Originally Posted by RoboBlaster
I can understand steeping for a really long time as per the cold brewing method, but how does a really long steep time work with hot water? What keeps all the bitter compunds coming through?
I have no idea what keeps the bitterness out... Maybe its the orange pekoe... I've never actually had any success with <i>any</i> other type of tea with sweet iced tea..... Maybe its the fact that the water cools so incredibly quickly. Whatever the reason, all I really know is that it does NOT get bitter, as long as you use an orange pekoe or blend.
As far as sweetness.... most restaurants here have gone to a sweet tea "on the gun", which means it comes pre-mixed for beverage guns.... I find those WAY too sweet, and ALWAYS, without exception, order "half and half", to mitigate the sweetness. Even in Southern restaurants, if they don't do "gun" sweet tea, they do the drip method, like coffee, which is always nasty.
I have to say, this is SO cool... I LOVE talking about tea..... It's been awesome talking to someone who loves it as much as I do.