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RMMsGirl 10-26-2004 08:25 PM

17... parents gone.. boyfriend snuck over.. that's all

abiogen 10-26-2004 09:58 PM

i was 17, and it was to to a girl who is now my fiancee

Jonsgirl 10-26-2004 10:42 PM

I was 15 (2.5 months shy of the big 16). My boyfriend and I had gone to a concert the night before -we were parked out on a dirt road and were really going at it, Closer came on the radio like an omen, and then, we realized that we didn't have any condoms. Arrgghhh!
Long story short, we didn't forget the next night.

Scorps 10-28-2004 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Jonsgirl
I was 15 (2.5 months shy of the big 16). My boyfriend and I had gone to a concert the night before -we were parked out on a dirt road and were really going at it, Closer came on the radio like an omen, and then, we realized that we didn't have any condoms. Arrgghhh!
Long story short, we didn't forget the next night.

No rubber....thats what Birth Control is for :D

brknkybrd 10-29-2004 03:33 PM

28. It just happened this year. I didn't wait that long by choice. In high school, I thought of myself as really fat (I was, and I still carry several extra kilos, but mindset is everything...), and pretty slow, and in University I wasn't much better -- although that's when the 'slow' part finally started getting better.

After University, working shit jobs and seeing how most everyone else around me was getting what they wanted (including scoring with girls) and I wasn't, finally I got more social. A big change in my attitude plus financial desparation took me to teaching in Korea.

Korea forced me to be social -- it was either get out there and be social with the foriegners or be lonely. I picked up a tiny bit of the language. I talked to people, and I smiled. I made a shitload of really, really stupid mistakes and got really frustrated trying to date with girls. I pissed off a lot of good, kind potential dates with my angst. 90% of those first girls I really talked to don't even want to chat by e-mail anymore. I lost a lot of good friends.

Finally, after the angst was gone, I was able to convince myself that dating wasn't so important in the face of all the good things I *did* have - a good, fun job, a more full and satisfying social life than I ever had back home, and a new confidence.

And then I had an idea. I posted an ad a local cafe where I knew the shopowner. It was worded (in both languages!) as a language exchange ad, where I would teach somebody English, and they would teach me Korean. I got a lot of enthusiastic responses to the ad, and that's how I met her.

After meeting every day for week, she and I really connected. I had a mind to ask her out, but she was too fast for me -- she called me up one night and asked to come over. It took us two hours of talking to figure out we were crazy for each other.

She took me to my bed that very night. We've been dating steady for three months. I absolutely love her.

Sorry 'bout the long post. Feels good to tell this story now...

Scorps 10-30-2004 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by brknkybrd
28. It just happened this year. I didn't wait that long by choice. In high school, I thought of myself as really fat (I was, and I still carry several extra kilos, but mindset is everything...), and pretty slow, and in University I wasn't much better -- although that's when the 'slow' part finally started getting better.

After University, working shit jobs and seeing how most everyone else around me was getting what they wanted (including scoring with girls) and I wasn't, finally I got more social. A big change in my attitude plus financial desparation took me to teaching in Korea.

Korea forced me to be social -- it was either get out there and be social with the foriegners or be lonely. I picked up a tiny bit of the language. I talked to people, and I smiled. I made a shitload of really, really stupid mistakes and got really frustrated trying to date with girls. I pissed off a lot of good, kind potential dates with my angst. 90% of those first girls I really talked to don't even want to chat by e-mail anymore. I lost a lot of good friends.

Finally, after the angst was gone, I was able to convince myself that dating wasn't so important in the face of all the good things I *did* have - a good, fun job, a more full and satisfying social life than I ever had back home, and a new confidence.

And then I had an idea. I posted an ad a local cafe where I knew the shopowner. It was worded (in both languages!) as a language exchange ad, where I would teach somebody English, and they would teach me Korean. I got a lot of enthusiastic responses to the ad, and that's how I met her.

After meeting every day for week, she and I really connected. I had a mind to ask her out, but she was too fast for me -- she called me up one night and asked to come over. It took us two hours of talking to figure out we were crazy for each other.

She took me to my bed that very night. We've been dating steady for three months. I absolutely love her.

Sorry 'bout the long post. Feels good to tell this story now...

Don't be sorry its always good to read a nice story like that...I'm happy for you to! :thumbsup:

Small world eh! :D

Jared Jones 11-21-2004 08:18 PM

I was 17 she was 17, my mom and my step dad went to a movie and we stayed at home and "hung out" fun fun, did it on a fold out bed couch, then on an old TV. Very interesting

more fire 11-23-2004 03:27 PM

it was arkward....

KinkyKiwi 11-23-2004 03:37 PM

hmmm..it was the day after i'd turned 14...i had been with the guy officially 6 months..we had been dating a bit longer...he was 4 years older..in my house while my parents were gone..(of course they didnt know he was over) in my room...

it was really special ..tho it didnt feel that great :/

kel 11-23-2004 06:48 PM

18, Friend knew the girl from high school. Introduced us online, went to her university to sleep with her 2 or 3 times.

Big mistake.

11-24-2004 02:01 PM

In a closet at the tender age of 15.

Vincentt 11-25-2004 12:35 AM

I was 18; she was 18, first year in college. Was the first time for both of us, we stayed together for 2 years. 2ed year was horrid, just staying together because it was all we knew.

LIMilf 11-25-2004 10:21 AM

I was 18 and lost in Wetzel Hall at Western Illinois. It was a tuesday night and a one night stand. Not very good sex, but it was more of a revenge thing to get back at some girl from home.

Frowning Budah 11-27-2004 04:16 PM

Warrrreagl, we could be twins. Except I was 17 and she was 16 (still not her first time) and it was a '65 Mustang Fastback. My 8 track worked better than yours and sounds like I had a better time. Thanks Terri.

belkins 11-27-2004 08:00 PM

16 in the girl's dorm at a private school. She was a year older than me.

My biggest fear was getting busted for being in the girl's dorm when it was a well known fact that boys were not allowed in there!

rfra3645 11-27-2004 08:19 PM

i was 15 she was 16.... her place middle of the night some stupid infomercial chanell on tv .... my buddy left....did it.. or i put it in and then it was over... lol

we "dated" for a month or so... then just lost each other... not bad or good just over

Kalnaur 11-27-2004 09:19 PM

20ish with the woman who is now my wife.

mokle 11-28-2004 07:43 PM

Still haven't.

Janey 11-29-2004 02:28 PM

19. I was under the stands at the football game (Queen's vs McGill) it was cold out, I was drunk, and wearing a kilt, he was (probably not as) drunk and in a kilt too. Wasn't too elegant for both of us, I was his first chinese girl, he was my first guy and was white.

the thing i remember most was how cold his cum felt dripping down my leg afterwards, and how happy i was that I was on the pill for controlling my period...

(too much info?)

scott_p_1 11-29-2004 03:19 PM

18, she was 17, we had been dating for a few months and her parents were gone out. It wasn't all that memorable. I suffered from a bit of stage fright, but, got through it.

RallyEX 11-29-2004 03:25 PM

Age 18, my bedroom in the upstairs of my parent's house... That's about all there is to it. They were home, by the way... and had no clue from what I could tell at the time.

moonstrucksoul 11-29-2004 05:46 PM

almost the same here, but my folks were gone.

El_Pato 12-14-2004 01:00 AM

I was 18, she was 16... and it was this last Saturday. :D Was in her room, her parents were below us sleeping. They already know about it though, her mom does at least.

Wow, it was amazing.

Stick 12-14-2004 02:29 AM

16. She was mid 20's. Don't remember her name. Can't picture her face, either. It was 28 years ago so I guess I'm lucky to be able to remember it at all.

rickscales 12-14-2004 12:14 PM

I lost my virginity a few months ago, on my first weekend of college.

I won't go into details, because it's just like the other 200 "college" stories in this thread.

We did use three (3) forms of birth control though.

Sugarmouse 07-25-2005 05:23 PM

i ws 16 he were 18..dont rememebr it much and dont really wnt to!!Lol

cellophanedeity 07-25-2005 05:42 PM

I was fifteen.

We had been dating for five months, and just decided that we wanted eachother. It was funny 'cause we hadn't learned to move in synch with eachother yet, but we caught on quickly, and tried twice again that night.

We're still together three years later. The sex got much better.

noodle 07-25-2005 06:56 PM

27. Last year. Odd, I'd not known him long but it seemed like we'd known each other forever. Together 8 months. Back as friends after a separation and another go at a relationship. We were rabbits in the beginning. Was kinda fun :D. But he's been my only thus far and that's okay with me.

tiltedbc 07-25-2005 09:05 PM

19 or 20. Friend of a girl I worked with in a small town who I'll guess was about 28. I was shy and worked all the time but got talked into going to a local bar. Met her and we danced then she asked me if I wanted to go back to her place. NO expectations on my part. Duh. I wasn't a sexual person as a teenager.

First she blew me (my first) then we had sex about 3 times (short sessions). The next morning a couple more times. NO protection but she was on birth control. Never did catch her last name although I went back over a couple more times. After that I started college and got busy with the girls. The best part of losing it was I didn't even have the chance to be nervous. No regrets on my part. Older women rock!

getwonk'd 07-26-2005 04:33 AM

I was 15, he was 16. Biggest mistake of my life. Used protection but doesn't always work.

basmoq 07-26-2005 08:44 AM

hmm, was 18 at a friends house with her best friend house-sitting. We did it on her bed

mandy 07-27-2005 12:59 AM

i just turned 16 and he was 28. he picked me up from school one day and we went to his place.and the rest as they say is history...and so was my virginity.

lots of twists to that tale.but thats another story.

sometimes i feel i should have waited.like with my current bf,the one i know im going to spend the rest of my life with, i wish to god i could take it back because with him was the first time i made love.

Hardknock 07-27-2005 01:12 AM

12. I just had that much game......

JK. It was actually at 16 with some chick I had no business fucking around with.

healer 07-28-2005 01:12 AM

21 - with mandy, my first REAL girlfriend. On the floor in her parent's lounge too :D

ophelia783 07-28-2005 03:20 PM

I was 19, he was 20, and I was in love.

He later raped me.

greeneyes 07-28-2005 03:26 PM

I was eighteen... exactly one month shy of my nineteenth birthday.

Lead543 07-28-2005 04:54 PM

15 and had just had my wisdom teeth out a week earlier. It was a poor choice and seriously, I wish I still had my V-card in tact.

AVoiceOfReason 07-28-2005 05:01 PM

16, and so was she. Front seat of my parents' '66 BelAir. We'd dated for about 3 weeks, and she'd been down that road before. I lied and said I had too. We broke up about a month later when I took an interest in her friend.

Grasshopper Green 07-28-2005 05:02 PM

I was 18, he was 17 (and I wasn't his first). I don't remember it...and no, I wasn't on drugs or drinking. I don't think I was ready and have kind of blacked it out. Weird, eh. I guess it wasn't too bad though, because I later married him.

bud4 07-28-2005 07:13 PM

I have scanned a couple of pages of responses to this thread, and all I can say is that it is sad that I never saw the word "love". I was 16, she was 19. It was in the backseat of the family car, and we thought we were in love. She was a college sophmore and I was a high school junior. Not a good fit, timewise. Still, it was very good sex. 3X that night. It was not her first, and she said we were made for each other. I have fond memories. I hope she does, too.

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