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Old 04-14-2008, 04:43 AM   #2641 (permalink)
Aurally Fixated
allaboutmusic's Avatar
Sin City - finally got around to watching it. I found it difficult to get into for the first half an hour or so, then got completely sucked in. Very stylish and noir. 9/10
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Old 04-15-2008, 04:40 PM   #2642 (permalink)
has all her shots.
mixedmedia's Avatar
Location: Florida

I'm about to re-watch the Mike Leigh film Naked tonight starring David Thewlis. I'll go ahead and give it my 10/10 rating because I remember how phenomenal this film is...well, if you're into this sort of thing. David Thewlis is su-perb! Totally enchanting in his own fucked-up way. I love all of Mike Leigh's films, but this is by far my favorite. Incredible script! I'm really excited to sit down and watch it again, but a little dismayed to see that the copy from Netflix doesn't have subtitles...most of the characters have very thick accents and I was hoping to watch it with the subtitles. Oh well...
This is a movie I definitely need to own.

They have a lot of clips on YouTube, here's the trailer and one of my favorite bits of dialogue:

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ttq8JHdujCg&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ttq8JHdujCg&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Yzufbe3d8Ic&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Yzufbe3d8Ic&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce
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Old 04-15-2008, 04:59 PM   #2643 (permalink)
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Location: Central Central Florida
Vantage Point - 7/10 (yay for 99 cent theaters!)

Score for some of my favorite actors in it, but as another mentioned, Matthew Fox needs to stick to his Lost, go home and hope he receives many royalty checks.

The story flew by with plenty of action that manages to pull you in, nailbiting and all. But somehow it felt like a really, really good episode of 24. Will I forever relate anything relating to presidents, traitors and terrorism to that show?
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain
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Old 04-16-2008, 12:15 AM   #2644 (permalink)
Aurally Fixated
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Million Dollar Baby. 9.5/10

As close to the perfect movie as I have seen. I can't believe I put off watching it for so long.
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Old 04-18-2008, 11:22 AM   #2645 (permalink)
eats puppies and shits rainbows
RetroGunslinger's Avatar
Location: An Area of Space Occupied by a Population, SC, USA
Dead Girl on Film - no-budget rating: 6/10

You can check out my review over here.
It's a rare pleasure in this world to get your mind fucked. Usually it's just foreplay.

M.B. Keene
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Old 04-18-2008, 11:24 AM   #2646 (permalink)
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
Return to House on Haunted Hill

I thought Jeffrey Combs might do the movie good. He didn't. Reanimator... you let me down.
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Old 04-19-2008, 06:20 AM   #2647 (permalink)
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Location: NC
The Forbidden Kingdom - 8/10

This movie was a lot different then I expected. Like Kill Bill was a tribute to Japanese Animations, this movie is a tribute to old school kung fu/wushu movies. The action was phenomenal, and there were some really funny parts. Jackie Chan even brings back his Drunken Boxing fighting style.

I recommend this movie for its action though. There's plenty of it and they usually last a good 10 minutes or so.
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Old 04-19-2008, 11:17 PM   #2648 (permalink)
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Location: land of pit vipers
88 Minutes - 4/10

Pacino can do much better than this. I really wanted to like it because the plot was intriguing, but the intensity seemed to wane towards the end of the film. It turned into a three-ring circus.
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool.

Last edited by Grancey; 04-23-2008 at 10:36 AM..
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Old 04-20-2008, 01:51 AM   #2649 (permalink)
Winter is Coming
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Originally Posted by ironpham
The Forbidden Kingdom - 8/10

This movie was a lot different then I expected. Like Kill Bill was a tribute to Japanese Animations, this movie is a tribute to old school kung fu/wushu movies. The action was phenomenal, and there were some really funny parts. Jackie Chan even brings back his Drunken Boxing fighting style.

I recommend this movie for its action though. There's plenty of it and they usually last a good 10 minutes or so.
I'll second this review. If three people could have 1 child between the three of them, I'd describe this movie as the love child of Hero, The Wizard of Oz and The Karate Kid.

It sounds strange. In a lot of ways, it is strange. But it's a lot of fun, even if it's unbelievably cheesy sometimes.

Originally Posted by Augi

Sweeney Todd (2007) - 3/10 - I was disappointed at this movie. I was excited like most but it just didn't sit right with me. The movie was predictable and the ending did not feel right. The only part I really laughed at was Mrs. Lovett's dream by the sea, that part tickled me. This was definitely not my favorite Burton flick. I am going to shower to get that off and watch some Batman, Beetlejuice, and Big Fish.
Kind of a necro quote, but I'm mystified by why one of your complaints was that it was predictable. It's a not a whodunit. It's a classic, well-known story. Any deviation from that story would've made it, well, not that story. Do you dislike going to see Shakespeare in the theater or re-reading a book because there isn't a new plot twist or something?

I mean, I don't have any problem with you disliking the movie, but that particular complaint makes absolutely no sense.

Last edited by Frosstbyte; 04-20-2008 at 02:07 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 04-20-2008, 04:28 AM   #2650 (permalink)
jewels's Avatar
Location: Central Central Florida
Abre Los Ojos - 8

This is the Spanish and original version of Vanilla Sky. It was virtually impossible to watch without comparing to the remake, which I've seen at least twice. I loved the lead actor in the original Spanish film, but I liked Cameron Diaz better as the "fatal attraction" in the English version. All in all, it was interesting to see what Amenabar changed for the American audience.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain
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Old 04-22-2008, 07:31 PM   #2651 (permalink)
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Location: Home sweet home
Forbidden Kingdom 4/10

This movie is embarrassingly bad--even with Jackie Chan and Jet Li and two really beautiful girls in it. Some funny moments and good action, that's about it. Everything else horrible.
Him: Ok, I have to ask, what do you believe?
Me: Shit happens.
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Old 04-22-2008, 08:41 PM   #2652 (permalink)
has all her shots.
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Location: Florida
Black Snake Moan 2/10

This was one of the worst movies I have seen in a long, long time. And I really try hard to avoid bad movies. I try to be as gracious as I can when reviewing these things, but this movie can only be honestly quantified as 'suckass.'

We have:
Christina Ricci - lost probably 25-30 pounds for this movie (and obviously had a boob job) and I'm assuming that her acting talent (which I admired very much in films like The Ice Storm, Pecker and The Opposite of Sex) went with them. In this film, instead of playing a trashy skank with depth and character, she's just playing a trashy skank...with big fake boobs. I am so disappointed. She needs a good spanking...and at least 15 of those pounds back.

Samuel Jackson: playing a homey kind of black man in what looks to be a sharecropper's shack way out on the outskirts of town...oh, and he plays the blues. How novel.

Justin Timberlake: oh man, BAD. Embarrasingly, uh, BAD. Like, I feel like writing a sympathy letter to his mother BAD. What were they thinking? I don't know, but the new Mark Wahlberg, he ain't. He's not even the new Donnie Wahlberg, for that matter. Best stick to bringing sexyback, Justin, and forget acting...forever.

As for the movie itself, I don't know what the fuck it was trying to say or even what the story was, and not even going to attempt to get into it, 'cause it don't matter none. It just floors me what can be put on film these days and the people who will commit to it. Crazy world.
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce
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Old 04-22-2008, 10:19 PM   #2653 (permalink)
Master Thief. Master Criminal. Masturbator.
Location: Windiwana
pink flamingos- 9/10 just for the entertainment value.

i have no words to describe this movie other than shocking. look it up or something.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for me And there was no one left to speak out for me.
-Pastor Martin Niemoller
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Old 04-23-2008, 03:29 AM   #2654 (permalink)
has a plan
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
Kind of a necro quote, but I'm mystified by why one of your complaints was that it was predictable. It's a not a whodunit. It's a classic, well-known story. Any deviation from that story would've made it, well, not that story. Do you dislike going to see Shakespeare in the theater or re-reading a book because there isn't a new plot twist or something?

I mean, I don't have any problem with you disliking the movie, but that particular complaint makes absolutely no sense.
I had no knowledge of the original. Therefor it was supposed to me new to me. Within 45 minutes, I knew exactly what the characters were going to do down to the Spoiler: kid making the final kill in the end. It did not interest me like older Burton films. The story itself did not capture me.

And for the record I love reading Hamlet, and can watch almost any version.

Last edited by Hain; 04-28-2008 at 09:32 AM..
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Old 04-24-2008, 03:38 PM   #2655 (permalink)
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Godzilla (American version) - 3/10

Holy crap this was bad. I saw it long ago and didn't mind it, but just saw it again and its BAD! Its about this retarded love story between some broad who doesn't deserve it and Ferris Bueller, and a big monster just happens to be running around the city.

Avoid at all costs! If you want to see a good monster flick check out Destroy all Monsters. Pure awesomeness
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Old 04-25-2008, 05:17 PM   #2656 (permalink)
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Location: Central Central Florida
The Invasion - 5/10

There were rare moments of originality, a little flavor of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but not enough to make up for trying too hard and missing the boat entirely. Rent one of the earlier versions of BS instead. The only redeeming value were a couple of smaller roles played by some good actors I don't get to see often these days. Oh and I did enjoy watching Nicole Kidman getting her hands dirty and kickin' some arse.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain
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Old 04-25-2008, 08:52 PM   #2657 (permalink)
Life's short, gotta hurry...
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Location: land of pit vipers
Baby Mama 10/10

This was a great, great film. Technically, there were no weird inconsistencies or little irritating things that you are expected to ignore. Personally, I laughed....a lot. And for that to happen it's got to be good. However, I did notice that not many in the younger crowd seemed to enjoy it as much. Therefore, if you are 30+, I think you'll like it. If you are under 30, not so sure.
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool.
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Old 04-26-2008, 08:21 PM   #2658 (permalink)
eats puppies and shits rainbows
RetroGunslinger's Avatar
Location: An Area of Space Occupied by a Population, SC, USA
I just got back from a quadruple feature (at the theater from 2:50 to 11:45, including a brief trip to Chick-fil-a).

Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay - 7/10

As a fan of stoner comedies, this was pretty fun. Some of the humor fell flat, and it didn't really live up to White Castle, but the characters and general laid-back mood made up for it.

Horton Hears a Who - 4/10

While the animation was pretty well done, and there were some fun, quirky moments, this still raped Dr. Seuss' cold, dead body.

Leatherheads - 8/10

I don't think I've ever fell in love with the lighting of a movie before, but Clooney's use of some really old-fashioned techniques brought a charming antiquity to the film. The sharp dialogue and smooth (and in some cases, not so smooth) characters added plenty as well to an already charming story.

Deception - 7/10

This one reminded me of Basic Instinct 2, in that it's one of those movies everyone is trashing but I still enjoyed, despite its flaws. The atmosphere and acting is top notch on all counts, but the predictable, by the numbers ending almost ruined what could have been a classic sexual thriller. Still, it was entertaining, and that was all I wanted.
It's a rare pleasure in this world to get your mind fucked. Usually it's just foreplay.

M.B. Keene
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Old 04-27-2008, 09:22 AM   #2659 (permalink)
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Location: Home sweet home
Harold and Kumar: EFGB - 9/10

I love it. They don't hold anything back in this one and Rob Corddry is great as an overzealous but idiotic bureaucrat. I laughed from the beginning to end. Could use more Niel Patrick Harris, though.
Him: Ok, I have to ask, what do you believe?
Me: Shit happens.
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Old 04-27-2008, 09:27 AM   #2660 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Harold and Kumar 2: 8/10
I would have paid $10 just to see emo Harold for like 10 seconds. Funny, funny movie.
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Old 04-28-2008, 06:22 AM   #2661 (permalink)
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Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) - 9/10

What a great movie! I downloaded it knowing nothing about it, only hearing that it is an excellent movie, and it did not let me down. What a great movie, some great irony as well. Why don't they make movies like this anymore?
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Old 04-28-2008, 07:14 AM   #2662 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan
3:10 to Yuma - 8/10
Some good story in this one. Toward the end, it got a little frustrating because there were a lot of things that needed either internal dialogue or narration to communicate, but there was none.
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Old 04-28-2008, 10:15 AM   #2663 (permalink)
has all her shots.
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Location: Florida
Movies watched this weekend:

Waiting for Guffman
(reviewed here before, I believe) 10/10
His first time! Watching him guffaw - yez, I think he actually guffawed - was a huge treat.
For those of you who don't know, the film is a mockucumentary about a show being put on to celebrate the sesquicentennial of Blaine, Missouri.
I know I've posted this clip before - over on the funniest movie scenes thread - but I never get enough of it.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fjArVd-ElRs&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fjArVd-ElRs&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Best In Show 9/10
Another mockumentary (also by Christopher Guest with a nearly identical cast) this time on the subject of purebred dog shows.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HYLTqJMxmTY&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HYLTqJMxmTY&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Raging Bull
Probably reviewed here before, but again, it was mi amor's first time.
The bio-pic of the life and times of middleweight boxer Jake LaMotta.
Wish I could have found a good fight scene clip...they are so beautiful.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/YiVOwxsa4OM&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/YiVOwxsa4OM&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Lust, Caution by Ang Lee 10/10
This film is stunningly beautiful. The story of a young girl who gets caught up in the resistance movement in Japanese-occupied China. Plus, it has some of the hottest, most explicit sex scenes ever put down in a non-porn film. It has an NC-17 rating, which must explain why I didn't hear about it until P told me about it. But it is lovely. Very, very good.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/4yzVZ09yTM4&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/4yzVZ09yTM4&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce
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Old 04-28-2008, 10:38 AM   #2664 (permalink)
jewels's Avatar
Location: Central Central Florida
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
Raging Bull 10/10
Probably reviewed here before, but again, it was mi amor's first time.
The bio-pic of the life and times of middleweight boxer Jake LaMotta.
Wish I could have found a good fight scene clip...they are so beautiful.
Definitely one of my Top 25. Found a clip with some good fight scenes. Although it's nearly 10 minutes long, it reminded me that I need to see this movie again.

We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain
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Old 04-28-2008, 10:49 AM   #2665 (permalink)
has all her shots.
mixedmedia's Avatar
Location: Florida
Thanks, jewels.

I've seen it at least a dozen times and it never fails to suck me in.

It's undeniably Scorsese's masterpiece.

How could I forget, we watched Manhattan, too. 10/10

Love this film.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1PLvQFoICok&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1PLvQFoICok&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce

Last edited by mixedmedia; 04-28-2008 at 04:00 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 05-01-2008, 03:32 PM   #2666 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
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Location: Manhattan, NY
I don't recall seeing Raging Bull, I will have to watch it one of these days.

Infernal Affairs 8/10
If you liked The Departed, you should watch the original. Some say that it's much better than The Departed. I found it to be different on its own. Partly because it is subtitled so I found myself trying to pickup more nuances since it isn't as obvious as Departed. There are many similar scenes, but also they are stylistically different.
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Old 05-02-2008, 02:04 PM   #2667 (permalink)
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Location: On the road...
Iron Man - 9/10

Holy crap! What an excellent movie! I was totally blown away by this. It lives up to the tomatoemeter, thats for damn sure! If you go see, make sure that you stay until after the credits.
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Old 05-02-2008, 07:59 PM   #2668 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
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Location: Manhattan, NY
Originally Posted by blahblah454
Iron Man - 9/10

Holy crap! What an excellent movie! I was totally blown away by this. It lives up to the tomatoemeter, thats for damn sure! If you go see, make sure that you stay until after the credits.
I give it a 9/10 as well.... very fun and good pacing....
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:03 PM   #2669 (permalink)
eats puppies and shits rainbows
RetroGunslinger's Avatar
Location: An Area of Space Occupied by a Population, SC, USA
Iron Man - 9/10 as well.

Also, I stayed after the credits and had a nerdgasm... in front of my mom....
It's a rare pleasure in this world to get your mind fucked. Usually it's just foreplay.

M.B. Keene
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:33 PM   #2670 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
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Location: On the road...
Originally Posted by RetroGunslinger
Also, I stayed after the credits and had a nerdgasm... in front of my mom....
Hahaha, I had one of those also. Except mine was in front of a friend who I dragged to the movies who knows nothing about comics.

Cloverfield - 8.5/10

Watched it for the second time and still love it. I did not enjoy it as much as the first time though. This time around I felt that there was not enough monster, and too much crappy mush love story.

But it was still a great movie. Thank goodness for my huge 5.1 home theater and 50 inch wide screen TV.... thats how movies are supposed to be watched!
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:57 PM   #2671 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan
Bottle Rocket - 6/10
Wes Anderson is overrated. His movies cant hold my attention and they're only sparsely funny.
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Old 05-02-2008, 09:05 PM   #2672 (permalink)
The Reverend Side Boob
Bear Cub's Avatar
Location: Nofe Curolina
Baby Mama - 6/10

While it had its moments, it was far from hold your side funny. Very predictable plot, and the whole thing was just ho-hum. Steve Martin was fantastic in it though, as were some of the other minor characters. All in all, I suppose I just expected a little more from someone who can write comedy like Tina Fey can.
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Old 05-03-2008, 01:23 AM   #2673 (permalink)
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Location: Home sweet home
Yes, Iron Man certainly deserve its 9/10 rating. I love every minute of it. For a 2.5 hours movie, it went by rather quick. I want more and lots of it!!
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Me: Shit happens.
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Old 05-03-2008, 03:29 AM   #2674 (permalink)
has all her shots.
mixedmedia's Avatar
Location: Florida
Originally Posted by Halx
Bottle Rocket - 6/10
Wes Anderson is overrated. His movies cant hold my attention and they're only sparsely funny.
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Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce
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Old 05-03-2008, 05:03 AM   #2675 (permalink)
Location: England
Son of Rambow


Not a genre I'd usually watch; I was conned into it by a girl asking if I wanted to see "<quick whisper>sonof</whisper> Rambo!" over the phone, and since I missed it, I couldn't resist.

I was a bit shocked when I entered the cinema, suffice to say.

Still, it was a pretty good, feel-good movie.
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Old 05-03-2008, 06:37 PM   #2676 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan
Iron Man - 9/10
This was one hell of a movie. Worth every penny. Very awesome.
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Old 05-03-2008, 09:10 PM   #2677 (permalink)
...is a comical chap
Grasshopper Green's Avatar
Location: Where morons reign supreme
I'm going to buck the trend here...

I saw Iron Man this afternoon. I'd give it a 7/10. It was a fun popcorn flick and not much else, IMO. Then again...I'm not a fan of comics so I don't know if it followed the original story closely.
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king"

Formerly Medusa
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Old 05-04-2008, 02:50 AM   #2678 (permalink)
jewels's Avatar
Location: Central Central Florida
Into The Night - 7/10

Fun ride with some great directors acting, back in the day.

Thanks, mm, for that Hulu tip.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain
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Old 05-04-2008, 09:06 AM   #2679 (permalink)
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Location: Wisconsin
Zombie Strippers


Terrible B movie, but it was pretty funny.
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Old 05-04-2008, 09:11 AM   #2680 (permalink)
eats puppies and shits rainbows
RetroGunslinger's Avatar
Location: An Area of Space Occupied by a Population, SC, USA
Baby Mama - 6/10

As already said, very predictable, but the minor characters were great and Tina Fey is naturally a joy to watch (read: sexy comedienne). The overall humor quotient was enough for a steady stream of chuckles, and the flick managed two of my new favorite lines, ever:

"My avatar's dressed like a hooker!"


"It feels like I'm shitting a knife!"
It's a rare pleasure in this world to get your mind fucked. Usually it's just foreplay.

M.B. Keene
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