Mixed-sex roommates can work, as long as everybody's mature and realizes that they're roommates, nothing more. I used to have a girlfriend who shared a two-bedroom with a guy. Never asked him what it was like being in the next bedroom while we made all that noise, but he was a perfect gentleman about it (ie, acted like nothing was happening)
You seem to be interested in a mixed sex share because you want to use your woman friend's contacts to meet new people; she doesn't know this, of course, so you have what we used to call a hidden agenda in wanting to be her roomie. This is not the basis for a good roommate situation. I mean, if you flat out _told_ her, "I want to move in with you so I can meet your friends," would she be happy with that? She is going to figure it out, sooner or later.
Last edited by Rodney; 07-09-2004 at 09:55 AM..