Why contribute to an angry world?
Maybe it's just me, but the whole thing just seems a little, no a LOT, confrontational. I don't think we nee dto look at each other so adversarily, even if there was some "justification" to it. We see so much violence everywhere, and I think the last thing we need is to create more when there is no need.
In the first place, if no one was actually hurt by his bad driving, walk away. Don't spit, don't stare him down, don't show him your great-looking middle finger, just walk away.
Does this make you a wuss? Who cares!? This is not a professional wrestling arena, it's a street where you live. Make it a peaceful street.
Confrontation solves nothing. Violence solves nothing. Picture this. You spit on his car, he gets out, you both fight, you hurt him very badly. Who wins? What is proved? Is anything resolved? Does htis undo an act of bad driving? No, it means that someone gets hurt for no reason. No winner.
Different picture: you spit on his car, he gets out, you both fight, he kicks the shit out of you. who wins? More importantly, who loses? Answer, we all lose.
And picture even worse results. Permanent physical damage to bones or joints, brain damage, physical noticable scars, and for what? Because this guy was not paying enough attention to his driving?
Sorry for the tirade, but as I see the world become a more and more angry place, with people more and more in a hurry, I think that we are missing something important. The only enemies you have are the ones you make, so stop making enemies. I'm not saying everyone is your friend, but they also need not be your enemy. You have nothing to prove that requires violence. Use your head first.