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westothemax 02-09-2009 09:00 AM

Awesome episode... the grenade scene was probably my favorite.

Narcho is a douche.

I wasn't too sure what those marks on the wall in the FTL room were, but stress fractures makes sense. Seeing as the finale is March 21st, they HAVE to either find permanent settlement or something soon before Galactica collapses in on itself.

Now that the Quorum, except for Lee, is dead and the VP is dead too, what's next for the Colonial gov't? My sister thinks they'll add a seat for the rebel Cylons on the Quorum (Tyrol?). Maybe Adama will declare martial law and hunt down all the people involved in the coup? But then how will Galactica even function? I'm not sure how this is going to play out.

Also they got some 'splaining to do about Ellen's resurrection which they showed a part of in the preview for the next episode. I thought the resurrection hub was destroyed, so no more Cylon resurrection? If she can resurrect, and Anders dies, then it's pretty safe to say he'll probably resurrect too?

fresnelly 02-09-2009 09:41 AM

I'm pretty sure those aren't stress fractures, but in fact the claw marks of the Lakuthaa Beast that lives in the bowels of the ship and feeds on energy from the jump drive. It's now loose and will begin picking off crew one by one.

Actually, I think Ellen is going to be a greater threat.

Zeraph 02-10-2009 09:56 AM

It's too bad they waited so long, this show was epic, now it's just OK.

Willravel 02-10-2009 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by westothemax (Post 2593527)
Narcho is a douche.

You should meet his brother, Narchos Bell Grande.

Willravel 02-13-2009 08:12 PM

Okay, we've got a TON tonight.

Spoiler: Ellen and the Five brought monotheism to the 12 Colony-created cylons, in order to give them morality. She, along with the other five, created the 8 human-form Cylons, in an attempt to end the human-Cylon war 40 years ago. The eighth human form Cylon, Daniel, was killed off by Cavil out of jealousy and self-loathing. In his rage, Cavil trapped the Five and suffocated them, resurrecting them on the 12 Colonies without their memories, in order to teach them a lesson about humans. But they survived the attack. That was one of several occurrences in the series, one of the other of which being the star of the Eye of Jupiter going nova, which cannot be explained by the Cylon at all. I believe these support my theory about the third party. Anyway, the hunting of the fleet, Boomer, New Caprica, etc. were all about Cavil continuing his sick lesson to teach the Five they were wrong about humans, and that he was right.

And Ellen has escaped...

Lucifer 02-13-2009 08:58 PM

I'm more confused than ever

fresnelly 02-14-2009 03:16 AM

I was expecting Ellen to be the "Bad" cyclon. Boy was I wrong.

guy44 02-14-2009 12:41 PM

I think the most amazing thing about this episode - or really, about the "true" story behind the Cylons - is that it completely makes sense. This isn't some "Lost" or "X-Files" -style massive buildup of random backstory that can never be sensibly, and logically, resolved. Instead, the truth fits absolutely perfectly with everything from the whole series - the "markers" they found on the way to earth, how those markers got there thousands of years ago, what "this has happened before and will happen again" means, why there's only single copies of the final five, why they have no memories, where the other seven come from, even why precisely the war ended.

I'm just so frakking impressed, I guess. Spoiler: And the revelation of how Cavill (or, should I say, John) is so petty and vengeful and human is perfect: he always came off as too convenient a villain, with precisely the most useful beliefs (his cynicism, his part in creating the Cylon civil war) for advancing the plot. But now he's a full, three-dimensional character with beliefs and weaknesses and an explanation for why he's done all those horrible things.

lostgirl 02-14-2009 01:35 PM

This episode was awesome! It explained so much.

Willravel 02-14-2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by guy44 (Post 2595509)
I'm just so frakking impressed, I guess. Spoiler: And the revelation of how Cavill (or, should I say, John) is so petty and vengeful and human is perfect: he always came off as too convenient a villain, with precisely the most useful beliefs (his cynicism, his part in creating the Cylon civil war) for advancing the plot. But now he's a full, three-dimensional character with beliefs and weaknesses and an explanation for why he's done all those horrible things.

I couldn't agree more. Spoiler: Cavil is actually the central character in the events of the past 4 seasons. He is the "why". And you're right that this really gives him a full character.

guy44 02-14-2009 05:46 PM

And the more I think about it, the more I want to go back and re-watch that scene in Season 1 when Tyrol thinks he might be a Cylon and goes to see a priest, who is of course Cavil in disguise. Cavil must have been loving that moment in a way that I can scarcely imagine!

aberkok 02-14-2009 09:52 PM

I'm looking forward to the latest hybrid being born...

The newly decked out with organic cylon resin Battlestar Galactica!

Jove 02-15-2009 06:20 AM

I would like to know if Starbuck is a cylon because we did see her body and fighter ship destroyed on Earth. Does anyone have suggestions or theories on how or why this could happen?

ratbastid 02-15-2009 06:40 AM

Television Without Pity reports it this (UNSPOILER-TAGGED SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!)


So Brother John Cavil gives a fairly moving and convincing speech for why he's so pissed off, and you finally get Cavil: he's basically like Pinocchio going, "Really? Lederhosen? Fuckin' forever?" Only instead of singing a little song about it and kicking Ellen in her shapely Gepetto shins, he knowingly and nastily:

Destroyed utterly the life and civilizations on twelve planets, burnt the knowledge of their creators out of his brothers and sisters, killed Daniel and boxed Three, wiped and boxed the Final Five just to make sure they ended up in the holocaust, had a day-long conversation with Chief about how he wasn't a Cylon even though he totally was, tried his best to kill off the idea of God(s) Himself(s), plucked out his father's eyeball, and fucked his own mother while she was in mortal mode on New Caprica. Moral of story? You Never Fuck With Pinocchio.

Sue 02-15-2009 07:26 AM

So is this THE last season of Battlestar? I'm liking it way too much for it to end. :(

Troublebot 02-16-2009 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by ratbastid (Post 2595734)
Television Without Pity reports it this (UNSPOILER-TAGGED SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!)

I love Jacob's recaps of the series. I'll admit, I sometimes get bogged down in the 20+ pages, but I always come out with nuggets like "Fucking lederhosen forever?" that make me think- Aha! That's just how I felt about that! I just didn't know how to say it.

Love how all the "Final 5" "Birth/built/betrayed" stuff fit in logically and without a whole lot of WTF? Writers are pretty amazing people. I'm going to need to go back to the first season and rewatch the scenes between Cavil and Tyrol. Luckily, I have a friend who has never watched the series, so I'm going to rewatch them all with her. (can't wait to watch the Adama maneuver again.)

Reese 02-16-2009 12:05 PM

Maybe Starbuck IS Daniel? Or Maybe there's humans left on earth that have figured out resurrection technology and are able to use it on humans. Maybe it was an act of the Gods. There's definitely something interesting happening with her.

westothemax 02-17-2009 12:15 PM

Man that was kind of information overload. I need to rewatch this episode to make sure I got everything.


Originally Posted by cybermike (Post 2596204)
Maybe Starbuck IS Daniel?

My girlfriend always said Starbuck kind of looked like a dude :D

Our theories right after watching were either Baltar is Daniel or Starbucks dad is Daniel... or both.

The other thing that really struck me was Ellen and Cavill doing it on New Caprica was way grosser than I had originally thought. Yucky.

QuasiMondo 02-17-2009 05:23 PM

John Cavill is my hero.

Reese 02-21-2009 12:39 AM

I just read this:
Universal in talks for 'Battlestar' movie


Just as the acclaimed Sci Fi Channel series "Battlestar Galactica" enters its final episodes, Universal has quietly entered into negotiations with Glen A. Larson to write and produce a big-screen version of the property he created.

"Battlestar," which originally aired on ABC in 1978, was produced in the wake of the success of "Star Wars," which caused a sci-fi revival in popular culture. The premise involved a human civilization living on a series of 12 planets that are decimated from an attack by intelligent robots known as Cylons. The survivors are led by a starship called Galactica in their attempt to find a mythic 13th planet named Earth.

The Sci Fi series, under the direction of executive producer Ronald Moore, took the premise and ran with it, incorporating the politics of war, religion, torture and destiny, becoming the channel's signature series.

The movie effort would have no connection to the series and would relaunch the story in a new medium. However, staples such as the characters Adama, Starbuck, and Baltar will remain.

Larson was one of the biggest names in 1970s and '80s TV and creator of shows like "Switch" and "Magnum P.I."

Universal had no comment.

Makes me a little sad they'd reboot BSG with a new cast after such a recent and successful run with the series.

guy44 02-21-2009 10:32 PM

Oy, I hope they don't do that. I know it's bitchy of me to complain that the original creator of BSG wants to retake the franchise and reboot it after Moore took it from him and rebooted it, but still. This BSG is like the greatest thing since sliced bread, and I dread having to explain to people 3 years from now how there are 3 different BSGs, how the movie is different from the rebooted TV show, but made by the creator of the original show, and how the new TV show's prequel is Caprica...

Especially cause, frankly, the original BSG wasn't exactly Shakespeare. And while Magnum P.I is kinda humorous in a really really 80s kind of way, this Larson guy's resume doesn't exactly get me excited.

fresnelly 02-22-2009 06:41 PM

Any chance that Tigh and 6's baby downloaded into Anders' braindead body?

QuasiMondo 02-22-2009 06:50 PM

Probably not since the resurrection ship is kaput.

Lucifer 02-24-2009 06:28 PM

Can someone please just put a bullet into Baltar?

Willravel 02-24-2009 10:13 PM

Maybe Anders resurrects somewhere else?

Willravel 02-27-2009 08:14 PM

Well, yet again we're reminded why Battlestar has the best writing on the planet.
Spoiler: Kara is, of course, a half-breed between her human mother and her father, a Daniel model of Cylon, who had to leave because his model was dying. Boomer was, yet again, a sleeper, still playing on Tyrol's love in order to get what she wants. Now Hera is likely with John Cavil and the rest of the cylon fleet.

And as if things weren't bad enough, Athena had to watch as Boomer had sex with her husband, confirming her worst fears: she's not special, she's just another copy.

BTW, Anders taught Daniel, and was likely particularly involved with Daniel, which means that Starbuck was attracted to a man who shared traits with her father. Freud would be proud.

It's quite something.

gardens 02-27-2009 10:39 PM

does this mean that Hera doesn't matter

how do we really KNOW that it is Hera in the Opera

relating to way back the cold virus since BSG now has cylon tech built into her core could she "die" from getting the common cold, can't remember if it only affected the human forms, seem to remember it killing the centurions and hybrids-therefor ships

now that the 5 know who they are whats johns motivation, how can you torture someone if you have no power over them?

what would the movie be about? (the series has covered just about everything)

Willravel 02-28-2009 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by gardens (Post 2602178)
does this mean that Hera doesn't matter?

I'm sure she still matters, as she's the "shape of things to come" established by the third party way back in the first season.

Originally Posted by gardens (Post 2602178)
how do we really KNOW that it is Hera in the Opera

In Crossroads part 1, we can clearly see a little girl with black, curly hair, just like Hera. I doubt it's Starbuck.

Originally Posted by gardens (Post 2602178)
relating to way back the cold virus since BSG now has cylon tech built into her core could she "die" from getting the common cold, can't remember if it only affected the human forms, seem to remember it killing the centurions and hybrids-therefor ships

It was both human form and non-human form. Why? The 13th tribe of Cylon figured out that it's entirely possible humans would repeat their mistake and put up a roadblock to protect themselves from the cylon.

Originally Posted by gardens (Post 2602178)
now that the 5 know who they are whats johns motivation, how can you torture someone if you have no power over them?

Cavil likely still has the primary goals of attaining Hera (mission successful), and rebuilding the resurrection ship.

Originally Posted by gardens (Post 2602178)
what would the movie be about? (the series has covered just about everything)

The movie is about the series from the perspective of the Cylon.

Jove 02-28-2009 01:48 PM

Was Starbuck imagining the piano player while playing the piano?

fresnelly 02-28-2009 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jove (Post 2602388)
Was Starbuck imagining the piano player while playing the piano?

I think it's similar to the Six in Baltar's head. Cylon's have mind sharing capabilities to a certain extent and I think he's some kind of remainder from when he was really around.

Here's my new wild theory: Anders is becoming the newly organic Galactica's Hybrid! I can't wait until he surprises the hell out of everyone by yelling "JUMP!" and they do.

You heard it here first. ;)

Lucifer 02-28-2009 04:44 PM

I think you are onto something there, Fresnelly!

gardens 03-03-2009 06:00 PM

was the piano player her dad?

and if so wouldn't she have remembered him, as she seems to have put some importance on him through the series and I can't remember if we ever saw a picture of him, so could she remember what he looked like from when she was three?

what is with baltars angel? I always thought he was one of the final five or had some kind of other implant, if Kara has the same kind of visions now could Baltar have been taken like Kara was?

When is Baltar going to learn, I thought he'd made major progress after/during the mutiny and was going to be a "better" person, the whole have to go back to them not for me(free sex,food,worshipers etc) but to protect and help them, the whole gun issue just seems very MAD to me and I think that what with the recent proof of the stupidity of violence against themselves that "they" might have learned something

sorry for constantly asking questions I think this series just seems to be so open for debate as to pretty much everything unlike others I will not name

In order to rebuild the resurrection ship Cavil will have to find the lab, my thoughts on that are could BSG make the trip back to Cylon space or to earths lab first obviously the final five were NOT Cylons the first time so is it possible for BSG to make their own Rship, the ramifications of that would be huge

Anders as a hybrid would be kinda sad, hows he going to play ball strapped in, still doesn't mean it wouldn't be hilarious to see the Docs face at "JUMP"

Willravel 03-03-2009 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by gardens (Post 2604008)
was the piano player her dad?


Originally Posted by gardens (Post 2604008)
and if so wouldn't she have remembered him, as she seems to have put some importance on him through the series and I can't remember if we ever saw a picture of him, so could she remember what he looked like from when she was three?

She probably didn't expect to see him in his 30s playing piano in the bar on Galactica. And if you look at his photo on the cassette case, he had very long hair and a beard when he was younger.

Originally Posted by gardens (Post 2604008)
what is with baltars angel? I always thought he was one of the final five or had some kind of other implant, if Kara has the same kind of visions now could Baltar have been taken like Kara was?

We're not supposed to know about the incorporeal characters yet. I have my guesses, but it's not here yet.

Sue 03-03-2009 06:39 PM

I didn't even put two and two together that that was her dad. But I wonder how he's so young given whatever age Starbuck is on the show?

Willravel 03-03-2009 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sue (Post 2604044)
I didn't even put two and two together that that was her dad. But I wonder how he's so young given whatever age Starbuck is on the show?

No, no, he's likely long since dead. She was reliving his presence, partially in order to come to peace with his departure and partially to remember the tune from All Along the Watchtower.

Sue 03-03-2009 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2604051)
No, no, he's likely long since dead. She was reliving his presence, partially in order to come to peace with his departure and partially to remember the tune from All Along the Watchtower.

Or, maybe he was resurrected somehow as well?

Willravel 03-03-2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sue (Post 2604054)
Or, maybe he was resurrected somehow as well?

He disappeared from the piano bench the instant Tigh grabbed Starbuck's shoulders. He could have been an aberration, like head Six and head Baltar, but there's no way to know that for sure.

Sue 03-03-2009 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2604060)
He disappeared from the piano bench the instant Tigh grabbed Starbuck's shoulders. He could have been an aberration, like head Six and head Baltar, but there's no way to know that for sure.

Wow, seriously, how did I miss that part? thanks for pointing that out LOL That makes more sense then as her imagining him.

westothemax 03-06-2009 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2604040)
We're not supposed to know about the incorporeal characters yet. I have my guesses, but it's not here yet.

It's gotta happen soon... we only have 4 hours of show left. What are your theories?

Its weird it took me so long to get around to watch this last episode...

I could see the idea of Anders becoming Galactica's hybrid, but he'd have to get "hooked into" the ship somehow... right? He can't just be sitting in the ER and yell "Jump!" and make this ship jump, unless he's somehow interfaced into the ship itself.

I thought it was (unintentionally) funny the way the Chief knocked out a random Eight and swapped her with Boomer. He is going to be so fucked up from now on, though. Damn Boomer is cold. It was interesting that originally Athena was pretending to be Boomer when she hooked up with Helo, now Boomer is pretending to be Athena and hooked up with Helo. Uh it seems like Boomer has some pretty hard feelings about Athena getting Helo and having Hera. Damn these writers are good.

Willravel 03-06-2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by westothemax (Post 2605065)
It's gotta happen soon... we only have 4 hours of show left. What are your theories?

I'd still like it to be the seraphs (from the original series), but knowing Ron Moore's writing, it's unlikely. As this point, it's still hard to say. My guess is that it's linked with the plane of existence reached during resurrection.

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