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Old 11-25-2004, 02:22 PM   #1 (permalink)
I am so ashamed, yet not sure of what

So I am crossing the street with a few people, when out of nowhere comes this guy on a red light, and stops ilike an inch infront of us. I really thought he was going to hit us. I spit on this kid's car, and when he opens his window, I tell him to shut the **** up and keep driving. His GF opens her mouth and starts cussing me out aswell. I tell them both to F off and keep walking. As the kid realizes that I aint gonna do jack chit, he actually gets out of his car and talks chit. I ignore it and keep walking, he decides to follow us, and pulls up to me. I tell him I over reacted, but he could of hit us. He pulls out and leaves like all is cool. It's killing me inside for some reason.
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Old 11-25-2004, 02:54 PM   #2 (permalink)
Location: geff il
im sorry to hear that..

i used to feel lik ethat but im just an asshole by nature....

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if you cant read my post i dont want to hear about it move on. thanks
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Old 11-25-2004, 03:07 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: Lisle, IL
Anger can be overpowering at times... It's good that nobody was hurt... Don't be to down on yourself, you eventually came to your senses.
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Old 11-25-2004, 03:43 PM   #4 (permalink)
I am not sure if I feel bad for flipping out, or backing down. Kind of demorolizing when someone is egging you on, and your body walks away while your brain wants you to go and pummel the guy. He really thought he was a big shot infront of his GF. I bet if I turned around and fought with him in the middle of the road, i wouldn't feel half as bad as i do now.

Ever had any similar situations?
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Old 11-25-2004, 03:55 PM   #5 (permalink)
Mine is an evil laugh
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Location: Sydney, Australia
Originally Posted by dualman7
I bet if I turned around and fought with him in the middle of the road, i wouldn't feel half as bad as i do now.
...or perhaps you might've felt worse. I think it is better that your calm side prevailed.
who hid my keyboard's PANIC button?
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Old 11-25-2004, 03:58 PM   #6 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
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Location: New Jersey
Originally Posted by dualman7
I am not sure if I feel bad for flipping out, or backing down. Kind of demorolizing when someone is egging you on, and your body walks away while your brain wants you to go and pummel the guy. He really thought he was a big shot infront of his GF. I bet if I turned around and fought with him in the middle of the road, i wouldn't feel half as bad as i do now.
Well he wasn't exactly egging you on. From what you said, it sounded like he could have accidentally missed the red. It is very unfortunate that people where there when he did it, but it was you that spit on his car in the first place. He may have simply nodded or said sorry and drove away had you not done that. I'm not trying to gang up on you, but try and look at it from his perspective.
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Old 11-25-2004, 04:04 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Location: My own little world (also Canada)
Well, you did over-react to the situation. Perfectly understandable that you'd feel bad about it.
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Old 11-25-2004, 04:16 PM   #8 (permalink)
How am I supposed to react? The guy almost runs over 5 people, then just calmly sits in his car staring at us with the look of "what the fuk are you looking at". If he would of rolled down his window and apologized, I would of gladly accepted it. He only rolled it down after I starred at him back. Then started calling me a puss for walking away. As I kept walking away, the more macho he became shouting more offensive things. I yelled back but kept walking.

I think me feeling bad isn't all due just to this incident. I am starting to realize that I have a pretty good mouth, but when confronted, I panic and wuss out. It's very painful knowing that about yourself.

thanks for the replies, i am really starting to feel better having talked about this to you guys.
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Old 11-25-2004, 04:31 PM   #9 (permalink)
A Storm Is Coming
thingstodo's Avatar
Location: The Great White North
Sure, you could have kicked his ass. And what would that prove. He already probably feels like an ass. You did right to let him know you were pissed and then showed him you are a man by walking away. Right on!!
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.

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Old 11-25-2004, 05:00 PM   #10 (permalink)
just imagine if you didnt walk away what would have happened. he could have backed down or thing could have gotten ugly and a fight/big scene ensued. no one would normally want to get into all that. who knows what this could spiral into. so its natural to walk away at that point. dont beat yourself down.
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Old 11-25-2004, 06:12 PM   #11 (permalink)
Suave's Avatar
Location: My own little world (also Canada)
Dual, in situations like that, I react, at worst, by glaring at someone. Spitting at someone, and especially on them or their car (which is an extension of them) is incredibly rude. Normally I just try to laugh at what an idiot they are to almost hit me and then act like it's my fault.
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Old 11-25-2004, 07:27 PM   #12 (permalink)
Carno's Avatar
Originally Posted by Suave
Dual, in situations like that, I react, at worst, by glaring at someone. Spitting at someone, and especially on them or their car (which is an extension of them) is incredibly rude. Normally I just try to laugh at what an idiot they are to almost hit me and then act like it's my fault.
And people will constantly walk all over you for that kind of behavior. You should stick up for yourself.

Sure spitting on the guy's car may have been a little too extreme, but he did almost kill you. I would have just flicked him off and said, "Learn to drive, asshole!"
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Old 11-25-2004, 10:52 PM   #13 (permalink)
big damn hero
guthmund's Avatar
I'm a fan of slapping the hood and making some crazy sound. Whatever comes out I go with.

It's only happened a couple of times, but when I spew nonsense (and it happens) they just look at me like I'm crazy and move along.

In my opinion, I think I've avoided a lot of confrontational episodes by projecting the "crazy." People don't seem to want to tangle if they think you're not all there.

It's good that you reacted the way you did. I'm sorry that you apologized, but if calmer heads prevailed...well then no foul, right?
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Old 11-25-2004, 11:31 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Location: My own little world (also Canada)
Originally Posted by Carn
And people will constantly walk all over you for that kind of behavior. You should stick up for yourself.

Sure spitting on the guy's car may have been a little too extreme, but he did almost kill you. I would have just flicked him off and said, "Learn to drive, asshole!"
Walk all over me? It obviously wasn't intentional. Most people are bad drivers, and there's no use getting your panties in a bunch over it. Now, if someone TRIED to run me down with their car, then I'd probably get violent on them. Completely different situation though.
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Old 11-26-2004, 08:29 AM   #15 (permalink)
Location: NH
The way I would look at it is a learning experience. Me personally I used to get mad about things like that. But nowadays I would do everything in my power to aviod a confrontation (unless it was life threatining to myself or someone else). People are way to volitile. People come out with bats and guns....I myself would have looked at him and kept on walking. You feel bad about it now but give it time and you wont even think about it. Just react differently next time.
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Old 11-26-2004, 08:49 AM   #16 (permalink)
f6twister's Avatar
So some moron who shouldn't be driving comes close to hitting you. You spit on his car and get into an arguement, then he starts to follow you. Hmmm. Where I live, that could very well get you shot. I'm completely against moron drivers but why put yourself in a more dangerous situation? You never know who this other person is, what their mental status is or if they are carrying any type of weapon. You would be better off getting the license plate along with the vehicle and drivers description then calling the police.
A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day. Calvin
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Old 11-26-2004, 09:00 AM   #17 (permalink)
dualman7, you should've pounded him. After almost hitting you then following you to give you a hard time about it, he deserved to have his ass kicked. Then maybe he would pay attention to his driving.
Get it done!
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Old 11-26-2004, 09:07 AM   #18 (permalink)
Banned from being Banned
Location: Donkey
Sometimes when someone talks shit, you just need to blast them once in the mouth and leave it at that. I wouldn't say beat his ass, but christ, sometimes people need to be put in their place.

Me personally, if the guy almost hit me and I spit on his car, I expect him to say, "I deserve that. I almost killed the guy.." If he has the nerve to come pull up to me after that, get out, and talk shit, I'd simply square him in the mouth because I see that as a threat. Then point to his cackling girlfriend and tell her she's next if she doesn't shut the hell up.

I know a lot of people think, "Just walk away, it's better in the long run", but that's not always true. It might be in the sense of, "You avoided potentially getting hurt," but I bet that guy is walking around going, "Yeah, some dick spit on my car. I was about to FUCK him up.." not having been taught a lesson. I personally think the latter is more important. People need to be put in their place sometimes.

I had an incident at a Best Buy once where a guy was driving like a complete dick. I gave him the finger when driving, and as I got out, he said something like, "Where I'm from, people get their ass beat for that shit." I dunno what he meant by that seeing as how we're in the same state... but anyway, I said, "Where I'm from, people shut the fuck up and don't drive like shit."

He turned to his friend and said somethin to the effect of "this guy's gettin his ass beat." I'm sure I would've, this guy was like 10x my size. Instead, I had the people in the store call security on him. They were monitoring him, I went outside and took the lid off their garbage can in front.. it was a metallic square top. I was going to fuck his car up... in the mean time, my girlfriend's makin a fuckin scene (I could've gotten away with it if it wasn't for her mouth).. but shit, sometimes people just need to taught a lesson. She ended up gettin the car, driving to the other end of the parking lot where I was (at the guy's car) and was yelling, "PUT IT DOWN. DO NOT TOUCH THAT FUCKIN CAR." Making everyone look at me... so I whipped the lid at the backend of his truck anyway.

I was pissed at that for a while. I simply don't tolerate disrespectful people. If you drive like an ass and I give you the finger, accept that as a consequence of your shitty actions. Don't get all huffy with your macho self and try to take it further. You could just tell he was one of those people that needed a good ass whipping... one of those guys who think they're tough and walk around pickin fights.

I've been taking martial arts for a while now, so if a situation like that comes up again, I wouldn't have a problem dropping those types of people in a heartbeat, 10x my size or not..

In any case, I can understand 100% how you're pissed and upset. It might not be the most healthy way to react, but we're all different and have different morals/values.
I love lamp.

Last edited by Stompy; 11-26-2004 at 09:21 AM..
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Old 11-26-2004, 09:35 AM   #19 (permalink)
Location: Republic of Panama
Originally Posted by Stompy
Sometimes when someone talks shit, you just need to blast them once in the mouth and leave it at that. I wouldn't say beat his ass, but christ, sometimes people need to be put in their place.

Me personally, if the guy almost hit me and I spit on his car, I expect him to say, "I deserve that. I almost killed the guy.." If he has the nerve to come pull up to me after that, get out, and talk shit, I'd simply square him in the mouth because I see that as a threat. Then point to his cackling girlfriend and tell her she's next if she doesn't shut the hell up.

I know a lot of people think, "Just walk away, it's better in the long run", but that's not always true. It might be in the sense of, "You avoided potentially getting hurt," but I bet that guy is walking around going, "Yeah, some dick spit on my car. I was about to FUCK him up.." not having been taught a lesson. I personally think the latter is more important. People need to be put in their place sometimes.

I had an incident at a Best Buy once where a guy was driving like a complete dick. I gave him the finger when driving, and as I got out, he said something like, "Where I'm from, people get their ass beat for that shit." I dunno what he meant by that seeing as how we're in the same state... but anyway, I said, "Where I'm from, people shut the fuck up and don't drive like shit."

He turned to his friend and said somethin to the effect of "this guy's gettin his ass beat." I'm sure I would've, this guy was like 10x my size. Instead, I had the people in the store call security on him. They were monitoring him, I went outside and took the lid off their garbage can in front.. it was a metallic square top. I was going to fuck his car up... in the mean time, my girlfriend's makin a fuckin scene (I could've gotten away with it if it wasn't for her mouth).. but shit, sometimes people just need to taught a lesson. She ended up gettin the car, driving to the other end of the parking lot where I was (at the guy's car) and was yelling, "PUT IT DOWN. DO NOT TOUCH THAT FUCKIN CAR." Making everyone look at me... so I whipped the lid at the backend of his truck anyway.

I was pissed at that for a while. I simply don't tolerate disrespectful people. If you drive like an ass and I give you the finger, accept that as a consequence of your shitty actions. Don't get all huffy with your macho self and try to take it further. You could just tell he was one of those people that needed a good ass whipping... one of those guys who think they're tough and walk around pickin fights.

I've been taking martial arts for a while now, so if a situation like that comes up again, I wouldn't have a problem dropping those types of people in a heartbeat, 10x my size or not..

In any case, I can understand 100% how you're pissed and upset. It might not be the most healthy way to react, but we're all different and have different morals/values.
oh my god where do i start - youve been taking martial arts for a while, now you can "drop people". wow. you the man.

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."

George Bernard Shaw
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Old 11-26-2004, 09:42 AM   #20 (permalink)
Still fighting it.
flamingdog's Avatar
Originally Posted by dualman7
How am I supposed to react? The guy almost runs over 5 people, then just calmly sits in his car staring at us with the look of "what the fuk are you looking at". If he would of rolled down his window and apologized, I would of gladly accepted it. He only rolled it down after I starred at him back. Then started calling me a puss for walking away. As I kept walking away, the more macho he became shouting more offensive things. I yelled back but kept walking.

I think me feeling bad isn't all due just to this incident. I am starting to realize that I have a pretty good mouth, but when confronted, I panic and wuss out. It's very painful knowing that about yourself.

thanks for the replies, i am really starting to feel better having talked about this to you guys.
You wouldn't have had to kick his ass, if you'd have turned round, he would have shit it. Guaranteed. He was only so cocky cos you were already the bigger man, and walking away. If you'd turned round and said 'what did you call me?' in a menacing way, he probably would have bolted for his car like a little boy. Just take solace in knowing that there's no dignity in scrapping in the middle of the street like a couple of dogs. You did the best thing.
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Old 11-26-2004, 10:59 AM   #21 (permalink)
vox_rox's Avatar
Location: Comfy Little Bungalow
Why contribute to an angry world?

Maybe it's just me, but the whole thing just seems a little, no a LOT, confrontational. I don't think we nee dto look at each other so adversarily, even if there was some "justification" to it. We see so much violence everywhere, and I think the last thing we need is to create more when there is no need.

In the first place, if no one was actually hurt by his bad driving, walk away. Don't spit, don't stare him down, don't show him your great-looking middle finger, just walk away.

Does this make you a wuss? Who cares!? This is not a professional wrestling arena, it's a street where you live. Make it a peaceful street.

Confrontation solves nothing. Violence solves nothing. Picture this. You spit on his car, he gets out, you both fight, you hurt him very badly. Who wins? What is proved? Is anything resolved? Does htis undo an act of bad driving? No, it means that someone gets hurt for no reason. No winner.

Different picture: you spit on his car, he gets out, you both fight, he kicks the shit out of you. who wins? More importantly, who loses? Answer, we all lose.

And picture even worse results. Permanent physical damage to bones or joints, brain damage, physical noticable scars, and for what? Because this guy was not paying enough attention to his driving?

Sorry for the tirade, but as I see the world become a more and more angry place, with people more and more in a hurry, I think that we are missing something important. The only enemies you have are the ones you make, so stop making enemies. I'm not saying everyone is your friend, but they also need not be your enemy. You have nothing to prove that requires violence. Use your head first.

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Old 11-26-2004, 11:10 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Location: Comfy Little Bungalow
You need help - REALLY

[QUOTE=Stompy]Sometimes when someone talks shit, you just need to blast them once in the mouth and leave it at that. I wouldn't say beat his ass, but christ, sometimes people need to be put in their place.

***bunch of angry crap deleted***

Stompy, you are in need of some serious anger management. I'm NOT kidding here, and I'm not trying slag you, but some of the things you said about the way you reacted in that parking lot, both to the "bad driver" and to your "girlfriend" are demonstrating that you may be a danger to your self and others, especially now that you've been studying martial arts, and apparently for all the wrong reasons.

So, please, for your own good, get some therapy. Violence is not the answer you may think it is, and "dropping someone" regardless of their size or actions will not make the world a better place, nor will it make you a bigger man.

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Old 11-26-2004, 12:42 PM   #23 (permalink)
Natalie Portman is sexy.
omega2K4's Avatar
Location: The Outer Rim
Wow, if he got in my face, I probably would have broken his. That is if I was alone, if I had my fiancee with me, I'd try to keep my cool.
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Old 11-26-2004, 03:43 PM   #24 (permalink)
f6twister's Avatar
What are so many of you out to prove? How tough you are? How strong you are? How very apparent it is that you are unable to control your rage? Beating the crap out of someone proves nothing more than how violent the world is becoming. Where I live, 2-3 people die every night by violent means for very stupid reasons. They are gunned down, stabbed, beaten, run over, burned, etc over a seat on the bus, a robbery of someone carrying $3.00, who is dating who or for nothing at all. While that number may be low compared to larger cities, do the math. Just two people a night is 730 people a year.

Now, you may be wanting to say that you wouldn't have killed him, just beat him up. I don't see much of a difference. It is all unnecessary violence which will end when people learn to control their rage and stop turning a minor incident into their own personal war.
A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day. Calvin
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Old 11-26-2004, 03:57 PM   #25 (permalink)
World's King's Avatar
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That's why I carry a knife.
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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Old 11-26-2004, 06:46 PM   #26 (permalink)
Suave's Avatar
Location: My own little world (also Canada)
Most of you people have serious issues. You all come off as wannabe vigilantes raised by action movies. If you get murdered for having a dumbass attitude like that, you're definitely well on your way to deserving it.
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Old 11-26-2004, 07:21 PM   #27 (permalink)
Geez you people make it too complicated. We're all just people living on planet earth. The guy made a mistake, and almost hit you, but he didn't. You spit on his car. He felt threatened and got out. At that point - you should have taken some deep breaths and done the right thing - and that is: plugged a cap in his ass. End of story. No screaming or fighting necessary. Duh.... people make everything to complicated.
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Old 11-26-2004, 09:44 PM   #28 (permalink)
shortynickel's Avatar
Location: Central PA
that sucks dude...i would have jumped if he was within inches of me...yeah i would have gotten mad but i wouldnt go off like that cause i am afraid of ppl that would pull out a gun and shoot my ass
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Old 11-26-2004, 10:36 PM   #29 (permalink)
Still Crazy
Ananas's Avatar
Location: In my own time
I experienced something similar, but from the driver's end, a few years back. While driving in a strange city, I got lost, and inadvertently went through a red while people were in the crosswalk. Although I didn't come close to hitting anyone, I did startle a few folks who had started to cross the street. I rolled down my window and apologized, explained that I was lost and unfamiliar with the city, and almost everyone with the exception of one guy waved it off. One gentleman even tried to give me directions, but while he was doing so the angry guy approached my car and started yelling and kicking the door. I drove off, seething, and while circling the block saw the same guy. He started yelling again, and I wished for the fifth time that I had the gun I used to carry while traveling. I sped away, but spent the rest of the day brooding about what had happened, and feeling like a coward or a helpless twit who couldn't defend myself from a two-bit punk. I even spent several moments replaying the whole incident, but with a different outcome: one in which I got out of my car and pounded a puddle in that guys chest.

Dualman7 is trying to deal with a normal human reaction of being angry with himself for basically backing down (punking out, or whatever term is appropriate) from a confrontation. Not only does he feel that the driver was wrong -and stupidly unapologetic for his actions which could have caused serious injury - but he also feels even more wronged for having to concede something (a hollow victory, perhaps) to this punk.

Upon reflection, I think we all realize that a confrontation would have been senseless, and quite possibly dangerous, no one likes to be taken for a flat. That's just human nature.
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Old 11-26-2004, 11:31 PM   #30 (permalink)
you are ashame because you hate yourself that you chickened, and backed off,

I had a situation once, me and my two friends did pull the dude out of his car and slapped him a bit, then popped his tires so he won't chase us down, and that felt good
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Old 11-27-2004, 03:33 PM   #31 (permalink)
Location: geff il
my wife would freak if i even turned around... if i was alone1 of 2 things... i woulda don e simmalr to what you did or kinda sorta in a verry manipulated way close to stompy.. not really even close but.. i agree with him on 1 thing... people do need put in there place from time to time... common sence is free evreyone is born with it...such a verry small few of them choose to use it.....

<<< wishes he was king of his own world...
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Old 11-27-2004, 03:39 PM   #32 (permalink)
Slave of Fear
Dualman7, I know what you mean. I have always been brought up to be the bigger man and walk away etc. My mind hears all the arguments as to why you shouldn't get in to a fight, and I almost always listen. The few times I haven't I have always felt better about standing up for myself. Of course if I got my ass shot I probably wouldn't feel that way. Just real tough to know what to do.
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Old 11-27-2004, 03:50 PM   #33 (permalink)
Scorps's Avatar
Location: Kingston, Ontario
I will probably get flamed for this but I would have knocked the little punk out, you don't drive like that!
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Old 11-28-2004, 09:57 PM   #34 (permalink)
For my entire life it's been just my mom and me. She's the toughest person I've ever known, and I've idolized her for it. When I say tough I mean both mentally and physically. She's taught me that as a woman (or anyone for that matter) you can't take anyone's shit. I must say I try to avoid confrontation when possible. I am headstrong and aggressive, but sometimes I feel that the consequences aren't worth it. My mom won't take shit from anyone, but in a way it scares me that she's gonna get herself killed someday.

As for myself, I've noticed that I have a lot of the same tendencies. Perfect example. Recently I went to the bank to withdraw some money, and I had to go through the drive-through window because the inside was closed. There are two drive through lanes at my bank. I pull in to the one farthest to the right and there is no one behind me (at first). There's this whole process I have to go through, first I need the teller to get me a withdrawal slip. Then I need to fill it out. As I'm giving my deposit to the teller some guy in a big-ass truck pulls in behind me. The teller then tells me she needs my ID (which they never ask me for- she was new) She finally sends the money through and forgets my ID. By this time the guy behind me starts swearin at me. Tellin me to "Hurry the Fuck up!" I don't say anything, I just decide to ignore the guy. And it isn't even my fault that it's taking so long. Finally, after about a minute of hearing obscenities, I flip the guy off. He continues to rant and rave so I tell him to kiss my ass. He's still yelling so I shut the window. Now I'm completely finished with my transaction. But since he had to be such an asshole to me I figure the best way to get him back is just to make him wait longer. So, I sat in front of the teller for a good couple of minutes just staring at him in my rearview mirror. Childish? Maybe. But he's the sort of macho egotisical asshole that thinks he can degrade women for the hell of it. So I felt good to retaliate. Unfortunately he decided to follow my car for about 20 minutes until I pulled into a fire station. So...worth it..maybe not.

The point to this long post was just to say that I can see both points of view. I agree that there is way to much violence today. But there's a point where you just have to stand up for yourself. And as for your situation Dualman...I wouldn't have spit on his car but I sure as hell woulda yelled at the guy if he was lookin all smug.
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Old 11-29-2004, 11:32 AM   #35 (permalink)
Fly em straight!
water_boy1999's Avatar
Location: Above and Beyond
No offense, but it sounds like two wannabe macho guys who want to show they can kick the others ass in front of their friends or GF. If you were so tough, you would have punched him for talking smack. If he was so tough, he would have smacked you for spitting on his car.

I realize the instant gratification of showing your machisimo attitude, but grow up. People are so quick to be angry these days. You didn't get hit, he probably didn't intentionally try to hit you, so walk away and be the better man. You would feel a lot better inside if you walked away, then to have to have this pent up frustration because you didn't act the way you REALLY wanted to. There are times in life when you do NEED to defend yourself, but unless it is one of those occassions, people need to chill out.

-Homer Simpson
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Old 11-29-2004, 12:24 PM   #36 (permalink)
I most likely would've gesticulated how close the car got in a non-confrontational manner and kept on going, and if he did anything, just ignored him.
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Old 11-29-2004, 12:58 PM   #37 (permalink)
Easy Rider
flstf's Avatar
Location: Moscow on the Ohio
These road rage type stories are somewhat dangerous, with so many folks worried about straightening out someone else's bad driving or whatever. There are quite a few borderline crazy people with guns out there. Some are drunk and/or speed freaks.

Before challanging them, I would recommend you arm yourself first so you at least have a fighting chance when they come out blasting. After the smoke clears you can explain to the police how badly they were driving.
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Old 11-29-2004, 01:37 PM   #38 (permalink)
Boy am I horny today
absorbentishe's Avatar
Location: T O L E D O, Toledo!!
You did the right thing by walking away. He's probably still stewing about it, and you shouldn't.

Several years ago, I probably would have walked back and got in his face, and waited for him to throw, now I would give him the one finger salute and said something, and walked. FIghting leads to bad things happening for everyone involved.
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Old 11-29-2004, 04:11 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Location: Edmontania
Originally Posted by Suave
Most of you people have serious issues. You all come off as wannabe vigilantes raised by action movies. If you get murdered for having a dumbass attitude like that, you're definitely well on your way to deserving it.
There's a difference between assertive and agressive. What dualman did was rude and provoking- it was agressive. He could have told the guy to slow the hell down because he didn't want to be hit crossing the street. But taking the blame yourself is not a solution. You'll take a lot of crap from the world if you accept it. I'm sorry, it's my fault, i'll fix it... these phrases all place whatever blame there is solely on yourself. Don't be stuck cleaning up someone else's mess.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim
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Old 11-29-2004, 04:21 PM   #40 (permalink)
Spitting on his car was not a good idea. Avoiding physical contact was.

Ridicule is the best weapon in situations like this.

He was an asshole, but Western society considers spitting a particularly nasty kind of action. I just make fun of people who do things like that.

Mr Mephisto
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