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Old 03-16-2006, 11:59 AM   #121 (permalink)
highthief's Avatar
Location: Ontario, Canada
Liberty Village? Is that a condo development or something? Tim's likes the all day traffic, if it is residential only, then they pretty much just get the morning and afternoon rush.

But I dunno - I lived in Parkdale when it was a slum, not trendy nouveau urban chic!
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Old 03-16-2006, 01:00 PM   #122 (permalink)
Sticky's Avatar
Originally Posted by Daval
Link to Story

Not all rims rrroll up equally
Last Updated Wed, 15 Mar 2006 14:09:06 EST
CBC News

The odds of winning a big prize when you roll up the rim on a cup of Tim Hortons coffee depend on where you live, CBC News Online has learned.

Canada's biggest fast-food chain is running its annual spring promotion that offers customers a chance to win prizes ranging from a cup of coffee to a $33,000 sport utility vehicle.
The Roll Up the Rim contest offers customers a chance to win prizes ranging from a cup of coffee to a sport utility vehicle. (CBC Photo: Cheryl Krawchuk)

Albertans and Atlantic Canadians have nearly twice the opportunity of driving off in one of the 30 SUVs as people in Toronto or southwestern Ontario.

If you live in Quebec, where Tim Hortons is battling for market share with rival Dunkin' Donuts, your chances are even better – a one in four million shot at the SUV, versus one in eight million for B.C. and one in 11 million for southern Ontario.

The same is true to a lesser extent for the three other big rewards: 100 plasma televisions, 500 cash prizes of $1,000 and 10,000 barbecues.

A spokesman at the company's headquarters in Oakville, Ont., was initially unaware of the prize distribution breakdown and had to check with corporate lawyers before confirming that the odds have been skewed for at least the past couple of years.

"There are only 30 cars," Greg Skinner said. "If it was all equalized, some places like P.E.I. or New Brunswick might not get one at all. This is just about trying to create some excitement."

The overall odds advertised by the company of winning one of the SUVs is one in 8,296,300. While a longshot, the chances are at least better than those of picking up the Lotto 6/49 jackpot, which are roughly one in 14 million.

Here is the link to a pdf with rules and prize distribution from 2005
Originally Posted by Sticky
I lose again.

Take a look at this:

This is a PDF of the contest rules. I has the total Roll Up the Rim cup distribution by region as well as the prizes (and therefore chances of winning - for the big prizes) by region.

Sticky The Stickman
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Old 03-16-2006, 01:30 PM   #123 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by highthief
Liberty Village? Is that a condo development or something? Tim's likes the all day traffic, if it is residential only, then they pretty much just get the morning and afternoon rush.

But I dunno - I lived in Parkdale when it was a slum, not trendy nouveau urban chic!
Liberty Village is the area formerly known simply as King and Dufferin. There are a ton of new residential condos and town homes as well as a ton of warehouse/office space conversions. In other words, day and night traffic.

They do have one in the Esso station at Stachan and King but it isn't close enough to get the new media workers in the village... If they has snapped up the retail space on the north west corner of King and Dufferin they would have made a mint. The area is sorely under-represented by coffee places.
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Old 03-16-2006, 02:15 PM   #124 (permalink)
james t kirk's Avatar
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by highthief
the rest are smaller jobbies inside the subway, the Dominion, the Esso station.
Those don't count.

They aren't the same, the suff is never fresh, ugh.
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Old 03-16-2006, 02:19 PM   #125 (permalink)
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Location: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted by james t kirk
Those don't count.

They aren't the same, the suff is never fresh, ugh.
They absolutely are fresh. Head to any of the Tim's in the Esso on Yonge south of Sheppard, the Esso at Don Mills and Finch or the one in Dominion at Yonge and Church, and tell me it isn't every bit as good as the big storefront places.

The java is always fresh and they get pastries and doughnuts a couple times a day.
Si vis pacem parabellum.
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Old 03-16-2006, 02:21 PM   #126 (permalink)
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Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I agree, they have been expanding like crazy all over Toronto. The closest to my house is at Logan and Danforth (it used to be a Tim and Wendy's combo but they just closed the Wendy's). I am surprised they aren't in Parkdale... Liberty Village could really use a Tim's.

You are right about the traffic. The other two Tim's close to me are all about the car. The one at Carlaw and Lakeshore (in a new gas station) and the one at Leslie and Lakeshore are not especially pedestrian friendly.
You know where would be a GREAT spot to build a store would be down around Spadina and Front. Right where all those new faceless boxes (condos) are being built.

There are something like another 29 planned for that lot from Spadina to Bathurst, F.G. Gardiner, north to Front Street.

That's thousands of plebes trapped in the suburban like downtown box.

In the morning, they would all be dying for a Tims.

We should all put in 100 grand each and open up our own Tim Hortons!!

Nothing could stop us.

Last edited by james t kirk; 03-16-2006 at 02:25 PM..
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Old 03-16-2006, 02:22 PM   #127 (permalink)
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I think you're right... that would be a good spot. It's also stumbling distance from the Skydome.
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Old 03-16-2006, 02:23 PM   #128 (permalink)
james t kirk's Avatar
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by highthief
They absolutely are fresh. Head to any of the Tim's in the Esso on Yonge south of Sheppard, the Esso at Don Mills and Finch or the one in Dominion at Yonge and Church, and tell me it isn't every bit as good as the big storefront places.

The java is always fresh and they get pastries and doughnuts a couple times a day.
Maybe the one by you, but the one in the Esso at Bloor and South Kingsway, you might as well eat car board, it would be fresher and better.
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Old 03-16-2006, 04:04 PM   #129 (permalink)
Young Crumudgeon
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Location: Canada
I've lost my ability to participate, officially speaking. I can win coffees and such at stores other than my own, but I would be unable to claim the big prizes.

The whole thing is pure marketing genius, as is evidenced by the fact that they bring it back year after year. I don't think they could stop it now if they wanted to; the public outcry would be unreal.

Not that they want to.

I particularly enjoy the signs in store that display the total number of winning tabs at that store, it's a nice touch. They make a nice big number to look out without giving any real idea of what the store's volume is. In point of comparison, my store is at approximately 5000 winners as of now. Sounds like a lot, right?

Well, sure. Unless you consider that we make approximately $5000 gross per day (my estimate based on past experience), and that most of that gross comes from orders costing less than $4. I unloaded the truck today; on it were approximately twenty boxes of cups containing 1000 cups apiece. We will use nearly all of those by the time the truck comes again, this time next week.

And we're not even a very busy store.

In that light, 5000 winners in the month or so we've been running the promo doesn't seem like all that much.
I wake up in the morning more tired than before I slept
I get through cryin' and I'm sadder than before I wept
I get through thinkin' now, and the thoughts have left my head
I get through speakin' and I can't remember, not a word that I said

- Ben Harper, Show Me A Little Shame
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Old 03-16-2006, 04:42 PM   #130 (permalink)
Bossnass's Avatar
Location: AWOL in Edmonton
Toronto locations aside, my wife and I now estimate that we've had 30 cups these last couple weeks and have won nothing, even in 'odds stacked' Alberta.

I hate this promotion. Too much extra business. I buy the coffee because I'm tired in the morning without it. I don't like the extra lines caused by these johnny-come-lately-rollers-of-rims.

I would also like to say that I walk right past a Second Cup and a Starbucks every day. I also walk by a mom-and-pop fairtrade coffeeshop, and if I walk another block over, I pass a Roasters. I am not really a fan of the higher priced, often burnt and stale offerings of the other shops. Give me a blind taste test, I think I'll chose the mass produced and mass perfected Tim's blend.
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Old 03-17-2006, 06:30 AM   #131 (permalink)
Sticky's Avatar
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I think you're right... that would be a good spot. It's also stumbling distance from the Skydome.

First of all, as you TO dwellers should know, it is "Skydome" not "the Skydome".
Second, it is Rogers Centre now.

Get with it man.
Sticky The Stickman
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Old 03-17-2006, 06:58 AM   #132 (permalink)
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I refuse to call it anything but Skydome... as for the use of "the", I did not call it The Skydome, I said, the Skydome. Small but big difference.

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Old 03-17-2006, 08:57 AM   #133 (permalink)
Sticky's Avatar
No, I believe that the wanted it used like a Name.

Like, it is also stumbling distance from Sticky or Skydome.

I think it is dumb, but what can you do.
Sticky The Stickman
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Old 03-17-2006, 09:00 AM   #134 (permalink)
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Hmmm... well I know it's not a Skydome... whatever.
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Old 03-17-2006, 09:03 AM   #135 (permalink)
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The Man has decided that it is the Rogers Centre.
Just like the Molson Centre became the Bell Centre.

Those rat bastards
Sticky The Stickman
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Old 03-18-2006, 05:29 AM   #136 (permalink)
james t kirk's Avatar
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I refuse to call it anything but Skydome...
Ditto that.

It was christined SkyDome, SkyDome shall it be.

No-one I know calls it the Rogers Centre.

Fuck Ted Rogers that egomaniac. It cost 580 million to build, he bought it for 25 million.
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Old 03-20-2006, 06:33 AM   #137 (permalink)
Sticky's Avatar
Originally Posted by james t kirk
Fuck Ted Rogers that egomaniac. It cost 580 million to build, he bought it for 25 million.

Why would you be upset at Ted Rogers. Looks like he got a good deal, no?
Who sold it to him and ripped off the taxpayers?
Sticky The Stickman
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Old 03-20-2006, 06:34 AM   #138 (permalink)
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Another losing cup.
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Old 03-20-2006, 07:11 AM   #139 (permalink)
Leto's Avatar
Location: The Danforth
some thoughts:

First: Ding! my second cup of free coffee. But then I bought a round of 5 large for my Kumon tutors on the weekend, and don't know how those fared....

Second: I always thought that Toronto was under-Timmed as well, especially considering the number of those stores that I saw in Nova Scotia when I was out there. Incredible density. They are definitely over-Timmed.

Third: I hate the name Roger's Centre. I can never figure out immediately what is meant. When I first heard it, I had no idea that the_Skydome was renamed to that. I also know that its real name was Skydome. But I don't know anybody who said just 'Skydome'. It was always 'the Skydome' with a small 'the'.

Fourth: I was in a Tim's on the weekend, and noticed that their advertising now states explicitly that you actually WIN the CAR, not the LEASE. Some bad press going around?
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
And I never saw someone say that before
You held my hand and we walked home the long way
You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr


Last edited by Leto; 03-20-2006 at 09:48 AM..
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Old 03-20-2006, 07:28 AM   #140 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Leto
some thoughts:
Third: I hate the name Roger's Centre. I can never figure out immediately what is meant. When I first heard it, I had no idea that the_Skydome was renamed to that. I also no that it's real name was Skydome. But I don't know anybody who said just 'Skydome'. It was always 'the Skydome' with a small 'the'.
You may recall that the original name was decided through a public suggestion contest. The winning submission was just "Skydome", so that became the official moniker, regardless if the submitter implied the use of "The" or not.

I always included "the".

My favourite entry from that contest was: the "Canadian Ontario National Dome" or CONdome. heh.
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life
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Old 03-20-2006, 08:07 AM   #141 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by fresnelly
My favourite entry from that contest was: the "Canadian Ontario National Dome" or CONdome. heh.
Given the history of the dome... CON dome is funny a couple of levels.
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Old 03-20-2006, 09:51 AM   #142 (permalink)
Leto's Avatar
Location: The Danforth
Originally Posted by Charlatan
Given the history of the dome... CON dome is funny a couple of levels.
Which levels in particular?

Especially in the far reaches of Level 500! Very private there during the mid-90's
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
And I never saw someone say that before
You held my hand and we walked home the long way
You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr

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Old 03-22-2006, 08:38 AM   #143 (permalink)
Location: Canada
..... nope, not this time either

every time they bring out rrrroll up the rim, i make a point to go to tims for a lg tea .... only time i really go there all yr. ... i am 0 fer 16 so far this time around .... gotta admit its quite the marketing gag ... gets me sucked in every time ...
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Old 03-23-2006, 07:12 AM   #144 (permalink)
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Soy un Perdidor
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Old 03-23-2006, 07:23 AM   #145 (permalink)
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I took my son to his dentist appointment this morning and lo and behold, there is a new (to me anyway) Tim Horton's at the South East corner of Yonge and Eglinton... I bought my first Tim Horton's coffee since last summer...

I rolled the rim and felt just like Sticky.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
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Old 03-23-2006, 07:24 AM   #146 (permalink)
Bossnass's Avatar
Location: AWOL in Edmonton
I hate those special spanish cups too. Although I would actually prefer it if my cups came right out and said it too.

Last edited by Bossnass; 03-23-2006 at 07:31 AM..
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Old 03-25-2006, 05:28 AM   #147 (permalink)
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Oh look! I've been Stickyed.

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Old 03-30-2006, 08:57 AM   #148 (permalink)
Young Crumudgeon
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Originally Posted by Leto
Fourth: I was in a Tim's on the weekend, and noticed that their advertising now states explicitly that you actually WIN the CAR, not the LEASE. Some bad press going around?
In prior years, the grand prize was a lease rather than the actual car. This wasn't very well advertised, but as time went on more and more people found out the truth of it. Seems this year TDL has bowed to public pressure and stopped skimping.

They make enough money, I reckon they can afford a few $35k SUV's.
I wake up in the morning more tired than before I slept
I get through cryin' and I'm sadder than before I wept
I get through thinkin' now, and the thoughts have left my head
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- Ben Harper, Show Me A Little Shame
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Old 03-30-2006, 01:34 PM   #149 (permalink)
highthief's Avatar
Location: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I took my son to his dentist appointment this morning and lo and behold, there is a new (to me anyway) Tim Horton's at the South East corner of Yonge and Eglinton... I bought my first Tim Horton's coffee since last summer...

I rolled the rim and felt just like Sticky.
It's amazing isn't it? Brand new place, was filled to the rafters when I went by last weekend. Goddam gold mines.
Si vis pacem parabellum.
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Old 03-30-2006, 04:13 PM   #150 (permalink)
Scorps's Avatar
Location: Kingston, Ontario
I don't drink Coffee any ways, but I get maybe 2-3 Hot Choclates(sp) and win 1 or 2 times

But its only Donuts or Muffins
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Old 03-30-2006, 06:42 PM   #151 (permalink)
Location: Calgary, AB
I'm now a whoping 0-18.

The kick in the face is the damn sign I see everyday that tells me how many thousands of winners there are in that location alone.
Happiness is just a roughing penalty away.
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Old 03-30-2006, 11:38 PM   #152 (permalink)
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Location: Kingston, Ontario
Originally Posted by leftwingx
I'm now a whoping 0-18.

The kick in the face is the damn sign I see everyday that tells me how many thousands of winners there are in that location alone.

Time to find a new Timmies to buy from....
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Old 03-31-2006, 10:33 AM   #153 (permalink)
Bossnass's Avatar
Location: AWOL in Edmonton
Three seperate locations. Two people purchasing semi-regular coffees. One whining Bossnass and his multi-year zero win streak.
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Old 03-31-2006, 12:51 PM   #154 (permalink)
Leto's Avatar
Location: The Danforth
Ding! A free doughnut from the Timmy's at Vic Park and Sheppard
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
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You held my hand and we walked home the long way
You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr

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Old 04-02-2006, 04:35 PM   #155 (permalink)
highthief's Avatar
Location: Ontario, Canada
OK, I'll be the first to go there ... think that guy who blew himself up downtown today at the Tim's on Yorkville did so out of frustration, having hit his 25th "Please try again" rim?
Si vis pacem parabellum.
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Old 04-02-2006, 04:42 PM   #156 (permalink)
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Blew himself up??
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Old 04-03-2006, 02:11 AM   #157 (permalink)
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I thought it might be Sticky getting a little frustrated with losing so much...
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Old 04-03-2006, 03:23 AM   #158 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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Location: Nova Scotia
I can't get over how bad RUTR sucks out here in Atlantic Canada! And I keep reading about how your odds of winning are better out here?
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Old 04-03-2006, 04:19 AM   #159 (permalink)
highthief's Avatar
Location: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I thought it might be Sticky getting a little frustrated with losing so much...

Glad to see you are still here. I feared for you.

Si vis pacem parabellum.
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Old 04-03-2006, 05:20 AM   #160 (permalink)
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No worries... I am actually in the south of France right now. Besides, my office is in the Queen and Spadina area... Yonge and Bloor is a world away.
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- Old Man Luedecke
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rrrrrim, rrrrroll

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