever little habits you pick up. Women, on the other hand, instinctively try to turn you into whatever ideal they have of a male roommate. But since they're not romantically involved with you and can't withhold sex from you (=have no hand in the relationship), they are left powerless. They may change their opinion of you based on very slight grievances, and remember this: if you have a misunderstanding, it is easier to solve among men. With women, it all gets blown out of proportion, and nothing can be resolved quickly and painlessly...nooo, it's like a committee hearing that WILL involve a large base of her close friends and their half-baked opinions and thoughts, whether you are made aware of this, or not. No, my friend. No. No. No.
Who is John Galt? |
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#21 (permalink) |
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Gee, Prince, real high opinion of women you have there.
Don't make a generalization about an entire gender based on the two women you have lived with. Your assessment of women and how they act in relationships, doesn't apply to 99 percent of the gender.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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#22 (permalink) | ||
Location: LV-426
My opinion of women is neither high or low. I simply believe them to act quite differently than men, in and out of a relationship. Quote:
Who is John Galt? |
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#23 (permalink) |
Location: Massachusetts, USA
The only major roommate situation I've lived in was all male (5 of us, separate bedrooms, one bathroom) for the first year, then one of the guys moved out and his (former) gf moved in instead.
Given 5 adults, none younger than their 20s, one in his 30s, we did okay. The dynamic in the house, generally, was that we were all buddies. When Cheryl moved in, she was a sister. We'd scope out the guys she'd bring home, and she'd do the same with any women we brought home. She didn't have the best taste in men. ![]() Anyway, the roommates were a sexless relationship, I think in part because we knew her before she moved in. She didn't try any moves on us, and we didn't try any on her. |
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#24 (permalink) |
Tilted Cat Head
Location: Manhattan, NY
i've only had female roomies.... i can't stand men as roommates, they just bring more men over... and if they bring a girl over I'd be accused of cock blocking.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not. |
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#25 (permalink) |
Location: Massachusetts, USA
I mind me of the time I was waiting outside the bathroom, and this cute black chick popped out. Never saw her before, never saw her again. The oldest roomie was black, and worked as a bouncer. He probably found her at his club.
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#26 (permalink) |
it really does have to do with the dynamics of the relationship rather than the issue of living with someone of the opposite sex. that's simply the reason everyone has mixed reviews.
personally, i've lived with both. my most recent arrangement i lived with 4 other guys. but i've also lived with a house full of women at one time. i actually shared a room with her, and it was great. we didn't have any crazy drama or pent ups between us so it was super comfortable, and i think that made all the difference. she would talk about guys she thought was cute and wanted to go out with, i'd talk about girls i knew. it was cool because we were able to get perspectives from the other sex on things, we'd have seinfieldian discussions on dating and stuff, it was cool. going to parties together worked really well as well. since we shared a room we had a lot of late night discussions, just sort of a cool bonding experience. ironically i was the only one that ever cooked anything, which wasn't a big problem for me. i feel weird if i make something and just starting grubbin' down by myself in front of the tv. both of us were fairly neat about it, occaisionally things would get out of control but we'd make sure it didn't last too long. mutual respect, i suppose. i definitely think complications arise when there's romantic notions involved (unless of course, you fell in love and then decide to move in together, which is a completely different aspect) or when personalities clash. i mean, as mature adults the only difference is hygiene products which is not a big deal. if you get freaked out by panties or tampons, you're not mature enough to live with the opposite sex. anything else can be chaulked up to personalities rather than a fault of living with the opposite sex. |
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Tags |
experience, girls, living |