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Old 01-12-2005, 10:40 AM   #1 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Tilted Tea

I was looking for a tea threat this morning, but I only found a few threads that were single question specific. I figured it would be nice to have a thread devoted to the cooking, medical and health benifits, quality, availability, and enjoyment of tea!

I'll start. I usually go to Trader Joes or some local shopps to get my tea. I have yet to plant tea in my yard, despite the fact I can assure the quality if I did. I enjoy green oolong, jasmine, black, cinniman, peach, rasberry, vanilla, ginger, and earl grey tea. I know many teas have antioxidents and supposedly has some weight loss beinfits, though I have yet to read anything conclusive.
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Old 01-12-2005, 10:47 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Location: Lilburn, Ga
earl grey and scottish breakfast tea's are my two favs. There is a tea house I go to on special occasions (really fun old timey place where you get to play dress up with old clothes, gloves, hats and furs) that has some of the best teas I've ever had, unfortunately at the moment I dont remember the names, I only remember what I like when Im looking at the menu.

gosh I love going to High Tea
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 01-12-2005, 12:10 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I love good tea...

I am very fond of strong black teas like oolong and Darjeeling... Wittard's also puts out a nice one call Sticky Toffee Tea. It is a dark tea with small chunks of toffee... it has a great taste.

I too like going to High Tea although my favourite tea experience was in a little village in the hills of northern Taiwan. A friend took me to his favourite tea house where we spent the day talking and drinking tea in small cups brewed in ancient tea pots...
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
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Old 01-12-2005, 03:36 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I loooove tea...I usually buy Twinings (loose or bagged) where I can find it...and store it in a Tupperware container. It keeps it fresh and keeps the flavor pure. My favorites are Darjeeling, Lady Grey, and Blackcurrant. I like Tazo green tea and chai. Mmm, chai.

My roommate got a Tazo sampler for Christmas and I'm currently working my way through that one cup at a time. There's just something inherently appealing about a warm cup of tea. Methinks I must go get one now...
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Old 01-12-2005, 03:48 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Yogi Teas are my favorite (if you go to their website, www.yogitea.com, you can request a sample or two sent to you.) They have a great selection of green teas, and, a lot of organic teas as well. Their green chai is one of my favorites, and some of the other green teas make a great iced tea for the summer.

I love the warmth of the Chai teas, especially this time of year. (and the yogi teas all have fun little fortunes on the tea bag tag.

Summer I love the fruity teas -- they make a great iced tea, with just a bit of honey in it - I'll drink it by the gallon...Right now, I've got a hazelnut spice tea, not sure who makes it... but the smell is wonderful. (and this is coming from someone who people who know me well, insist I don't have blood inmy veins, but coffee)
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Old 01-12-2005, 06:44 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Ouuuterrrr Spaaaaacccceeee
You just opened a Pandora's box for me. I am a tea enthusiast in the highest degree. I usually drink about a pot a day, and am very touchy about the subject, hehe. I have a teapot for each major type of tea; a very cool looking glass one for my black teas, a ceramic one for my greens, and a Yixing one for gung-fu style of preparation for oolongs. I am also a purist. I stick to only true teas - those that come from the plant camellia sinensis, and taken with no additives (like milk or sugar), and I aviod bags as much as I can. I know if I get started rambling, I could make this post way too long, so I'll end here.
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Old 01-12-2005, 07:32 PM   #7 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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RoboBlaster, do you grow your own tea? I've been thinking about growing my own to ensure quality.
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Old 01-13-2005, 07:04 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Robo Blaster... I think it would be great if you posted a little refresher course on the proper preparation of tea... I'd read it anyway.
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Old 01-13-2005, 08:37 AM   #9 (permalink)
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I'm no connoiseur (good, old fashioned Yorkshire Tea is my brew) but I can't let a tea thread go by without having my name attached to it.

It takes tea to make a thing go right,
It takes tea to make it out o' sight.

I love tea, me.
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Old 01-13-2005, 08:51 AM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Ouuuterrrr Spaaaaacccceeee
Nope, I don't grow my own tea. I would, but tea is a very particular plant and it takes just the right soil and climate to grow, not to mention produce a drinkable cup of tea. So unless you live in a warm climate in a high elevation with a wet season and dry season like India, China, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, etc, you probably won't get too much luck.

And now, the proper preparation of that prime potable...


There are three major types of tea: oolong, black, and green. All come from the same exact plant, but are prepared differently (but that's a topic for another post). They each have much different tastes, and there is a lot of variation within the types as well. Now, I would bet that most Americans who hate tea have actually not had a well prepared cup of tea. Which is sad, because tea is very simple to make and is relatively cheap. A very high class of wine could cost $10 a glass, whereas the highest quality of tea (which, I would argue, has the same complexity as great glass of wine) will cost around $.50 a cup. Not a bad deal.

Before I get into the method of preparation for the different types of teas, here are my three cardinal rules to ensure a quality cup...

The Three Cardinal Rules For A Good Cuppa

1. Use quality loose leaf. Ditch the bags, they are evil. Especially lipton's. They use the lowest quality of leaf they can get away with, it goes stale quicker, and is blended more for the color of the liquor than the flavor. You can find many good teas at www.specialteas.com or www.uptontea.com or if you really would like to indulge, www.inpursuitoftea.com

2. Use quality water. This rule is simple. Tea is 99.9% water, so if you have bad water, you'll have bad tea. It is best to either use bottled spring water (not distilled, you want the minerals to interact with the tea compunds) or filtered tap water.

3. Follow your own tastes, not mine If you disagree with any points above or below, that's all right. Everyone has their own tastes. Do what you like.

How To Prepare Tea (by type)


Get some water boiling. You want a good healthy boil for this one. A kettle is best, I use an electric one, I got it a Wal-Mart (shudder) for about $10 bucks and love it. It even has a water temperature dial, which is important.

Prepare your vessel. A teapot is best for this. You want the teapot to be good and hot so when the water goes in from the kettle, it doesn't cool down too much to where it is at below tea prep temp. To heat the ole sucker up, either take some really hot water from the kettle and swirl until you feel the outside get hot, or just run hot tap water through the pot till it gets hot.

Measure your tea. For black, you'll want about a spoon per 6 oz. Normal coffee mugs hold about 12 oz., so use that as a gauge.

Put the tea in the pot or infuser. An infuser is usually a wire mesh thingie that fits into the pot. If you don't have an infuser, you could just let it sit in the pot and then strain the tea into your cup as long as you use all of the tea and don't let the leaves sit around in the rest of the tea in the pot. If you are making it in a mug, this can get a little tricky. You could use a tea ball, which is a metal ball made of mesh or perforated steel which you put your tea in. But tea needs room to expand and let water pass all around. Tea balls aren't very good for this. A better alternative would be to find an infuser on the internet that is mug sized. I have one, and it is great.

Pour tea in pot/mug over the leaves. Do not put in the water then the leaves. You want the water to cascade over the leaves so they don't just float on the top.

Wait. How long? Black tea takes from 3-5 minutes. Do not let black tea steep longer than 5 minutes! If you do, the bitter compounds in tea will be released, resulting in a nasty cup. If you want to make tea stronger, use more leaf, never increase time.

Remove tea and enjoy.


Green tea needs a much lower temperature of water, else it will release nasty compunds. When this happens, the tea is considered to be stewed and will taste like grass clipping stew. Not pleasant. The ideal temp if you have a thermometer lying around is about 175-190 F. This is a brisk steam with no bubbles making it to the surface.

Prepare your vessel.

Measure your tea. Still, about a teaspoon per 6 oz.

Put water on tea.

Wait. Green teas need about 1 and a half to 2 minutes tops. Much shorter than black tea.

Serve and enjoy. The really cool thing about green teas is that they can undergo multiple steeps. That's right, the used leaves can be used again. Just repeat the process, adding about 30 seconds to each subsequent steep. The higher quality the leaf, the more infusions you will get. Keep steeping until the flavor recedes. The last steep where just a hint of tea flavor remains is called "magic water."


Possibly my favorite tea, oolongs take water temps between green and black. Hotter than green, less than black. The water should be at about 200 F. Not quite boiling.

Prepare your vessel.

Meaure tea. Same as the others. Many vendors will give recommendations on teap prep on the package itself. It's okay to follow them. I suppose I should note that the shape and size of leaf could affect how much you use. A teaspoon of tightly rolled compact leaves is going to be different than big bulky flat leaves. Try to do your best: experimentation is half the fun.

Pour water on tea.

Wait. For this method, steep for about as long as green, maybe a bit longer, but not more than 3 minutes or so. Oolongs can be tempermental, so I would recommend following the vendor's recommendations.

Pour and enjoy. You can also squeeze out a few infsions out of this type of tea, usually more than you could from green. In fact, it is said that the first infusion of oolongs is the most fragrant, but the second has the best flavor - try and see. For oolongs, there is an ancient Chinese tea preparation called gungfu, which uses a special teapot. If there is any interest, I could talk about it as well.

Make Your Own Decaf

Most grocery store tea is bad. Most grocery store decaf tea is Satan's natural assault on the sophisticated human palate. Even higer quality teas lose a lot of flavor during the process of decaffeination. Fortunately, there is an easy and tastier way to do it. Right when you get your water ready, pour just enough into your pot/mug/whatever to cover the leaves. Wait about thirty seconds. Discard the water and make tea as you normally would. Since caffeine is so water soluable, most of it will release in that first 30 seconds and be thrown out with the water. Presto, good decaf.


And there you have it. RoboBlaster's guide to tea preparation. I hope it's useful. Have fun and, above all else, enjoy!

Last edited by RoboBlaster; 01-13-2005 at 06:21 PM..
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Old 01-13-2005, 11:46 AM   #11 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
RoboBlaster, you are my hero. That is the most complete article on tea I've ever seen!
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Old 01-13-2005, 06:07 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: Ouuuterrrr Spaaaaacccceeee
Glad you enjoyed it! (Note my addition to the oolong section as well as the decaf section.) I always love discussing tea. Unfortunately, not many people around me are into it 1/5 as much as me.

Last edited by RoboBlaster; 01-13-2005 at 06:22 PM..
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Old 01-13-2005, 07:12 PM   #13 (permalink)
Bryndian_Dhai's Avatar
Location: Louisiana
Oooh, tea. My favorite beverage ever. *grins*

I purchase 90% of my tea loose. Some I buy online from TeaVana or another vendor of quality teas. I also buy from a local shop who carries superb quality loose teas.

Living in the Deep South, we are surrounded by the pervasive Iced Tea, which I do indeed enjoy.... I still make it the way my mother did, loose black tea in doubled cheesecloth, in a gallon jar, sitting in the sun. Sun tea is the best way to drink iced tea, imho.

I am with RoboBlaster... I own several different teapots, each designated for a different tea. Glass, pottery, Yixing... I even have an electric tea steeper, which I usually only use for "commercial" teas.... the occasional Celestial Seasonings or Twinings flavor that catches my eye and I can't pass up.

I'm less of a purist though: I enjoy not only the teas from the camellia sinensis plant, but I also enjoy a good rooibos (African Red Bush) and herbal teas as well. I do sweeten, usually only with a touch of honey, although the Russian black requires a little milk, too, as it's stronger than coffee (I drink coffee black, no milk, if you're curious. *grins*) I've never grown tea, and rooibos doesn't do well here in the swampy, humid South. I have made teas from my own herbs, though, and my chamomile/mint blend is still one I make myself from my own herbs.

For the record, I thought I'd add the preparations for Rooibos and for herbal teas. *winks* They are really good for you.

For Rooibos (or red bush tea):

Hot Tea Brewing: Bring freshly drawn cold water to a rolling boil. Place 1/2 teaspoon of African red bush (Rooibos Red Tea) for each cup into the teapot. Pour the boiling water into the pot, cover and let steep for 2-4 minutes. Pour into your cup, add milk and sugar to taste.

Iced tea brewing method: (to make 1 liter/quart): Place 4teaspoons of Rooibos into a teapot or heat resistant pitcher. Pour 1 1/4 cups of freshly boiled water over the Rooibos. Steep for 5 minutes. Quarter fill a serving pitcher with cold water. Pour the Rooibos into the serving pitcher straining the leaves. Add ice and top-up with cold water. Garnish and sweeten to taste.

For Herbal tea:

Start with fresh, pure water. Bring water almost to a boil in a glass pot or teakettle. *It's best not to use aluminum for herbal tea*

While your water comes to a boil, warm your teapot by swirling just a bit of hot water in it and then pouring the water out, or just hold it under the hot water tap briefly. (This is to protect the pot and keep it from cracking due to the extreme heat change)

Measure 1 level teaspoon of loose herbs per cup into your warmed teapot.

When the kettle just starts to whistle, carefully remove it from the heat and slowly pour this nearly boiling water over herbs to just below the top of your teapot. Put the lid back on and let it steep for at least 15 minutes, although more time would be best.

Swirl the teapot gently and pour through a strainer (if you like a clean brew) into your cup. You can use bamboo, cheesecloth, a coffee filter, whatever you have on hand.

For a single cup of tea, you can put tea in a teaball. Be sure to not stuff these to tightly - and let it steep for more than a couple minutes (at least five to ten for a single cup of tea).

You can use an electric percolator to brew and keep herbal tea hot for hours.

If you don't finish the pot, you can pour and strain the rest of your brew into a quart or other glass jug (if you like it sweetened, be sure to add honey while it's still warm) and refrigerate.
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Old 01-13-2005, 07:30 PM   #14 (permalink)
Location: Ouuuterrrr Spaaaaacccceeee
Good addendum, Bryndian_Dhai. I like rooibos a lot, as well. It's about the only herbal I drink. Sometimes I do add milk to certain black teas. I've found that milk can also mask some of the more aggressive and nasty flavors of poor quality tea. But always remember... milk goes in the cup first!
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Old 01-13-2005, 08:30 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RoboBlaster
Good addendum, Bryndian_Dhai. I like rooibos a lot, as well. It's about the only herbal I drink. Sometimes I do add milk to certain black teas. I've found that milk can also mask some of the more aggressive and nasty flavors of poor quality tea. But always remember... milk goes in the cup first!

*grins* Thank you very much, from one connessieur to another.

And of course, milk goes first. *winks*

I actually started drinking herbals before I went to regular (hot) blacks, oolongs and greens. I have several health issues that I have always preferred to treat holistically, and tea is a major part of my daily routine. Dragonsclaw tincture for my arthritis masked by a fragrant cup of something soothing for my headaches have been part of my daily preventative for as long as I can remember. I'm a bit of an amateur (for myself only, of course) apothecary, growing and making my own recipes under the tutelage of a local holistic healer.

Iced tea is as much a part the culture in the South as drawls and tractor pulls. *grins* And with a hippie revivalist mother, I was born to discover the joys of tea as they were truly meant to be consumed.... hot and fragrant. *grins*
“When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
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Old 01-14-2005, 07:01 AM   #16 (permalink)
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This is definately my favourite thread of the week! While I knew a lot of the process for making tea I've never had it all in one place or broken down into the various types of tea...

I've just always had various tea pots and infuser around for making tea... just apeing what my Mom always did... I asked her last night and she just does what her Mom did... Her Mom was very English.

Unfortunately, like most things in life, I find myself rushing through the process and just throwing a bag into a mug followed by some boiling water... must endeavour to make better tea.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
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Old 01-14-2005, 12:50 PM   #17 (permalink)
Location: Ouuuterrrr Spaaaaacccceeee
Originally Posted by Charlatan
Unfortunately, like most things in life, I find myself rushing through the process and just throwing a bag into a mug followed by some boiling water... must endeavour to make better tea.
Ah, that is the best thing about tea. It forces you to take a moment and relax. To truly enjoy tea, you must sit back, take a breath, sip, and take notice of all the complexities. For that one moment, the universe exists on the tongue.

Reminds me of the Japanese proverb...

Without tea in him, man is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.
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Old 01-14-2005, 01:06 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RoboBlaster
Without tea in him, man is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.
I think they were talking about Tea Leoni but maybe that's just me...
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
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Old 01-14-2005, 02:15 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: nyc
For christmas this year I made truffels flavored with tea. I made Eral grey, moraccan mint and chai and they all turned out really well. you just use a basical truffels recipe and before pouring the warm cream and butter over the chocolate steep a few ounces of tea in it then strain.
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Old 01-15-2005, 12:30 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Location: New York, NY
Wow, roboblast, that is quite a list - I've printed it out and also e-mailed it to a number of friends. Thanks so much!

I drink a lot of tea although I'm not a purist at all - although after reading your instructions, maybe I'll become one! I have a box or two of Yogi tea but I have a lot of Celestial Seasonings boxes around, and that's what I drink the most. I generally drink it for health benefits - I drink a lot of echinacea tea when I'm sick (I'm having some right now), as well as Vitamin C tea, "Sleepytime" tea before bed...I really enjoy having a cup of tea before I go to bed. I wish I had time to drink a cup in the morning, but it's so hard to just sit and have a cup while I'm trying to get ready...

Great thread!
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Old 01-15-2005, 02:16 PM   #21 (permalink)
Location: Ouuuterrrr Spaaaaacccceeee
Yeah! I am honored that my post was email worthy. I love spreading the awesomeness of tea.
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Old 01-17-2005, 10:42 AM   #22 (permalink)
gal's Avatar
Ooh! Good thread! My favorite black tea is gotta be Tetley. In the evening I go for any of various Celestial Seasoning teas (Sleepytime, Tension Tamer..). Chai or cinnamon spice teas from Yogi Tea are also great.
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Old 01-17-2005, 10:54 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Okay, you guys might kill me for getting a bit low class but....

Learn me the ways of makin good Southern Sweet Tea!! You can't get that nectar of the Gods up here in the Northeast. They give you regular tea and a packet of sugars. That just doesn't cut it.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
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Old 01-17-2005, 12:49 PM   #24 (permalink)
Bryndian_Dhai's Avatar
Location: Louisiana
Ok, here it is..... the recipe for sweet tea, southern style. There is a hot brew method and a cold brew method. This is the hot brew method. Cold brew is slightly easier, but needs sunlight to work right.

You'll need 7 - 10 regular tea bags (orange pekoe or an orange pekoe and black blend, usually)

Hot water

A Gallon container (Glass is best. You can use <i>hard</i> plastic, if you have to, and <b>never</b> use metal.... we always used an old pickle jar, but you can buy one that will work. Walmart and Kmart and Target all carry something that will work)

Sugar to taste.... My family always used about a cup of sugar. I use about a third to a half cup of Splenda, since I have to watch my carbs. I wouldn't use Equal or Sweet'n'Low, they make it taste funny.

Heat your water to nearly a boil. (I've used tap water at its hottest, but we keep our water heater VERY hot....) You'll want to temper the container if you're using glass... you can run it under hot tap water to do that, it works just fine. Drop the teabags into the gallon container (I personally use 8. Some like it stronger or weaker, but I've found 8 to be perfect) and pour the hot water over them. Put the lid on the container (if it doesn't have a lid, plastic cling wrap will work) and put it aside on the counter. Let it sit for at least a half hour, though longer won't hurt it. (As a matter of fact, if you leave it and forget it, this is the only tea that won't get bitter if it sits for a long time.) As soon as the water is cool enough for you to touch, it's perfect.... Open the container and fish out the teabags and discard. Sweeten to taste.

If you don't drink it quickly, you <i>must</i> refrigerate it. It will go sour if you leave it out for any length of time. (by length of time, I mean more than a couple of days, lol.... it does keep for a while)

We drink enough of it at home that my mom keeps two jars.... one in the fridge and when it's low, the other one has tea in it brewing. It's the steeping that gives southern tea such a full bodied flavor that works well with the sugar.... the stuff you get in restaurants is drip brewed, or instant, and doesn't taste like tea at all, to me.... tastes like brown water with sugar in it.

For the record, cold brewing, to me, tastes even better.... takes a little longer, but it's so good in the summertime....

Same recipe, but leave out the hot water. Pour cold water over the tea bags, and leave in the sun. It takes at LEAST an hour.... you'll know its ready when the tea is a that beautiful deep red-brown color. My mom calls the cold brew method "hippie tea", lol.

Oh, and in the summer, either method ROCKS if you add one or two mint tea bags to the recipe. I actually substitute at least one, usually two teabags with mint, but I like it REALLY minty.... adding it is best the first time. It makes a crisp, refreshing southern mint tea that is wonderful when it's hot. You can do the same with peach tea bags, and any other that catches your fancy. Your fruit flavors and mint are best for that.

Have fun.... Southern tea is a staple down here.... We drink more of it than we do cokes.
“When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
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Old 01-17-2005, 12:55 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Location: I'm workin' on it
Hey thanks Bryndian! That's what I figured, but I haven't tried it myself yet. I think I shall tonight
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Old 01-17-2005, 01:14 PM   #26 (permalink)
Location: Plano, TX
Let me know how it goes, Averett! I've been looking for a GOOD southern-style sweet tea recipe for ages!
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Old 01-17-2005, 01:16 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Location: Louisiana
You're welcome.

I was rereading the directions and realized I skipped a step.... Well, technically I didn't, since I don't do the step, but the omission will be obvious if you make it how I said here....

When you're brewing tea the hot way, there are two ways to achieve it..... the most common way is to use just one pot of hot water from a teapot.... then add water after its brewed and you've taken the teabags out (It simply makes a concentrate, since a teapot doesn't hold a gallon of water.) I don't make it that way, so I didn't think to include it. I use a whole gallon of hot water. I don't like using concentrates at all.... If you boil the water and then add your hottest tap water, you should be fine combining them.... the water will stay hot enough to brew the tea.

If you have nasty tap water, then all I can suggest is using a bigger pot than a teapot. When I was in college, I made hot water by running water through my coffee pot (without coffee or filter, obviously, lol). *grins* it's not a gallon, but it makes the water plenty hot. There are lots of ways to get the water hot enough.... To be honest, I've been making this tea so long, that I <i>always</i> use just hot tap water, and let it steep just a little longer.
“When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
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Old 01-17-2005, 06:21 PM   #28 (permalink)
Location: Ouuuterrrr Spaaaaacccceeee
You beat me to the punch on the sweet tea, Bryndian_Dhai, but I am sure that is all for the better considering you are further south than I am, and are probably more of an expert on the subject. When I make it, I use the concentrate method using 20 bags per gallon and only steeping four minutes. I have never tried the slow method using few teabags. Perhaps I will try tomorrow....

Also, I would be careful using hot tap water, as it is really not meant for human consumption. A look at the bottom of a hot water heater would tell you why.
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Old 01-17-2005, 06:32 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Well, I'm drinking my first attempt at sweet tea. It's not bad. Not great either. I don't think I let it steep long enough. I used 5 bags for my quart pitcher. Its too weak and not sweet enough. But still not half bad. I'll have it perfected soon
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
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Old 01-17-2005, 08:58 PM   #30 (permalink)
Bryndian_Dhai's Avatar
Location: Louisiana
Originally Posted by RoboBlaster
Also, I would be careful using hot tap water, as it is really not meant for human consumption. A look at the bottom of a hot water heater would tell you why.
True, lol, but I like to live on the wild side. *wicked grin* Nah, I have a Pur water filter on my tap water these days. Although, I didn't always, and the hot water actually kills a LOT of the nastiness in tap water. *shrugs*

I wish I liked the outcome of the concentrate method.... I just find it sort of watered down, I guess (which, technically it is) and lacking in the fullness of flavor of hippie-style brewed tea.

I will say, for brand snobs (which I am about some things but not really about tea for iced tea), Luzianne is best, followed by Community (a local brand, so if you can't find it, don't worry about it) and Lipton after. Generic is what I usually buy, only because it's cheap and I go through it so quickly....

For Averette.... You simply CAN'T over-steep iced tea. It's not possible, unless you let it sit so long it goes sour. The longer it sits, the better it is. And I would start with "not enough sugar" and work your way up to "enough".... it's easier to add more sugar than it is to take it out.

If your quart try isn't good enough, try steeping the same number of tea bags and let it sit overnight. Start with a third cup of regular sugar (or a quarter cup of Splenda) and work your way up from there.

When you find <i>the</i> perfect proportions for you, you'll know... Southern iced tea is one of those things that's great at your neighbor's house, but ambrosia at your own. *grins*
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Old 01-17-2005, 09:37 PM   #31 (permalink)
Location: Ouuuterrrr Spaaaaacccceeee
I can understand steeping for a really long time as per the cold brewing method, but how does a really long steep time work with hot water? What keeps all the bitter compunds coming through?

One thing that bugs me about sweet tea at restaurants and stuff is that the tea is always way too sweet. I prefer just enough sugar to notice it's there. This is about a half a cup per gallon. Most places have it so sweet that most of the tea flavor is masked. I know, I could order unsweetened, but then I have to use one of those packets, and then stir forever, as the sugar dissolves so slowly. Not worth it.
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Old 01-17-2005, 09:54 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RoboBlaster
I can understand steeping for a really long time as per the cold brewing method, but how does a really long steep time work with hot water? What keeps all the bitter compunds coming through?
I have no idea what keeps the bitterness out... Maybe its the orange pekoe... I've never actually had any success with <i>any</i> other type of tea with sweet iced tea..... Maybe its the fact that the water cools so incredibly quickly. Whatever the reason, all I really know is that it does NOT get bitter, as long as you use an orange pekoe or blend.

As far as sweetness.... most restaurants here have gone to a sweet tea "on the gun", which means it comes pre-mixed for beverage guns.... I find those WAY too sweet, and ALWAYS, without exception, order "half and half", to mitigate the sweetness. Even in Southern restaurants, if they don't do "gun" sweet tea, they do the drip method, like coffee, which is always nasty.

I have to say, this is SO cool... I LOVE talking about tea..... It's been awesome talking to someone who loves it as much as I do.
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Old 01-18-2005, 07:45 AM   #33 (permalink)
Location: Ouuuterrrr Spaaaaacccceeee
Yeah, it really is cool. If you are into usenet at all, be sure to check out food.rec.drink.tea.

Orange pekoe is not a type of tea, but a level in a grading system that refers to the size of the leaf of a black tea. Strange words to refer to a tea grade, but that's what Thomas Lipton used, and it stuck. Though the quality of a black tea is not determined by it's grade, I definitely see a correlation a lot. Here is a small rundown...

Dust/Fannings - This is basically tea powder. Many companies add it to teabags to release color quicker. Because the bits are so small, they go stale quickly.
Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP) - These are small bits of the tea that have been broken off the
leaf. Many top quality Assams are made from BOP leaves.
Orange Pekoe (OP) - This is the largest leaf size, though it may still be broken somewhat.
Flowery Orange Pekoe (FOP) - Like OP, but the leaves are even more uniform and intact
Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe (GFOP) - Teas of this type include the immature tea buds. Good to have as they add a mellow complexity to the tea.
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe (TGFOP) - Even more tips.
Fine Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe (FTGFOP) - Really high quality version of TGFOP.
SpecialFine Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe (SFTGFOP) - This is a tea that the estate thought was extra good. If you see one of these, it's at least worth a try.

One thing to remember about grades is that they are not controlled by any standardized means. Each individual tea estates does their own unregulated grading. Also, these grades are only used for Indian black teas. Green teas and oolongs all have their own grading system, which can vary by even the type of tea it is and are often graded by quality and not leaf size.
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Old 01-18-2005, 12:24 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Learn something new every day. *grins* Thanks for the info..... Now I'm looking forward to shopping for new tea again. lol...
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Old 01-20-2005, 06:51 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Tazo - Awake

This stuff rocks, I am a total addict.
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Old 01-20-2005, 07:10 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Here is something I'd like clarified... cleaning your tea pot and/or cups. What is the proceedure?

I believe you aren't supposed to wash a tea pot just rinse it with hot water... Is this correct and are there different rules for different types of pots?
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Old 01-20-2005, 07:48 AM   #37 (permalink)
Location: Ouuuterrrr Spaaaaacccceeee
I never clean my pots with soap. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that most surfaces in quality teapots are somewhat pourous. If soap were to get down there, it would be really nasty. Second, by not completely removing the particles of tea, you allow them to stick to the sides of the pot. This is called seasoning the pot, as the particles strengthen the flavor of the tea. That's why I use a different pot for each different type of tea; I don't want the seasonings of a black tea to get into my green tea.
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Old 01-20-2005, 07:55 AM   #38 (permalink)
Location: Bath, UK
Wow, this is a great thread!

Good guide RoboBlaster, its always pleasing to see the proper method for the preparation of tea spread far and wide . I also think you agree with the saying "Not my cup of tea" ?

I would add something if I may - the cup shaped infusers are a fantastic and quick way of making a nice cup of tea but make sure you have a *metal* one. They are much easier to clean! (Can use bicarbonate of soda or a scourer) The plastic ones eventually seal up with all the tea remains....

Is the gungfu method of tea preparation the same as a tea ceremony? Where you use chopsticks and pour three times, etc? Fascinating bit of culture there.

The Tea Companion (Connoisseur's Guides) http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/...823994-0493228
is a good book and it has more information on different temperatures for different teas.

My personal fav is Rawanda tea (splashy of milk) and chen mee (green tea) or gunpowder (mum and dad brought me some back from Morrocco). In Afganistan they drink gunpowder with a few cardamon pods - very nice indeed (beware, gunpowder is especially horrid if stewed).

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Old 01-20-2005, 08:00 AM   #39 (permalink)
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I seem to reacall there was a Russian way of drinking tea... Something to do with drinking our of the saucer... anyone know about this?

By the way, regarding the cleaning of pots... what about glass tea pots?
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Old 01-20-2005, 08:34 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Charlatan
I seem to reacall there was a Russian way of drinking tea... Something to do with drinking our of the saucer... anyone know about this?

By the way, regarding the cleaning of pots... what about glass tea pots?
I rinse my glass pot with hot water. On the <i>very</i> rare occasion that I need to do more than rinse it, I use baking soda or vinegar, and rinse it <i>thoroughly</i> with hot water, very similar to how you clean a coffee pot. Glass, of course, is less porous than metal, porcelain or pottery.... But its still difficult to get all the soap off.... And its not necessary if you are diligent about rinsing it when you're done.
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