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Old 08-19-2004, 07:21 AM   #41 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
You absolutely will be OK. It's honestly, only money, your have friends and family who love you, you have a roof over your head, you have a job, you have a kitty who loves you, and that cute Canadian guy too. Focus on the positives. There's so many in your life.

It's a good thing that you aren't ignoring your financial situation, while it sucks right now, it will get better. It's not a bottomless pit you are in, there will be end to it. If you want to have a lunch at Brueggers every so often, enjoy it. You aren't doing it every day. Pack your lunch on those other days, bring chips from home to save money.

Cutting expenses is good, however you don't want to cut what makes you happy too. If internet access gives you pleasure because it keeps you connected to people, then don't punish yourself, the savings aren't worth it.

Don't second guess your decisions, in a few years, or less, your financial situation will be nothing but a memory, if you like living on your own, then you absolutely made the right decision. Nothing worth having is ever easy...

Just relax a bit and take care of yourself. (Have a cup of tea...)
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-19-2004, 07:39 AM   #42 (permalink)
smiling doesn't hurt anymore :)
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Location: College Station, TX
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
It's sometimes weird to see what thread goes through our memories... seems like Bill's seems to be that common thread for the moment. Also seems like Ann is your safety.
safety, sanity, shelter and strength and so very very much more. once the journal section is back, the rest of y'all will be able to go back and read some of the stuff in there. at this point, i know we'll be married. we've both spent alot of time talking about it, thinking about it, and planning accordingly. guess it just proves that even a dirtbag like me has a special someone out there
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Old 08-19-2004, 07:40 AM   #43 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan, NY
that is correct you don't want to make the savings equally painful. You want to do it somewhat comfortably. You also don't have to do it all at once, you can do it slowly, just like you did it slowly in accumulating those things.

You know the bed you made, and you are lying in it. A the same time don't let it get you down and not enjoy what you do have. I know easier said than done.

I stopped eating out for lunches and dinners, I was able to save enough money to refill the savings that were drained when I was unemployed. You know the actions.. it is just a matter of letting time pass with you doing them consistently.

good luck!
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Old 08-19-2004, 07:44 AM   #44 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by rat
guess it just proves that even a dirtbag like me has a special someone out there
Bollocks! (I just love that word) You are not a dirtbag... You wouldn't have a special someone if you weren't more than a little bit special yourself.
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Old 08-19-2004, 07:54 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Location: essex ma
number there should be one but where do i count from?

there is a whistling, hissing sound coming through the window of my living room, which is to my left.
when i look toward the origin of the sound, i see a blue cube that occupies almost the entirety of the window.
words visible, printed in white italics, lower center: home oxygen therapy.
above them a curious yello logo, like a bad matisse figure. maybe a yellow jet aircraft expressing surprise using the conventions of traditional comicbooks.

from the top of the cube billow clouds of oxygen.

engine sounds curl around the cube--it must be a truck but i cannot be sure from this vantagepoint.

i just rolled a cigarette.

while i was rolling, the hissing, which had stopped mometarily, resumed, accompained by more clouds of oxygen.

the smoke from my cigarette trails across the monitor of my computer.

i walk to my window.
i see the words: aporia health.
by the time i get back to my chair, i am perplexed by the term aporia health.

investigation leads to the oed:

aporia: 1. Rhet. See quots.

1589 PUTTENHAM Eng. Poesie (Arb.) 234 Aporia, or the Doubtfull. [So] called..because oftentimes we will seeme to cast perils, and make doubt of things when by a plaine manner of speech wee might affirme or deny him. 1657 J. SMITH Myst. Rhet. 150 Aporia is a figure whereby the Speaker sheweth that he doubteth, either where to begin for the multitude of matters, or what to do or say in some strange or ambiguous thing. 1751 in CHAMBERS; and in mod. Dicts. [E.g. Luke xvi. 3.]

2. A perplexing difficulty.

1888 Athenĉum 18 Aug. 219/3 No quibble was too sophistical, no too transparent, for him to think it worth examination.] 1893 W. CLARKE ROBINSON tr. Ten Brink's Hist. Eng. Lit. II. 80 The solution of many an aporia, as attempted by the idealistic thinker. 1902 Daily Chron. 12 Dec. 3/4 Mr. Kidd does not seem to us to surmount this aporia very successfully.

Last edited by roachboy; 08-19-2004 at 08:10 AM..
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Old 08-19-2004, 08:03 AM   #46 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by rat
Sell crazy somewhere else mal
I am as sane as.... well.. I'm sane dammit, I'm not crazy...

Originally Posted by rat
I really shouldn't fish for compliments as a guy.That's generally the province of feminine tactics
oooooh, them's fightin' words there bubba.... Grrrrrrrrr
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-19-2004, 08:49 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Location: Windy City
I will read your post in a moment here And the longest storm I've ever seen was when we were driving through Texas on our way to Minnesota once when I was like 6 or 7, and then entire night was just one huge long lightning storm. I has half terrified we were gonna get hit, and half so fascinated that I couldn't fall asleep.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 08-19-2004, 08:57 AM   #48 (permalink)
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Location: Windy City
Yayayayyay!!!!!!!!!! And sometimes I wonder if you would have had a chance to find all this out about how Ann felt about you if your grandfather had not decided his time with his family here was done. Now your drinks can be a toast to your future, something to savor and enjoy *hugs*
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 08-19-2004, 10:59 AM   #49 (permalink)
Is In Love
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Location: I'm workin' on it
I find this hilarious

Well, not really. Because I really do not want to deal with it. Again. But here we go.

We've got a customer not paying. Nearly $500,000 is owed. Insane! If I acted like this corporation (A subdivision of the evil GE) and didn't pay my bills somebody would be coming by my house and taking my stuff away. But when huge corporations do it, it's alright. Why? Because they're a "good customer." They order a shit load from us. But what does it matter when they DON'T FUCKING PAY?!?

I wrote an email to these guys a few weeks back. Heard nothing. Last time when this happened in March we stopped shipment. Looks like we may have to do this again. Fantastic.

And these guys get mad when we don't ship ontime. I can understand that. But why should we respect their ship dates when they don't respect our payment dates? It's mind boggling the way they act.

Sigh. Ah well... Off to finish compiling a ship date list for GE, then to write their evil child a letter. Pay up or you're not gettin shit from us. Biotch.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
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Old 08-19-2004, 11:03 AM   #50 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan, NY
business extend this to other business as a courtesy because they "think" that the other company will make some profit and then pay their bills. If they didn't bother to ship any more products then they wouldn't have any more income and thus would definitely go under.

it's retarded but that's the way that it works.
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Old 08-19-2004, 12:34 PM   #51 (permalink)
Americow, the Beautiful
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Location: Washington, D.C.
Adolescence All Over Again

I need to get a lot of things off my chest and the TFP seems like both the best and worst place to do it all at once. That always seems to happen when it's about ubertuber. I am the kind of person that needs to share my rough times, otherwise I carry them around with me for long, long time, but when it involves another member of the community I'm sharing with, something about it never feels quite right. In any case, I have never said a word to tarnish his reputation here, and I'm not about to start now.

About five days ago, we broke up. In some ways, I saw it coming for months and months, but in my everyday consciousness, it was big shock. It has been hard for a lot of reasons. The primary reason for the first few days was that I missed two days of my pill immediately before it happened and my hormones were on a mission to make me cry uncontrollably. This only led to more problems, namely me vomiting pages of conflicting and confusing emotions at him via middle-of-the-night email, which of course, led to him getting angry with me and telling me so. You can probably guess that this just led to more crying. I finally realized that my hormones were the culprit when I later reread my emails and didn't remember thinking or writing 99% of what I apparently had. Next, more emails to apologize, and finally an explanatory phone message. I was forgiven.

Now, the hard part. In 8 months, I grew as a person in a way that I never could at any school or camp I ever went to, or with my oldest and dearest friends. I grew more into the person I am glad I have become while dating ubertuber than I have from any other experience I've had in the past, and I grew because I paid for it. I paid almost constantly with the pain that comes from doing things that make me uncomfortable. (The good kind of uncomfortable, of course. The kind that teaches you things and makes you grow.) While there were needs I had that ubertuber just wasn't the person to fulfill, I knew from the start that we would have a very meaningful and valuable relationship. And so, I ignored these needs - at least, I thought I did - because they were less important to me in the long run.

Last night, I sat up thinking for hours about things that made me cry and then stayed up even longer thinking about why I had these thoughts and where they were coming from. I realized something important in those hours. I realized that I was crying over a love I "lost" that never existed. What keeps me up at night crying over my loss are thoughts of the comforting things that ubertuber used to do that made me feel the good things I did for him. Those were the moments that changed my respect and admiration for him into love. Those were also moments that never happened in real life. They were daydreams: from mornings I would come home from a night with him and feel like I wasn't quite satisfied with the time we had just spent together, from difficult times in my own life when I cried and he couldn't get away from school or work to come comfort me, and from simple wishful thinking. They filled in the gaps where he couldn't for so long that I never realized there was a difference between what ubertuber was and what he meant to me. I've been crying over a person that never existed.

Unfortunately, just because I've realized this doesn't mean that it's going to be easy to separate the two. The ubertuber in my head and the one that lives and breathes still bear too close a resemblance. They look the same, sound the same, smell the same, feel the same... I sure wish they were the same, but they aren't.

I'm not worried that our friendship will end or that I will be plagued by this misdirected love for my whole life, but I am worried about starting over too soon and missing the lesson in it because of my hurry to heal. I suppose this will come in time, regardless. There are a lot of things like this that I worry about a little everyday. I'm sure they will all pass.

The worst part now is that I feel like an ass. For 8 months, I grew and grew like a potted plant in a sunny window, oblivious to the hand that watered me and the pot that held me, feeling very big and proud of myself and saying "Wow, this is finally it. I'm 20 years old and grown." Now it's hard not to say, "I'm only 20 years old and that's still a kid in the long run - what did I expect?" It's a similar feeling to my adolescence when my family told me constantly how proud they were of what a responsible person I was and what a good driver I was, but still didn't let me drive by myself until I was 17. I worked this hard to be able to do this thing that kids can't do, but here I am. I'm still a goddamn kid. Obviously, some things have changed since then and I'm confident that things will continue to change and improve. Yet, knowing that it's going to be better later sometimes makes it hurt worse now.
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Old 08-19-2004, 12:41 PM   #52 (permalink)
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It's weird. We try so hard to grow up and get to the top, only to realize that we're really at the bottom again, it's just a moment of a plateau. I experienced that when graduating middle school, high school, and well.. I didn't finish college.

But it's the same even in the work force. You stay someplace and you eventually go from the fuckin' new guy to the old timer... and when you move on because there's no more for you to learn... you become the FNG again.

It's good that you are introspective and able to see the difference between the realities. It's not an easy thing to do when speaking in the tongues of love.

I had to just stop dating for a while in my life until *I* made myself grow, until *I* was able to comfort myself after a bad day... it wasn't easy it took time, but I'm a stronger person for it.

good luck. and we're all here for you...
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Old 08-19-2004, 02:14 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Day Off tomorrow...

I'm off tomorrow from work, but I still have lots of work to do. I'm going to spend some time working tomorrow. *sigh* but at least I'm going to be able to catch up on some of the work that has slowly buried me this past week.

The Disaster Recovery project is really killing me. There's just so many little gotchas that I didn't know about becuase I didn't set the wheels in motion so I'm catching them. At least I'm catching them.

anyways.... onto the evening activities.
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Old 08-19-2004, 02:15 PM   #54 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
I've heard of this concept .... day off...

Enjoy it...

Don't work the entire day.. go play...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-19-2004, 05:12 PM   #55 (permalink)
I change
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Location: USA
XXV111 Olympiad

The Olympics enthrall us again.
Every two years as the Summer/Winter Games cycle through our awareness, we become entranced, enchanted, entertained, and inspired by the marvels of the human body in synchronization with mental timing, toughness, grace, and training.

I really can’t watch professional sports - the standard team sports that are mass broadcast to their evidently massive audience. But every two years, I become a sports fan, fanatic even. Telecommuting here during this current Olympiad offers me just about 24/7 cable coverage of the 2004 Athens Games. And during the evenings, the girls and I have suspended our standard movie viewing for nightly rounds of Olympic drama.

We have a personal love of certain events because we are involved in them ourselves. We’ve done white-water kayaking and canoeing for many years. We love horses, we ride and the equestrian events are inspiring and the horse themselves are beings of great grace, strength, and beauteous to behold. Shooting guns is a favorite pastime here. There are many more events in which we participate as recreational activities.

There are so many awesome and inspiring stories of human drama and hard work overcoming adversity that unfold during these global games they are too numerous to mention. If you’re watching, you know. If not, you’ve probably never heard of these folks. Their dedication to their practice is a revelation of the focused life. Watching their perfect bodies move through time and space is to experience sensuality at its highest level. The root meaning of amateur is lover, after all.
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Old 08-19-2004, 07:17 PM   #56 (permalink)
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I don't have a love for professional sports either. I do have a soft spot for Basketball but no love for it enough to watch it so regularly.

I do like college basketball alot as I find that it's more about rudimentaries of the game instead of a superstar carrying the team.

I do have my own soft spot for the olympics because I did get wrapped up in it living in Los Angeles, and then seeing it again swirl around me when I was in Singapore and the tourism boosted from Korea.
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Old 08-19-2004, 08:28 PM   #57 (permalink)
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I had a wishlist of features for the Journals at one point in time.

The ability to do the VBcode easily, embed pictures, email notification of comments and fellow journalists. I recall one member asking how come we didn't have more features like Live Journal, such as the ability to limit viewing to certain "friends." I didn't understand truly the functionality that is capable from the Live Journals.

With the new upgrade to the system and us not having journal access but posting in this hyperthreaded manner, it's giving us alot of those features, save the privacy features.

I do like getting emails that tell me who just posted a journal and the text of the journal in email. It would also be great to reply and it autopost your comment, but just getting it is really nice. Via my gmail account it gives me everything back in a threaded manner too so I'm able to follow the posts pretty easily too.

I'm not sure what is going to happen with the journal module. I don't know if we'll get any new features or if it's just the same thing. While I'd mourn the loss of the features, I definitely do enjoy the seperateness of the Journal community. I thought of it like going from party to party, club to club, then just taking a break and dropping the normal dialogue and start to reveal more intimate private thoughts.

Anyways, it made me think of this cartoon.

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Old 08-19-2004, 08:33 PM   #58 (permalink)
Little known...
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Location: Brisbane, Australia
You know the bit in The Good the Bad and the Ugly where Angel Eyes tortures Tuco even if you did that I would not be convinced John Wayne is good...

Also, stop teasing me or I'll tell on you...
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Old 08-19-2004, 09:41 PM   #59 (permalink)
I change
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Location: USA
Very sorry but I can hardly bear this threaded view deal.
Well, actually, I can't deal with it at all.

I was so thrilled about the old journals.
I must wait for the new, hopefully klunky as before, version to get back into this...

This comment is probably in the wong place, since I find the threaded display hopelessly cluttered and confusing. I'm a linear guy - just like our attention - I focus on one thing at a time. Linear is right with me.
create evolution

Last edited by ARTelevision; 08-19-2004 at 09:43 PM..
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Old 08-19-2004, 09:47 PM   #60 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
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Location: Manhattan, NY
the threaded view I can do without too... but the editor, I do hope makes it back with the klunkiness. Not that I do lots of colors or Font Changes...
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Old 08-20-2004, 05:02 AM   #61 (permalink)
All Possibility, Made Of Custard
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Location: New York, NY
Yeah, I'm having a hard time dealing with it as well. I find myself a bit less motivated to actually sit down and write a journal entry.

I'm hoping that the new Journals will at least have abilities to hyperlink to each individual entry, and that hopefully a section can be created, along with "most views/most entries" that has each user's personal favorite journals.

If they just come back the way they were, though, I'll be fine too.
You have to laugh at yourself...because you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't. - Emily Saliers
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Old 08-20-2004, 07:26 AM   #62 (permalink)
smiling doesn't hurt anymore :)
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Location: College Station, TX
Originally Posted by maleficent
I am as sane as.... well.. I'm sane dammit, I'm not crazy...

oooooh, them's fightin' words there bubba.... Grrrrrrrrr

lol mal, you're wonderful. and i'd challenge you to a tickle war, but i always seem to lose those things
Originally posted by clavus
To say that I was naked, when I broke in would be a lie. I put on safety glasses.
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Old 08-21-2004, 07:08 AM   #63 (permalink)
Indifferent to anti-matter
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Location: Tucson, AZ
Mom's gettin' married

My mom's (2nd) wedding is today. I met my new sister and her husband last night at the rehersal dinner. Weird. Not her, just that I never had a sister before so the idea is new to me.

My brother and I are walking mom down the aisle. For some reason it was left up to me if we were going to dress formal or informal. Usually Scott takes command (ex-Navy guy, go figure) and makes these decisions into semi-orders. Maybe retirement is agreeing with him. Anyway, I went with jacket and tie instead of dressy sweaters because of the heat and, well, it's a fucking wedding. If you're not going to dress formal for a wedding, when are you?

The T-bone steak was awesome. Not mearly tasty or delicious, more like mega-fuckin' succulint! Part of that may be that I've had strep throat for a week and have been eating bland foods for the most part.

Certain relatives have made it clear that they don't like that I'm moving to Arizona and taking their grandchild/nephew 1800 miles away. I'm sorry they feel that way, but I gotta do what I gotta do. The most vocal of these is an aunt who just came back from Africa last year after being gone there 3 years. Doing nurse stuff in Malawi. I don't recall her asking anyone's opinion of her little adventure before going.

Gotta feed the kid and get ready. Will write more later. By the way, I switched to the light blue background with the black text and it's really hard to see yellow font. Maybe Cynthetique (sp?) could change the yellow to red? Just a thought.
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Old 08-21-2004, 07:27 AM   #64 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Congrats to your mom on her special day... That's so cool that you can share in her happiness... As a sister, I can tell you first hand, that we're pretty cool, most of the time, enjoy your new extended family (at least you're past the torture the brother stage)

You have to do what's best for you regarding the move, there's email, photographs, web cams, planes, buses, etc - it's not like they won't see the child.. What's doing best for you, is what helps out the child... and the rest of the family should appreciate that and see that.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-21-2004, 08:45 AM   #65 (permalink)
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Location: Windy City
People Watching

My friend Mike and I were eating dinner at TGI Fridays last night, and out of a half empty restaurant, they gave us the table ALL the way in the back, next to the hall entrace for the bathroom. We didn't think much of it till later in stay. Now, I need to say my friend is VERY VERY good looking, and that fact that he doesn't really believe me and his other gal friends when we tell him, and because he's not hung up on his looks AT ALL, that makes him even more appealing. He was facing me and looking out the window, while I could look behind him and see the rest of restaurant. Every five minutes or so, a girl from one of two huge groups of girls that all had their sorority shirts on, would start walking towards the bathroom. Almost every single one, as soon as they caught sight of my friend and realized they would be in his field of vision the last ten feet to the bathroom, would instantly start strutting their stuff. The first couple times, I was like "whatever", but it was SOOO obvious!?! I could see them for about 20 feet back into the restaurant, and they'd leave their table walking like a normal person, but then those last ten feet in front of my friend was the total hip moving- I'm so sexy- LOOK AT ME!! walk. They'd come back out and try making eye contact, and he's oblivious, because hey, he's talkin to me I finally clued him in on it after about 45 minutes, and the next time they came around we were both trying hard not to laugh, since he started imitating them. He had a nice buzz going by this point, so he wasn't really too concerned about their feelings. They finally caught on and left him alone. All in all, interesting dinner at that place.

Two more days of freedom before school starts again...
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Old 08-21-2004, 10:38 AM   #66 (permalink)
smiling doesn't hurt anymore :)
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Location: College Station, TX
Reminds me of the Sammy Kershaw song She Don't Know She's Beautiful only a guy in this case. It's happened with several female friends of mine. One of em here at school would come with me on Monday's to get my paycheck from the Papa John's pizza I worked at, and the second time she came in, all my coworkers were staring at her. Then it got to the point where they knew we were coming, and after a bit, the shirts were tucked in, guys were actually shaving before coming to work, their pants were actually ironed, etc. Pretty humorous, but also pretty sad the lengths people will go to catch the eye of a member of the opposite sex.
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Old 08-21-2004, 06:20 PM   #67 (permalink)
Here to Help My Fellow TFP'er
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Location: All over the Net....(ok Wisconsin)
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
business extend this to other business as a courtesy because they "think" that the other company will make some profit and then pay their bills. If they didn't bother to ship any more products then they wouldn't have any more income and thus would definitely go under.

it's retarded but that's the way that it works.
Ya...thats the way it works. I wonder how companies maintain their credit rating any more i the contractors world. It's amazing that any contractor is able to finance a candybar more so than a 500K credit limit in supplies.
"I Finally Finished My Goal....You Can Too!

Yippie Ki Ya...
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Old 08-21-2004, 06:36 PM   #68 (permalink)
Here to Help My Fellow TFP'er
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Location: All over the Net....(ok Wisconsin)
I too miss our old journal entry system. It is what keeps me sane in stressful times, like now....so here I go anyways.
I accepted an offer from the LA branch offically on Friday. We worked out all the details and made sure my wife and family were comfortable with the move. My family is always my first priority and I certainly did not want to cause undo emotions without consulting my wife on the whole matter. It has been tough, however. Picking up and relocating so far away seems very intimidating.
We had our first rummage sale this weekend. Surprising enough, we sold alot of our crap that I don't want to take with us to LA. (almost everthing). Even thou we still have tons of stuff left, we seemed to have moved out the big stuff and liquidated old useless furniture and etc. The sale was fun however. We had good weather and even had some friends come and visit and help. A shout out to Reanna74 for the help. It was fun and we plan on continuing our effort next weekend as well. I have given alot of stuff away, just so I don't have to take it with us. I gave a lot of stuff to my wifes family too. I feel better knowing the items I give them will be used and taken care of. It's nice to offer things to family and friends.
My offer is a good one financialy. The relocation budget alone is over 10K. I will use that up in no time I am sure. I will leave for the coast Sept 1st. I need to report to work on the 7th and since I will be driving my car, it need about 4 days to get there. Once I find suitable housing, my family will come out. The faster the better, but I want to make a smart choice and not make a decision in haste trying too hard. I need good schools and a safe neighborhood and of course, something I can afford. I am very jiddery on this whole deal. My nerves are mostly shot and my focus is nonexsistant. I have a hard time finishing a thought before I jump to the next.
I have soooo much work ahead of me in the next week. I hope I pull through with my wits and sanity.
"I Finally Finished My Goal....You Can Too!

Yippie Ki Ya...
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Old 08-21-2004, 07:47 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Location: Windy City
Rat, that's funny! Some of my friends think that he's hurting my chances of getting a guy to ask me out, if they see him as competition. Thought about dating him at one point, but then I introduced him to one of my close friends, and they ended up dating before breaking up in a huge drama spectacle. So now he's in no dating land forever.
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Old 08-21-2004, 08:05 PM   #70 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Congratulations on the new adventure you are about to embark on, it's gonna be a blast.

Your new company should be able to put you in touch with a relocation specialist, that can help you out with all the picky picky details, it's better than doing it yourself.

Enjoy your new life...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-21-2004, 08:38 PM   #71 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
Airport Fun -- August 20, 2004

Sexual Harassment at the Airport
I'm checking in for my flight, and O'Hare has this thing where they, to speed along the check in process, or to make a person feel useful or something, they have the TSA Agents search the bags by hand, rather than going thru the security machines. It's a little faster, and a few less steps, and a few less people to deal with, so I'm OK with it.
Until tonight that is.*

The check in lady calls the guard over, and asks if he would like to hand search my bag. This is the same guard who has been searching my bag for the past few weeks, so he makes a joke that I'm a regular and we're old friends. I made some sort of joke about how he has become rather fond of my undies, and well , whatever works for him. And I trotted off to my flight.

Chuckling on the way. wondering if I could be stopped for sexual harassment.
Now I know I can't make jokes anymore about bombs and blowing up planes and stuff, I wonder when they will institute the no harassment policy in the airport. When they do, I think I'm the person who's responsible and I'm sorry.

OOOOOH Pretty....
Oh My!
Subtlety has never been one of my strong suits. I say what's on my mind, and often times, I chase those words when they come out of my mouth, in hopes that I can shove them back in. I am rarely successful. My mouth is quite large from sticking my feet in it.

So, there was Dave on the plane last night. Dave was the flight attendant in first class, and oh he was worth the upgrade. So very pretty, and so very straight (there was no sashay at all in him). That expression, long, tall drink of water, oh baby, did it apply to him. About 6'2", thick wavy brown hair, amazing green eyes, smile that could light up a room, no facial fuzz, but just enough five o'clock shadow to make him unbelievably sexy. And when he took off his uniform jacket, the buns oh baby, and the shoulders... A cold shower would have been appropriate.

So, he strides over to me and asks me if I wanted anything... Ummm... (Oh, if only the running commentary in my head would shut up) While my social skills generally suck, tonite, I also started to stutter, somehow I got out that a glass of wine would be delightful. He came over and chatted for a bit mid flight, kept me in wine, and eventually I could put together a sentence or two. Then sadly, the flight ended.*

But what a nice bonus on the flight, he was just soooo pretty and didn't seem to realize that he was. That makes a nice boy.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-21-2004, 09:32 PM   #72 (permalink)
smiling doesn't hurt anymore :)
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Location: College Station, TX
From the Man Code

19. If you have known a guy for longer than thirty minutes, his sister(s) and ex-girlfriend(s) are off-limits from dating--ever.
As far as him hurting your chances....any guy who really wanted to date you would take the time to finc out the real situation. So just look at him as the equivalent of screening your calls--only on a social level
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Old 08-21-2004, 09:33 PM   #73 (permalink)
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Location: Windy City
Glad you had someone to make the flight more interesting!
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Old 08-21-2004, 09:35 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Location: Windy City
Good way to think of it. Thanks Rat I didn't have any dates for a year and a half before I met him, still haven't had any in the year I have known him, so I think it's just me. C'est la vie.
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Old 08-21-2004, 10:02 PM   #75 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by amonkie
Good way to think of it. Thanks Rat I didn't have any dates for a year and a half before I met him, still haven't had any in the year I have known him, so I think it's just me. C'est la vie.
Impossible that someone as pretty, smart and sweet as you are didn't have dates for a year and 1/2 - -or was it that you were living in a nunnery...

Any fella who doesn't see your charms - isn't worth your time... It's not you.... I've said it before, I'll say it again, we knew it in kindergarden,., boys are stupid
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-21-2004, 10:39 PM   #76 (permalink)
Indifferent to anti-matter
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Location: Tucson, AZ
Thanks for your comments. At the wedding tonight, various relatives weighed in with their thoughts and most seem to be of the opinion "Hey, that's great, go do what you want to do, our prayers will be with you, good luck, etc.". Can't let a few sour apples rain on an otherwise lovely parade. It was a very nice simple ceremony, tastefully done considering a 2nd wedding and there both nearing 60. After talking to my new sister, Holly, I feel better about step-dad Pete. She thinks highly of him and he's proved himself to be a responsible committing kinda guy. So I'm a little more assured that mom's in good hands.
If puns were sausages, this would be the wurst.
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Old 08-21-2004, 10:43 PM   #77 (permalink)
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Location: Windy City
Originally Posted by maleficent
Impossible that someone as pretty, smart and sweet as you are didn't have dates for a year and 1/2 - -or was it that you were living in a nunnery...

Any fella who doesn't see your charms - isn't worth your time... It's not you.... I've said it before, I'll say it again, we knew it in kindergarden,., boys are stupid

Not quite a nunnery, but being an RA, which is a 24/7 job, kind of made me everyone's mom for two years - a little hard to date someone you might have to end up disciplining at one point
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 08-22-2004, 12:24 PM   #78 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
The Anti-Borrowers

Ever buy something, then just put it away and forget all about it? I do that often, and in my cleaning, decluttering, organizing projects, I've found some things that have just made me say... why the hell did you go and buy that? It had to have been me that bought it, because I live alone, and it was in my box o' crap in my closet, but I honestly can't remember buying it, nor can I figure out why I would have bought it. It's a puzzle.

Maybe it's the Borrowers, you know, that family of tiny people that live under the stairs and are responsible for all the missing stuff in the house, only instead of taking my stuff, my house is the dumping ground for all the stuff that they borrow, since I'm never home, I guess they figure I'm as good a place as any.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-22-2004, 01:20 PM   #79 (permalink)
Inspired by the mind's eye.
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Location: Between the darkness and the light.
German club kickoff.

Great German club kickoff for the school year. We start our classes on Monday, so we all had a party on our last weekend of freedom. Met up at (Br)'s house and hung out for several hours drinking, having fun, some watching the olympics. It was around midnight that some left, including (M) and the girl who I referred to as my future ex-wife, (R).

Then (Br) and I made a beer run across the street to Safeway. When we got back, we all climbed up on the roof of (Br)'s house and continued drinking. BTW, that roof is the single greatest drinking spot in all of Phoenix.

When (V) left, (Br) and (Ry) did a "Full Monty" show for her. Then we all went down into (Br)'s house. After 5 beers, I was in no condition to drive, so I crashed on (Br)'s couch. A great night to kick off the school year.
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Old 08-22-2004, 02:04 PM   #80 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
YAY for you having a good time...

(and even better for being smart enough to not drink and drive)
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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