Originally Posted by RoboBlaster
Good addendum, Bryndian_Dhai. I like rooibos a lot, as well. It's about the only herbal I drink. Sometimes I do add milk to certain black teas. I've found that milk can also mask some of the more aggressive and nasty flavors of poor quality tea. But always remember... milk goes in the cup first!
*grins* Thank you very much, from one connessieur to another.
And of course, milk goes first. *winks*
I actually started drinking herbals before I went to regular (hot) blacks, oolongs and greens. I have several health issues that I have always preferred to treat holistically, and tea is a major part of my daily routine. Dragonsclaw tincture for my arthritis masked by a fragrant cup of something soothing for my headaches have been part of my daily preventative for as long as I can remember. I'm a bit of an amateur (for myself only, of course) apothecary, growing and making my own recipes under the tutelage of a local holistic healer.
Iced tea is as much a part the culture in the South as drawls and tractor pulls. *grins* And with a hippie revivalist mother, I was born to discover the joys of tea as they were truly meant to be consumed.... hot and fragrant. *grins*