What are so many of you out to prove? How tough you are? How strong you are? How very apparent it is that you are unable to control your rage? Beating the crap out of someone proves nothing more than how violent the world is becoming. Where I live, 2-3 people die every night by violent means for very stupid reasons. They are gunned down, stabbed, beaten, run over, burned, etc over a seat on the bus, a robbery of someone carrying $3.00, who is dating who or for nothing at all. While that number may be low compared to larger cities, do the math. Just two people a night is 730 people a year.
Now, you may be wanting to say that you wouldn't have killed him, just beat him up. I don't see much of a difference. It is all unnecessary violence which will end when people learn to control their rage and stop turning a minor incident into their own personal war.
A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day. Calvin