My First Roomate was a female, nearly a total stranger. It worked out pretty well though, although she was a tad nuts. I would agree with pretty much everyone here and say that it doesn't really matter what gender your roomate is, lay down ground rules and always, always, always, respect each others items/life/time/ect...
My personal experience (I have had two roomates)
First one, female, nearly perfect stranger - We were like some messed up married couple from the 50's. Not that we had any relationship or anything, but whoever got up first would make breakfast for us both, whoever got home first would make dinner... we spent a great deal of time hanging out, talking, playing video games, and getting to know each other/each other's friends.
Second roomate - male, best friend - Oddly enough I find it much more difficult to live with my best friend than a perfect stranger. I think what it basically comes down to is a complete and total lack of respect of everything in our home (and I own all of it) coupled with the fact that he seems to have difficulty with the most mundane of tasks, such as putting things away and cleaning up after himself. I think this probably stems from us being such good friends before he moved in, he just pretty much has no respect of anything around the house, doesn't pay his bills on time because he knows I won't let them be late, can't pick up after himself without me bitching... honestly, sometimes I feel more like his mother than his roomate. But, on the plus side, you are living with your best friend, so as long as you can deal with all the petty shit, it's pretty neat to hang out all the time you are home...
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...