I find this hilarious
Well, not really. Because I really do not want to deal with it. Again. But here we go.
We've got a customer not paying. Nearly $500,000 is owed. Insane! If I acted like this corporation (A subdivision of the evil GE) and didn't pay my bills somebody would be coming by my house and taking my stuff away. But when huge corporations do it, it's alright. Why? Because they're a "good customer." They order a shit load from us. But what does it matter when they DON'T FUCKING PAY?!?
I wrote an email to these guys a few weeks back. Heard nothing. Last time when this happened in March we stopped shipment. Looks like we may have to do this again. Fantastic.
And these guys get mad when we don't ship ontime. I can understand that. But why should we respect their ship dates when they don't respect our payment dates? It's mind boggling the way they act.
Sigh. Ah well... Off to finish compiling a ship date list for GE, then to write their evil child a letter. Pay up or you're not gettin shit from us. Biotch.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.