German club kickoff.
Great German club kickoff for the school year. We start our classes on Monday, so we all had a party on our last weekend of freedom. Met up at (Br)'s house and hung out for several hours drinking, having fun, some watching the olympics. It was around midnight that some left, including (M) and the girl who I referred to as my future ex-wife, (R).
Then (Br) and I made a beer run across the street to Safeway. When we got back, we all climbed up on the roof of (Br)'s house and continued drinking. BTW, that roof is the single greatest drinking spot in all of Phoenix.
When (V) left, (Br) and (Ry) did a "Full Monty" show for her. Then we all went down into (Br)'s house. After 5 beers, I was in no condition to drive, so I crashed on (Br)'s couch. A great night to kick off the school year.