You're welcome.
I was rereading the directions and realized I skipped a step.... Well, technically I didn't, since I don't do the step, but the omission will be obvious if you make it how I said here....
When you're brewing tea the hot way, there are two ways to achieve it..... the most common way is to use just one pot of hot water from a teapot.... then add water after its brewed and you've taken the teabags out (It simply makes a concentrate, since a teapot doesn't hold a gallon of water.) I don't make it that way, so I didn't think to include it. I use a whole gallon of hot water. I don't like using concentrates at all.... If you boil the water and then add your hottest tap water, you should be fine combining them.... the water will stay hot enough to brew the tea.
If you have nasty tap water, then all I can suggest is using a bigger pot than a teapot. When I was in college, I made hot water by running water through my coffee pot (without coffee or filter, obviously, lol). *grins* it's not a gallon, but it makes the water plenty hot. There are lots of ways to get the water hot enough.... To be honest, I've been making this tea so long, that I <i>always</i> use just hot tap water, and let it steep just a little longer.
“When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
~Sinclair Lewis