You need help - REALLY
[QUOTE=Stompy]Sometimes when someone talks shit, you just need to blast them once in the mouth and leave it at that. I wouldn't say beat his ass, but christ, sometimes people need to be put in their place.
***bunch of angry crap deleted***
Stompy, you are in need of some serious anger management. I'm NOT kidding here, and I'm not trying slag you, but some of the things you said about the way you reacted in that parking lot, both to the "bad driver" and to your "girlfriend" are demonstrating that you may be a danger to your self and others, especially now that you've been studying martial arts, and apparently for all the wrong reasons.
So, please, for your own good, get some therapy. Violence is not the answer you may think it is, and "dropping someone" regardless of their size or actions will not make the world a better place, nor will it make you a bigger man.