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Jim Kata 06-25-2003 09:12 AM

Holy piss! I'm so surprised that some of yous lost it "late". I thought I was the only 25 year old virgin when I still was one. I am so glad that I passed up on the handful of opportunities I had. I lost it to a girl that I have been with for just about 2 years now, and everything about it was perfect. So all you guys (and gals ) out there, in my experience...it was well worth the wait.

denim 06-25-2003 09:15 AM

I didn't "lose" my virginity as much as I kicked it the hell out.

micah67 06-25-2003 04:19 PM

I was 17 she was 15. She knew what she was doing, if you know what I mean. She didn't know I was a virgin (I assume) and it was over with rather quickly, to her dismay. She looked down and said, "You're not done, are you?!?" I dead-panned: "It's been a long time." Her mom came home before I could muster up round 2...

nofnway 06-25-2003 11:27 PM

19 on a trip to Disneyland

Battlefield 06-25-2003 11:49 PM

13 to my right hand. 18 to a living breathing female.

osideracer 06-26-2003 05:53 PM

i was 14 she was 15. i was with her for like 2 years. 2nd yr = lots of sex :D

Amethyst 06-26-2003 06:33 PM

I was 13 he was 16.

mew 06-26-2003 07:59 PM

I wanted to lose it before i was 21 so I was 20, and still with my bf who I lost it to. In college of course ;). Were like sex crazy now.

richeee 06-26-2003 08:16 PM


Originally posted by ARTelevision
16, back seat of dad's car, down a deep path through a dark wood.
Art, my friend- did that really come out the way you intended? :confused:
I hope your dad wasn't there!

Me? 18, my apartment, my best friend's girl, who used him to get to me...
But I think I've regained my virginity a few times since that!:D

txstar 06-26-2003 08:43 PM

We were both 15 and had been going together for about 6 months. Were playing around in the field behind his house and one thing led to another. Didn't enjoy it much that time, but we got better.

cliche 07-06-2003 05:18 AM

Just 18, LT gf in college. Spent most of the night laughing (both of us!)

tikki 07-06-2003 05:51 AM

20 at my house with the chick I dated for three years. Not all its cracked up to be...

-Anders 07-06-2003 06:26 AM

19 And still keeping it closely guarded.
I dont want to have sex with someone i'm not madly in love with.

flamingpeach 07-06-2003 06:29 AM

14..he was older then me. I think back now and don't regret it though, it was goign to happen sometime. :)

macmanmike6100 07-06-2003 12:17 PM

17. I was over Lori's condo, her mom and sister weren't home. We had bought condoms earlier and decided to go for it. Well, we didn't know what the hell we were doing, did it (awkwardly), and relaxed together for a while. (But it got better than that pretty quickly ;-)

boober 07-06-2003 12:26 PM

She was 16, I was 17. On the couch. Then on the bed. Then a dip in the shower, then out to a hockey game, then back for another round. hehe. Twas fun. The parents were out of town so we just explored all weekend.

Jack Ruby 07-06-2003 01:32 PM

Heh. I actually lost my virginity while this thread was in progress. Still 18. Was good :)

Hite Reporter 07-06-2003 01:32 PM

My 18th BD - A BD present form my GF. (We had been dating for some time.) .....And then every day until we broke up 6 months later :)

Quant 07-06-2003 02:05 PM

I was 14, she was 16. We'd been aiming for when I was 15, for the smaller sketchiness factor :)
We ended up not waiting.

human 07-06-2003 02:17 PM

19. 3 nights after moving into rez at university, still with her though :)

rodimus 07-06-2003 07:02 PM

18 and still waiting. can't decide whether to wait or not.

teknophile 07-06-2003 08:55 PM

16 ... funny story, Well I had just gotten over this girl that I was "in love with". And I met a 23 year old girl named Racheal at a friends house, she moved in a week later (my parents are the coolest). And she had a good job apparently (she told me that she was a secretary at a company out of columbus). Well one night she came home drunk with two girlfriends of hers (up to this point she had really been trying to get me to fuck her, but I was scared so she settled for giving me blowjobs). Well I'm trying to sleep for school and one of her friends comes in and doesn't say shit so I think its her (its dark) and she starts blowing me and I am getting into it and I come and I kiss here and I notice that her tongue is pierced (it wasn't previously and she hated piercings) so I ask her about it and Nina pipes up about having it done since last year and I shit bricks. Well my girlfriend comes in and she is all cool about it (while I am thinking its one of those incidents where she is saying everything is alright while meaning that I had better hide behind something solid.) And she starts kissing Nina and rubbing me and I think to myself that she must have already killed me and I'm in heaven and Racheal sits on my cock while Nina is working my balls and Racheals asshole! Needless to say I came in about 5 seconds but after about 10 minutes I am back in the game (oh, to be a teenager again) and me and Racheal and Nina go at it for about 2 hours until racheal throws up all over my blanket and pillows. well she left me about 2 weeks later for the boyfriend that she left to go out with me. I ended up hooking up with Nina and found out that her and sarah (the passed out friend) liked a little bi action also, so I had another great week. UNTIL I ended up getting crabs and then had to take keflex for a FUCKING MONTH(for another nasty surprise she had left me)! I find out that Racheal, Nina, and Sarah are fucking strippers working in a skank house in bucyrus! and that Racheal was fucking her ex-boyfriend when he came to see here at work and a plethora of other guys that came to see her dance also. And then to top it off my friend Rebecca tells me that Racheal has been with at least 30 guys! talk about being scared while waiting for test results ... But at least I busted in that bitches ass umpteen fucking times before we broke up!

niccoli 07-06-2003 08:57 PM

I had just turned 18...worst experience of my life!

grayman 07-06-2003 11:00 PM


bermuDa 07-06-2003 11:00 PM

i was 16, she was an 18 year old coworker over the summer... sex was great but she moved away to college and subsequently broke up with me a week after my first visit. She was really selfish though (in more ways than one); she did me a favor [and saved me a lot of money in train tickets] by dumping me... i just miss the sex :(

teknophile, that's a helluva story!!

The Atomic Boy 07-06-2003 11:06 PM

18 and still haven't gotten rid of it. Used to want to really bad didn't think first time is a big deal but after reading several of the posts in these forums I'll be a little more choosey I believe even though they say beggars can't be choosers.

teknophile 07-07-2003 04:54 PM

Thanks BermuDa, Actually at the time I thought it was pretty great. But if given the chance again I wouldn't have done it at all. I've only "been" with one girl since (my current girlfriend). And now that I think about it, that whole situation really messed me up emotionally. I had no idea what love was and I really would have rather lost my virginity to someone who understood what I was giving them (instead of just another dick to add to the list). Not to mention the hellish aftermath, and at the time what I was carrying around in my pants because of her, at the time messed me up even worse. I was scared all the time thinking that despite the meds it would never go away. And I stopped talking to girls altogether (thinking that 1 if I did get together I would be giving them the same STDs that I had at the time, and 2 that all women were like racheal and would just hurt me more). It just created alot of excess baggage that I didn't need.

Pedialyte 07-07-2003 06:33 PM

I was 19 and she was 18... we dated for a year and had mad good sex the whole time. Just recently broke up :\ So now im out on the market again.

Spanky Johnson 07-07-2003 07:22 PM

I was 15 and so was she.

Now that I have two little daughters (3 and 6) I'm utterly dreading when they reach their teen years and I have to start worrying about this stuff. Payback, I guess.

hahaha 07-07-2003 08:13 PM

not yet, im 18, keeping my standards high.

RaGe2012 07-08-2003 08:47 PM

My first time was when I was 18. Sad, isn't it?:D

lfringe 07-08-2003 09:30 PM

Almost 27. Still virgin. Have only ever held a girl's hand. Think something is very broken in my head, probably.

taog 07-08-2003 09:44 PM

first time was in her backyard when i was 20

i've slept with 3 people since, but only experienced that 'love making' thing with one of them.

Damn i miss that feeling. I hope i get that feeling with someone else, though it's doubtfull i guess.

Either way, i am probably going to be on a long stretch here for a while, since i am not gonig to have sex with someone until i know i am in love with them. That's what i did with my ex and damn i miss that feeling.. hehe. That first time actually meant a fuck of a lot and it just felt so right. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I kind of consider that my first time.

Fire 07-09-2003 08:43 PM

18- And then married her, now I agree with Ferris Bueler- never marry the first girl (or guy) you lay- guess it works for some, just not for me- after five years of hell got divorced- incidentaly, (and this may qualify me for the Geekier than thou award) i lost said virginity on the downstairs couch of a game store I worked in at the time, after finishing my D&D game and locking up for the night

bukaki22 07-10-2003 09:16 AM

i was 16 - i had to crawl in her window while her dad was in the garage she had candles burning, and condoms. sneaking out was just as fun

erion 07-10-2003 09:22 AM

19, and glad I waited that long. Girl ended up being a freaky psycho "put her on Lithium and lock the door behind you evil gf" type, but I'm glad I got some experience before I met my wife.

Kush 07-10-2003 01:02 PM

Girls lose their virginity way earlier than guys most of the time. It's not fair!

stinkynutz 07-10-2003 02:15 PM

havn't yet...i'm 21 now

Stiltzkin 07-11-2003 07:05 PM


yohji22 07-11-2003 08:08 PM

Still waiting. I guess that's okay though, heh. I'll survive, schoolies week approaches soon, signifying the end of high school.
Never know. :o

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