I don't think living with someone is a matter of same or opposite sex. I've lived with MANY roommates, both male and female. If I have a problem with roomies, it's due to something house related, not sex related. I've had problems with male and female roomates, and I've had some of my best friends come out of roommates, again, both male and female friends.
I've personally found that living with people is generally a little stressful. There is no perfect roomie. What I mean is, you are all raised differently, with different ways of living and different priorities. While not cleaning up after themselves may not be a big deal to them, it may be seen as a huge insult to you. These little differences makes it tough to live with people you don't know, and people you THINK you know.
I actually enjoyed most of my time with female roomies. If you grow to become friends with them, you get to find out all those little things that you've always wondered about the opposite sex and why they seem to do things you just don't understand.
"The problem with quick and dirty, as some people have said, is that the dirty remains long after the quick has been forgotten" - Steve McConnell