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Bill O'Rights 05-12-2003 11:47 AM

How old were you when you said farewell to your virginity
How old were you when you *officially* lost your virginity? Details as to the event are appreciated as well.

I was 16 years old in 1978, and dating a girl a year older than myself. On one particular summer evening we found ourselves in a secluded park and started fooling around. Before long, we were both stripped to our essentials and doing the nasty on a picnic table. (No, she didn't get splinters) Something to maybe keep in mind when using a public picnic table without a tablecloth, though.

Lebell 05-12-2003 12:10 PM

I was seventeen and it was with a special girl I met during the wonderful summer of my junior/senior year.

We both worked at the same amusement park (the old Elitches, for the locals) and it was a summer I'll never forget, my "Summer of '69". We worked late, hung out later, went to everyone's houses in our group, and talked all night about things teen's worry about.

Her name was Amy and I hope she got her life straightened out eventually, even though I'm not hopeful.

denim 05-12-2003 12:13 PM

I was 25. She was insecure. I hope she figured out a solution.

ARTelevision 05-12-2003 12:16 PM

16, back seat of dad's car, down a deep path through a dark wood.

suviko 05-12-2003 12:31 PM

12. Older boyfriend and shit happens.

(And yeah, I got my first orgasm *3 years later*. That wasn't so bad, Big O ain't all that is to it.)

World's King 05-12-2003 12:48 PM


The girl and I had been dating for a year and we gave it up to each other for Christmas. We broke up about three weeks later and she went the way of the slut and I didn't have sex for another two years. Her mother hate me because she blames me for her daughter being a tramp.

JStrider 05-12-2003 12:48 PM

17... the current girlfriends parents werent at home that night... her dad had to work the early am shift and her mom was out of town... so i snuck over... we did it... and thats about all...

sierra2774 05-12-2003 12:56 PM

I was 15 and it was at my Boyfriends Parents house. They were away for the weekend and we did it on their waterbed.

raeanna74 05-12-2003 12:58 PM

I was 24. Lost it to my hubby(DEI37) before he became such. I'm 29 now. Married since I was 25.

SiN 05-12-2003 01:06 PM


lost it to my best girlfriend's bf :o

heh..she knew he was a slut tho, so was no surprise really.


rogue49 05-12-2003 01:09 PM

18, she was 17

juanvaldes 05-12-2003 01:11 PM

19, Freshman year in the Dorms. College rules :D

Double D 05-12-2003 01:20 PM

15. The year was 1975 and Women's Liberation was still a vital force. It seemed _all_ my girlfriends had lost their virginity and I wanted to get rid of mine. He was 14 and of another race...I started breaking the rules early on.

thenewguy 05-12-2003 01:27 PM


I waited and it was worth it - for a while. Years later, in a roundabout way, she told me I had raped her. When I asked how it could be rape when she didn't say 'no' or give me any indication that it wasn't what she wanted, she had no answer for me. When I pressed her, she began to avoid me and we haven't talked for more than 5 years now.

Kinda fucked up, eh?

bfresh 05-12-2003 01:31 PM

I was 15 she was 21. As it turned out my stepfather paid for it but I really didn't mind, I had my fun.

bollocks 05-12-2003 01:46 PM

15, she was 16, so it was all legal

it was shit, mind you.

Mango 05-12-2003 02:52 PM

I almost lost it about 15 times between the age of 16 and 18. I was once poised at the willng lips of a girl 3 years older than myself when I was 16 when the partyiers upstairs decided it was time to go skinnydipping in the lake. She climbed off my and hauled me after her for a swim in the lake. Eventually I lost my virginity at 18 years old to a sweet 16 year old girl who I fell madly in love with and was with for 6 years untill circumstances put us in different countries.

Jesus Pimp 05-12-2003 03:58 PM

I was 18, got laid with by an older woman(3 years older). A total eye opener for me.

splck 05-12-2003 05:44 PM

I was 16 and she (kelly) was 15. We had dated for a couple of months before the big moment.
I remember doing it to Pink Floyd - The Wall, now every time I hear it it reminds me of her. Ah yes...fun times they were.

mongo 05-12-2003 05:47 PM

Haa...I was 18 and didn't have a clue....I remember the night like it was yesterday...She was so understanding and supportive....So much like a woman in all her glory..It was wonderfull and scary all at the same time.....Oh to be back there again...

MilleniumZeus 05-12-2003 05:49 PM

I was 15 and she was 17. Got lots of mosquito bites that night.

snowy 05-12-2003 05:54 PM

I was 19...in my own bedroom...at home...my parents were asleep down the hall...i just decided it was time and told my boyfriend of three months so, and so we did it. Hurt like a bitch. I thought I was going to be split in two.

Now almost two years later and a couple of partners later, I have no regrets. I gave it up to someone I loved at the time and I've had good experiences in the meantime. :)

limited 05-12-2003 05:57 PM

I'm 18 and still have it. I just havent found the right girl yet.

Angel 05-12-2003 06:14 PM

We were both 15.

wraithhibn 05-12-2003 06:40 PM

I was 17, she was 16. We had dated for a year and a half, and finally went through wiht it. AT her place, in her room, candles and all of that shit. She said it hurt like a bitch even though she didnt have a hymen. The next two months were some very fun times.

hotzot 05-12-2003 07:29 PM

I was 18 she was 24 staff sargent in the airforce. 1974 was a good year.

Xiomar 05-12-2003 07:36 PM

19. She was married, going through a devorce. She was also 32. I learned ALOT over the next few years from her. ALOT!
I may have started late, but what I learned put me so far ahead of the game.

EDIT: Heh... 1974 was a good year indeed. I was born :)

440sixpack 05-12-2003 07:47 PM

Not exactly a story I'm proud of.

21, with my best friend's (EMT) partner's wife - yes I'm scum. They divorced, we've been together a long time now. Don't really feel like going into details ATM.

madsenj37 05-12-2003 08:01 PM

21 and still got it ... could have done it many times in high school but thats not my thing. I have found a few right girls, i am just not teh right man or chickened out on asking them out. Oh well.

05-12-2003 08:13 PM

I was 18, she was 17, and it was in a tent we'd set up in the unoccupied attic apartment of her mother and stepfather's house. They were home below, but paid us no notice. Ended up pretty much living there her senior year of high school. Crazy times.

MrFlux 05-12-2003 08:18 PM

Was with my current girlfriend,we were both 16... on a matress in her lounge with her parents sleeping in the room next door. Was a bit risky, her mum woulda ripped my heart out and ate it if we'd been discovered :p

BBtB 05-12-2003 08:21 PM

18 (and I am 18 right now so you know) it was last january. Although we only went out for a month (and did "it" on the second date) and I later found out she is a total whore.. I probably wouldn't take it back if I could. Which is to say if it was right in front of me I could take it back then I would. But I wouldn't go out of my way to. Only because the girl who is quickly coming into a posistion to be number two is a .. much better girl and I would rather say she was my first.

gibber71 05-12-2003 08:25 PM

I was 17 and she was 21.Nice fucking body..It was a good summer.

warrrreagl 05-12-2003 08:33 PM

Well she was just seventeen, you know what I mean.

I was sixteen, only sixteen, and I was too young to know.

Parked on a dirt road near the college campus at 11PM. Back seat of my 1975 Mustang II with Dan Fogelberg's "Souvenirs" playing on the 8-track. There was a problem with my car's 8-track player, and it kept playing the same track over and over instead of going to the next one. The sex was not much different. It was my first time and nowhere near her first. I was too afraid to enjoy it, and I'm sure she was bored. I certainly would have been.

yournamehere 05-12-2003 09:13 PM

We were both 15 - it was my first time, but not hers (she broke up with her 'first" to be with me)
Anyway, we planned it for awhile - her first time was rushed and uncomfortable in the back of a car - and she said she didn't want "our" first time to be like that. We had done everything but "it" a lot - and got our chance one weekend. Her best friend's parents were on vacation, and her friend's b/f and I did the old "sleeping over at each others house" ruse.
Anyway, we had an entire (very nice) house to ourselves, and were in no hurry. We sipped champagne and took a few bong hits and did it real slow (for 15-yr. olds!) on a king-size bed. In the next 12 hours we did it about 6 more times. When I finally went home I was tired but happy.

davidc209 05-12-2003 09:30 PM

I was 17, she was 19. First weekend of being a college freshman. It helped that I attended the University of Colorado in Boulder (awesome party school. Education wasn't that bad either...;)). That first weekend set a precedent for the next 4 years of weekends... ;)

vermin 05-12-2003 09:46 PM

Two weeks or so after my 20th birthday. In a park. Near the swingset. She was 19. The cops drove in just as we were driving out.

way2young 05-12-2003 10:09 PM

19 and a month. I've been insatiable ever since.

MacGnG 05-12-2003 11:27 PM

not yet :(
but i think thats ok :p

Snoogans 05-12-2003 11:31 PM

I was 15, she was 18. She was my best friends sister and her boyfriend was in spain or somewhere.

Slims 05-13-2003 12:21 AM

I said farewell when I was ten, but I couldn't get rid of it until I was fifteen.

I was at the beach with a friend and his family. We got bored and went for a walk after dinner. I met a girl who started to hit on me, but I didn't realize it until a stranger asked why I was ignoring her. After that we hit it off and one thing led to another. We had sex right there on the beach with people walking by. It took forever, maybe a half hour for me to come the first time, and two more hours for the second time. The whole time my friend kept yelling that we needed to leave and I kept making him go for walks. When I finally finished and we started walking back, we ran into his aunt, who was walking up the beach looking for us.

For the life of me I can't remember her name.

eyeronic 05-13-2003 12:43 AM

18. She was 24 and also a virgin.

alpha 05-13-2003 01:00 AM

I was 18, she was 17. We're still together.

lady 05-13-2003 02:49 AM

25, still a virgin... "technically"

teph 05-13-2003 01:00 PM

I was 18; she was 17.

We planned it for a long time; I was resistant to the thought of anything more than foreplay - my sisters have both had children out of wedlock. But we used two forms of birth control, dated for two years, and it was great. No awkwardness, nothing uncomforatable. From start to finish took us about two hours.

We dated for another year after that and called it quits. Very loving relationship, though.

SysteMatiC 05-13-2003 02:39 PM

i was 14 she was 17 we did it in a tree house, in a neighbors back yard

oblar 05-13-2003 03:28 PM

i was 16 and she was nearly 15. my room, on the floor, before parents got home...

fun times :) don't regret it at all.. I have only been with 1 other person since then and I am 21 now...

rockwaldo 05-13-2003 04:15 PM

a nice round 15.....and that was after waiting for 6 months as whenever we tried it hurt her........which means ive got something to boast about perhaps.......:)
(that or the fact that she was only 15 as well....heh)

Atropos4 05-13-2003 05:17 PM

I was 18 and Alpha phi (my Hubby :D) was 27.

I lived with him for about a month before I felt I was ready.
Middle of the day in the bedroom.

(edit) Not alpha phi's first time :)

Xiomar 05-13-2003 09:03 PM

19. She was older. By about 10 years. I learned alot in those years. Enough to catch me up AND put me way ahead of the game.

ariekitten 05-16-2003 12:52 AM

i was 18, in college and really wishing i wasn't a virgin....
then a month before my 19th birthday, it just "happened"

it was a good experience and i had lots of fun ;)

Xapphire 05-16-2003 04:21 AM

14 in a playground, with my boyfriend who was 15, I'd told him I didn't want to, but I didn't press the issue *wishes she could go back and beat some knowledge into both of us*
He, of course, then went to school and told his best friend, who told everyone. I denied it all, and broke up with him.

My second time was at 14 too, he was 18, and while I should have been smarter, I was madly in love with him. Then we broke up because his ex was pregnant, man I hated her. Looking back I am almost amused at how dumb I was, and how grown up I thought I was.

My third was at 14 too, gah. This one was with a friend the 2nd had introduced me to, but I hadn't gotten to know until the summer, at, of all things, a church ski camp. Another one-off /sigh.

Wisened up a bit, and didn't have sex again til I was 16, and Jon was 17, we dated for a year and a half, but the sex was only in the middle of the relationship, but that's another story.

If we were allowed to change who our first was, make all the irrelevant ones disappear, Jon would have been the first.

Wow, that was a mountain made out of a molehill of a question. I'll stop there as the next is my husband.

mtsgsd 05-16-2003 04:59 AM

18, she was 17. Especially memorable because she had never achieved orgasm with her prior boyfriend, and then turn out to be multi!!! Those were the days :)

~springrain 05-16-2003 06:58 AM

i was raped on my 17th birthday... that's how i "lost" my virginity...

how's that for a "keepsake moment"?

needless to say it was horrible time in my life... but that was a long, long time ago... time heals many wounds...

...life is strange... and horrible... and wonderful... all in the same breath...

VirFighter 05-16-2003 10:18 AM

I'm 19 and still have it for the time being. Looking for the right girl and I feel like I might have found her but not sure if it will work out or not.

xavier 05-16-2003 12:01 PM

13, I don't know why I did then, I didn't want to I just gave in to my 15 year old bf. Never really enjoyed it until I was about 16. When I became 17 I turned into a nimpho. Sex is the greatest thing in the world. I miss it now though, haven't got any in three weeks (since me and my bf went our seperate ways) and that is very unusual for me. It sucks

HiThereDear 06-04-2003 12:04 AM

19. God, so many wasted years.

mtsgsd 06-04-2003 04:38 AM

18. She was 17. In her parents living room on the couch while her parents were away for something.

KeyserSoze 06-04-2003 06:49 AM

Well, I was 12 and the Audio Visual monitor in school(basically I spent a period in a room showing tapes of whatever classes wanted all by myself)..anyhoo, these 2 girls were ditching and paid me a visit and asked if they could hang out in my room......of course I said yes. Well we got to talking and we played a little truth or dare and next thing you know they are both NAKED:cool: ,so they stripped off my clothes and it was NASTY TIME:D

It was also the first time I had seen two girls get it on with eachother that was not in print:crazy:

What can I say....It's LOST ANGELES!!

Whats the definition of a virgin in Los Angeles??

An ugly third grader.

~springrain 06-04-2003 07:04 AM


Originally posted by KeyserSoze
Well, I was 12 and...
Well we got to talking and we played a little truth or dare and next thing you know they are both NAKED ,so they stripped off my clothes and it was NASTY TIME
It was also the first time I had seen two girls get it on with eachother that was not in print:crazy:

you all were 12 ???

times certainly are changing...

KeyserSoze 06-04-2003 07:11 AM


Originally posted by ~springrain
you all were 12 ???

times certainly are changing...

The girls were 14 and 16:cool:

ninety09 06-04-2003 07:14 AM

Not yet.
Had a few opportunities, but I don't want to sleep with someone that I don't really love.

grneyedcat 06-04-2003 07:15 AM

I was 14 he was 15.....The year was 74....Now we've been married for 21 years..Ain't luv grand...

eyeronic 06-04-2003 07:30 AM

I think on the old board this was a poll. It should be again! I was 18 which I think is towards the end of average.

Marrek 06-04-2003 07:34 AM

I'm 19 and I still own mine, I'm not sure if I just haven't found the right girl or what. Maybe I'm waiting for marriage and don't realize it. *shrug*

MSD 06-04-2003 10:17 AM

Still going. Not in a rush. If the right girl comes along, it'll happen. If not, might not be until I'm married. Who knows?

BBtB 06-04-2003 11:27 AM


Originally posted by MacGnG
not yet :(
but i think thats ok :p

Its most defintly okay. Don't let anyone tell you differntly


Originally posted by ~springrain
you all were 12 ???

times certainly are changing...

See I have the same thought but I must say.. Damn that would have been fun though. But then again I have had sex so few times and its been so long I basically consider myself a virgin. That was just a fluke. I rarely think about that much anymore.

Tom Thumb 06-04-2003 11:37 AM

18, and still have it. Ehh.

Daval 06-04-2003 11:37 AM

I was 18. First week in college in the dorms. I was in a hurry :)

mystmarimatt 06-04-2003 11:59 AM

i hate you all. 18 and still waiting

~springrain 06-04-2003 04:44 PM


Originally posted by mystmarimatt
i hate you all. 18 and still waiting
don't worry... you have your entire life to explore discover and enjoy all parts of sex...
think of it this way... you could be one of us who had a terrible experience the first time... that would be much worse than waiting...

BBtB 06-04-2003 04:54 PM


Originally posted by mystmarimatt
i hate you all. 18 and still waiting
I used to feel the EXACT same way. Then I had sex. And was severally disapointed. Then had it again and it was fun. Then that was about it. All I am saying is sex isn't as great as all the primals would have you believe.

oblar 06-04-2003 07:00 PM

<font color="yellow">Forks</font>: Why get mad at her whether or not she is a virgin? What use would it be to tell you she is if she wasn't? No offense, but I really don't hold virginity as high as others do. Personally, I really detest those people who enjoy only having sex with virgins for either their record or they think they feel so much better..

as far as 12... damn... yeah, I don't even think I hit puberty yet and I thought 14 was young*grin*

miykael 06-04-2003 07:15 PM

for me, 18.
she wasn't a virgin, and she definitely wasn't inexperienced.

TheDave87 06-04-2003 08:14 PM

me and my virginity are still kickin it on a daily basis

06-04-2003 09:40 PM

@ 17 in 1997 - in the back seat of my new car after a homecoming dance. I hope she straightened herself out - we broke up after 3.5 years

null_duality 06-04-2003 11:21 PM

lost it when i was 19, we waited till she was 18.
broke up 3 months later...
havn't been laid since and it's been over a year now.

End User 06-04-2003 11:40 PM

One question which may spark a heated debate: If you have oral sex are you still a virgin?

BBtB 06-04-2003 11:57 PM


Originally posted by End User
One question which may spark a heated debate: If you have oral sex are you still a virgin?
There was actully was actully a really good thread about this at one point. I forget what it was called (or how it panned out) "What is sex?" or something like that. The general consenus (that I agreed with atleast) is that sex is more of a state of being. By that definition (and my own personal thoughts) oral sex is most definitely sex so therefore... I will let you come up your own answer to your specfic question.

End User 06-05-2003 12:02 AM

Ok, well based on Bob's explanation, I lost it at 16, to my 3rd girlfriend at night, in a park on some childrens playground equipment after a friends party.

phredgreen 06-05-2003 03:05 PM

i was 16, she was 17, in the back of a dodge caravan under a deserted underpass after the junior prom... it was incredibly akward and entirely unremarkable.. i didn't really come into my own as a "don juan" until a few years ago... all a part of the learning curve, i suppose.

Satsuma 06-05-2003 06:10 PM

I haven't said farewell to it.... yet.

Captain Canada 06-05-2003 07:11 PM

Still waiting.

Foozboote 06-05-2003 08:00 PM

lost it at 28 im now 29, i could have done it earlier but i was too busy playing videogames

drawerfixer 06-05-2003 09:58 PM

18 and waiting...

Not really for marriage or anything like that... I'm not really looking for the right girl either... I guess I'm just waiting...

College had better be bad ass. :D

rainincarnate 06-06-2003 07:15 PM

I was 16 she was 18, it was rubbish - stayed with her for 3 years- broke up...next partner was badass in bed - damn i mis that second lass!

Vayda 06-07-2003 02:34 AM

We were both 18.. No one was home so we did it on his bed. The most I can remember about it , is he was a nervous wreck and the Skid Row song playing in the background cause that was his favorite band.

Jack Ruby 06-07-2003 03:09 AM

Not yet. Working on it, though (I'm 18).

darksparkles 06-07-2003 11:27 AM

hmm. almost lost it when i was fourteen to another virgin simply because we were both curious and lonely. got tangled with the boy's ex-girlfriend over the boy's virginity. we fought for a little bit, then started talking civilly and decided neither of us were ready at the same time. i can only imagine how much this boy was brought down when we told him, haha.

i eventually lost my virginity a year and a couple of months later, at fifteen, after me and my boyfriend had been together four-five months. we'd just spent an in-service day at school [he was graduating and needed to finish a lot of work, i just needed to do a lot of work], and we'd gone back to his apartment while his parents were on a fishing trip. we'd ordered a pizza, but we spaced it and started having sex [i'd been ready to for about a month at the time, he'd been wanting to the whole time]. eventually there was a knock at the door and the pizza came and i lay awkwardly on the couch silently praying that the arm of the couch would hide me. then we continued like nothing had happened :)

alterEGO 06-07-2003 12:10 PM

Im 21 and havent lost it yet, do i pity myself? Hell no..:crazy:

hotzot 06-07-2003 02:47 PM

I was 18 and she was 24 and a sargent in the air force.

Sensei 06-07-2003 11:17 PM


Originally posted by spacelord123
lost it when i was 19, we waited till she was 18.
broke up 3 months later...
havn't been laid since and it's been over a year now.

Wow, that sounds almost exactly like my story. I was 19, she was 18 (not her first time though-- we dated for 9 months) and it's been 13 months since I got myself some poonani. The date of the deed was September 11, 2001 and I guess to escape the reality of the Towers coming down, I went down on her...;)

buffto 06-08-2003 12:09 AM

i'm 18 and my virginity JUST WON'T FUCKING LET GO.

CSflim 06-08-2003 10:57 AM

Originally posted by CSflim on 06-08-2003 07:57 PM

Sparhawk 06-08-2003 11:11 AM

16. I certainly didn't think it was going to be painful for the guy. Dear Lord it was...

Jolt 06-08-2003 02:34 PM

19 in my dorm room on Labor Day, soph year of college had just started.

The thing I miss the most about being young is being able to go all night...

danjo328 06-08-2003 05:19 PM


We were both drunk & sleep deprived.
I had the "privlege" if you can call it that, of being number 150 for her. Yeah, I'm so proud.

liquid_dreams 06-08-2003 05:49 PM

i was 15

Camry 06-08-2003 10:00 PM

I was 18 and she was 16, it was during the summer while she came to visit me in california... Good stuff.

Simulacrums1234 06-08-2003 10:04 PM

Still got it and 20 years old.

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