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#1 (permalink) |
Location: Tennessee
The All Purpose VENTING Thread
Didn't see one of these on here and I thought we could use a thread that's all about blowing off steam...but not really worth starting a thread about.
For example: About a week ago I broke up with a girl I'd been seeing, this afternoon she calls me up for a "talk" and sadly I was already running late for a gig downtown and didn't have time to talk. Keep in mind we've BROKEN UP!!!!!!!!! So I get home, relaxing with a drink and up pops an email, a very long winded email from her all about how I never have time for our relationship and how we'd still be together if I made her a priority. Jesus Christ... Yeah not really worth a thread but in the heat of the moment its nice to get it off your chest. SO vent away about exes, stubbed toes, meat head bosses, cigarette burns and spoiled milk. Its ALL fair game. EDIT: This is probably in the wrong section, feel free to move it if necessary. ![]()
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”
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#2 (permalink) |
With a mustache, the cool factor would be too much
Location: left side of my couch, East Texas
Our old living room tv picture tube bought the farm, so we're on the way to buy another tv when we discover the rear passenger's side electric window won't roll up any more. It's stuck all the way down.
Last week, it was the rear driver's side window that quit working. Luckily, we were able to pull it up. This Texas heat, boy I tell ya.... To quote Earl from "Tremors", "Is there some kind of outside forces at work against us!?"
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#5 (permalink) |
Location: Tennessee
Family members fly into town for a visit and I volunteer to pick them up, flight gets delayed/they get bumped at a layover in NC and said family members decides on earlier flight to Huntsville, AL. I drive to Nashville to pick up dumb ass Aunt and Uncle and get a call on my cell phone "can you come pick us up in Huntsville? We took a different flight".
Yeah I don't mind driving 2 and a half hours out of my way because you can't wait in the airport bar and drink like normal people. The layover would have been an extra 4 hours. Goddamn my family is stupid.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”
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#6 (permalink) |
Location: Japan
My boss comes up to me today waving a document in the air, and says "you said we don't have any copies of this text!" As one of my tasks is to monitor and record the inventory of these texts, I was shocked, certain that I had been methodical in my cataloging of our stock. As I stammered out an apology for missing a copy she continued with, "so you're sure we don't have any?" I ask where she got the one in her hand, she said that it was one she brought in from home. Now, my boss is not a native english speaker and she probably didn't realize that her turn of phrase changed her meaning from a question into an accusation.
So yeah, misunderstanding on my part, but after she left I couldn't help thinking that any comment I make that she misunderstands reflects badly on me, but when the tables are turned I get no apologies. Sucks being the low man on the totem pole I guess. First post in 4 years! Seems I really needed to vent today...
all work and no play make Date something something |
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#7 (permalink) |
Location: LI,NY
Which part of "I'm busy" didn't you understand? My friend at work is really pissing me off. He asks if I am busy. I say yes. And then he proceeds to ask me stupid not work related questions. One more time and he is going on ignore. Yesterday he sent me a text during his lunch to tell me what he is eating. Like I really care??? I am getting the feeling that we are not going to be able to be just friends. I don't think he can handle it. I could go on forever about this, but this is good enough for now.
"Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles." ~Alex Karras |
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#8 (permalink) |
I Confess a Shiver
Ugh. I don't give a fuck if you think I'm patronizing you. Your feelings are largely irrelevant when you're balls deep in debt and have no clue as to how to unfuck yourself. Just take a look out our bank accounts and you'll most likely deduce which one of us has a clue. I was trying to help you out. That's all. Stop being all emo on me. If you don't prioritize, sacrifice, and start digging yourself out now, you'll be working shit jobs and complaining about your empty wallet until you kick the bucket at 55 from the stress. Rumor has it I'm supposed to go in a box before you but I doubt that'll happen.
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#9 (permalink) |
When I am in town on my own, a small girl that can get intimidated and you want to guilt trip me and beg please pick somebody else because I am all out of sympathy and will just say no without apology because I get up and go to work everyday instead of taking herion. Thank you very much.
"We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give" Winston Churchill |
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#10 (permalink) |
No, jackwagon, I -don't- believe that you were "servin' in Veeyetnayum" as a "Marine Delta SEAL Sniper." No, I -don't- believe you worked with Hathcock. No, I -don't- believe you've been recalled "fer survasiz in Eye-rack killin' ragheads." Why? Well, let's see here: I can see from your Driver's License that you were borne in 1968, which makes you all of 7 years old in 1975. I can see from the way you kept trying to take my guns apart that you're totally unfamiliar with the Remington 700 -or- Winchester Model 70, which were the bases for Vietnam-era sniper rifles, and are still used thussly today. And I can see from the way you walk that you either posses the hip-joints of an arthritic bowlegged racehorse or no hips at all. Where -would- I get the idea you were bullshitting me?!?!
No, I will -not- buy your Jennings J-22 for $200.00! It's a complete piece of shit that I wouldn't sell to my worst enemy, and guess what? NEW it only costs $110.00, and that's RETAIL! It's not a "good-shootin' little ol' gun," it's a vaguely gun-shaped BOMB waiting to take your fingers off! No, I do not sell machine-guns. I know they -look- like machine-guns, but I promise they're not. No, I will not show you how to convert your SKS to full-auto. No, I will not -tell- you how to convert your AK to full auto. No, your cuzzin does not have a real full-auto AK. He has a jerry-rigged abomination known as a "slam-fire" which will, in short order, destroy the gun and hopefully kill him. That's -if- he doesn't get 10yrs for Unlawful Possession first. No, I will not buy your sawn-off shotgun. Get it out of my shop. What's it worth? About ten years. Git. No, I will not let your toothless, broke-dick ass sit in my shop and rant about "thuh niggurz an' thuh faggitz," especially not with a black customer there, and MOST ESPECIALLY not when he drops thousands of dollars per year and you buy one box of .22 ammo. No, I will not sell you a gun without a background check, Mr. Konvicted Ku Klux Klansman. See this skin? Louisiana Creole. It will now give me -great- pleasure to throw you out of my shop. Would you mind resisting? Please? Go on, take a swing at the nigger with a gun. No, I will -not- loan you one of my $500.00 Smith & Wesson revolvers to carry while your beat-to-shit Rossi (that you bought somewhere else) is in the shop. No, I don't believe that "thuh niggerz'll git me'n mah wahfe!" if I don't. Why? Well, because as any Anthropologist could tell you, African-descended folks have large sinuses and nasal passages, as well as enlarged nasal openings. Since -I- can smell your trousers from 20' away, I can't imagine any Black folks would want to get within smelling range...which on you, jackass, exceeds the effective range of most of the items in my shop. No, your -boots- smell like cow-shit, your -trousers- smell like people-shit, and -you- smell like you haven't bathed or wiped your ass since the Coolidge Administration. No, I do not have trout in my ponds. Only catfish. Yes sir, just catfish. No sir, no trout. That's right, just catfish. No sir, we haven't had any trout in about twelve years. No sir, no trout. Right, only catfish. Yup, got rid of the trout about twelve summers ago. Yessir, just catfish. No, no trout. No sir, it's been about twelve years. Yessir, it really has. Nope, no trout, just catfish. No, I will not order you a $4,500.00 SASS, REPR, or Remington MSR without a deposit. No, I -don't- "know you're good ferrit." No, I cannot be intimidated by your tales of service as a Marine Delta SEAL Sniper. Shall we review why? Look, just because you saw something on "Future Weapons" doesn't mean that: 1: It works (see XM-8, SCAR, AA-12) 2: It'll ever see the light of day (XM-8, LWRC's entry in the LAR contest) 3: You'll be able to buy it (duh, that shit's for the military!) 4: You'll be able to -afford- it (You want a SASS? Sure, that'll be $4500.00 please. No, I will not give you a 25% ex-military discount. Yes, I -do- have to collect Sales Tax.) Look, just because you saw a picture in a magazine doesn't mean the item exists yet. See the liiiitle-bitty writing down at the bottom? Where it says "PRE-PRODUCTION PROTOTYPE, NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE" in nice, easily-read English? No, I don't know when it'll finally show up. No, I will not hold one for you without a deposit when they do. No, I don't care that your granddaddy was best friends with the Sherriff's wife's best-friends third cousin. You cannot possibly be asking me to read you the price on a $10.00 item. My taxes and my parent's taxes paid to send you to school for 12 years, and paid for Policemen to make you go if you didn't feel like it. Please tell me the hundreds of thousands of dollars and man-hours spent on your education were not such a complete waste that you are not only illiterate but innumerate as well. Please. And now you want me to read you the features, weights, velocity and powder-charge of this ammo? Do you even know what any of those numbers -mean- you illiterate, innumerate, inbred broke-dick lazy-ass moron!? No, I will not trade you -three- working guns for one -broken- gun. No, I will not trade three working guns for one broken gun and half a box of rounds. No, not even if you throw in the rotting '30s-vintage police holster. No sir, that's not a German Luger. It's a Ruger Mk-I in .22. No sir, not the same. No sir, the Luger was made in Germany and the Ruger is made in the US. Because Ruger didn't exist in WWII, let alone WWI. No sir, it's -not- a Luger, it's a Ruger. No, I can't give you $800.00 for it...well, sir, because it's a Ruger, not a Luger, and in this condition I'd probably be able to sell it for around $200.00. No, sir, I -don't- care that you paid $800.00 for it and now the light-bill needs paying...well, you might want to consider why you're running up a $600.00 electric bill in the first place. Might have something to do with the extra 300lbs of blubber you're carrying around and shoving into my display cabinets? Hefe, if you don't get these pendejos outta here muy pronto, we are gonna have problems. Immigracion, si. Because they keep trying to STEAL THINGS, asshole! Chinga tus madres, vaya! |
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#11 (permalink) |
warrior bodhisattva
Super Moderator
Location: East-central Canada
Jaysus, Dunedan.....
First, nice rant. Second, I thought that kind of shit only happens in movies. Forgive me—I'm a Canadian living in one of the most multicultural metropolitan cities in the world—but is this for real?
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing? —Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön Humankind cannot bear very much reality. —From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot |
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#12 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
1) I didn't think this thread could possibly be won. Dunedan, you've walked away with it.
2) I'll be outside your store holding a protest sign about the evils of handguns to give you fodder for your next rant. Well done. I salute you.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin "There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush "We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo |
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#13 (permalink) |
Oh yeah. I've had 2-3 such things happen in one day previously.
About twice per year, somebody tries to browbeat/cajole/beg me into buying a Felony (ie an illegal sawn-off rifle or shotgun, an illegally converted slam-fire, etc) or a Catastrophe Waiting To Happen. When I don't, and explain why, about half are very grateful to me for saving their asses (literally). The other half curse, threaten, bluster, blow...and then leave. About as often, white racists or black/mexican gangbangers try to finagle their way into an unpapered transaction. Maybe once per month, I'll get somebody who just wants to sit around and sling racist bullshit: they usually leave pretty quick once I ask if they're buying (they never are) and inform them that I'm Creole. Of course, I usually have to explain what Creole -means-...then of course you get the obviously illegal immigrants who try to intimidate their way into stealing things, or ingratiate their way into a paperless transfer. The rest of that stuff happens anywhere from once per month to a minimum of once per week. Then you get the kids who want to play Call Of Duty in my showroom (with the $2500.00 rifles, not the PS_whatever), the grownups who want to use me as a babysitter (can I drop my son off here for five hours while I go to the Quilt Fair? He's twelve, plays Call Of Duty all the time, he'll behave himself I promise!), and the locals who want to use me as a pawn-shop despite the fact that with an IQ of 70 (yes, seventy!) they are not legally able to own a firearm in the first place and will therefore never be able to get it -back-. Edited to add: It's also worth noting that the people who inspire these rants generally don't buy anything. Most of them are too broke, and a sizable portion are convicted felons or otherwise legally barred from possessing firearms. The vast majority of my actual customers, people who put cold hard cash in my hot little hand, are at least workably intelligent. Last edited by The_Dunedan; 08-04-2010 at 10:13 AM.. |
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#14 (permalink) |
Super Moderator
Location: essex ma
i wanted just to add my applause for the rant above, which i have read a couple times now and which has left me chuckling and rapt. well played, good sir.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear it make you sick. -kamau brathwaite |
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#15 (permalink) |
The bad one, RB, the -really- bad one, is the kid I call Private Obvious (he started as Captain Obvious, but got busted all the way back).
Now, if it weren't for gravity, this kid wouldn't be able to hit the -ground-. He's -that- bad. Yet, after watching "Top Sniper" on the Military Channel, he somehow got it into his head that he was a shoe-in for the Army Marksmanship Team. So one day, he came in and asked me to order him an Accuracy International "Arctic Warfare Magnum," with all the do-dads (folding stock, extra magazines, Pelican case, Zeiss scope, etc) in .338 Lapua Magnum. When I informed him that such a setup would cost around $15,000.00, he relented and asked for an Armalite package that would come to around $10,000. From there it went to a Tikka package at $8,000.00, a Blaser R-93 Tactical package for $5,000.00, a SASS for $4500.00, a REPR for $4,000.00, and finally a lower-end DPMS LR-308 for about $2,000.00. After three weeks of explaining to him the difficulties of; 1: Procuring the extremely exotic and very expensive weapons systems he'd requested, 2: Procuring the extremely expensive -ammo- for those weapons, 3: Dealing with the quite impressive -recoil- of that ammo and those weapons, 4: Getting to where he could shoot even remotely -close- to the capability of these weapons... ....he finally decided that the Army Marksmanship Unit was too snotty and elitist an outfit anyway, and he'd rather join the Marine Corps Nat'l Match team. Bear in mind that this kid has been in the Army Nat'l Guard for 5 years and has -never- been sent to Iraq. This person is so frickin' thick that he managed to drive a Bradley AFV backwards off a truck...without lowering the ramps. The Brad fell off the truck (naturally) and ended up upside-down on the turret. Took 3hrs to get dumbass out. -THAT'S- how dense this person is. He's never actually -spent- a single cent in my shop. |
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#17 (permalink) |
My dumb shit boss has underpaid me three grand this year. He was bought in to save the company cash.
But he will pay. Fair Work Australia is on their way now, on my behalf and everyone I have secretly been informing of this who have lodged complaints too. Dumb shit, if he had of just paid us he actually would have saved the company cash. Why? Cause now they have to pay what we are owed as well as (basd on similar action at other places) a 30,000 dollar fine. He will even cop about 5000 personally for overseeing this mess! All cause he won't chase up my group certificate so I looked up conditions and found out my real pay rate. Have fun at centrelink ya tool! |
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#18 (permalink) |
My future is coming on
Moderator Emeritus
Location: east of the sun and west of the moon
I caught a virus or something last weekend and wasted the whole weekend in bed with a fever. Now I've "missed" 2 days of work - to keep from getting even further behind than I am, I've taken work home to work from the couch. Even though I'm taking on more and more responsibility, my boss (who makes 1/2 again what I do and twice what anyone else in the agency makes) hasn't built in a raise for anyone besides herself. And hasn't budgeted for an assistant for me. Again.
And my voice is COMPLETELY gone from coughing. Can't even squeak. And my loves keep calling things to me from other parts of the house, forgetting that I can't holler back. Ready to be well again.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." - Anatole France |
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#19 (permalink) |
Location: Whatever house my keys can get me into
Just because we work together does not mean we are best fucking friends and i want to go out with you drinking every night of the week when i have to be at work at 6 in the goddam morning anyway.
Stop asking me for my fucking money. If i had enough to hand out to everyone who asked, we wouldn't be in this situation. Just show me the doctors note. don't tell me about your bleeding anus and your hemorrhoids and your whole fucking family history and your methods of treating said hemorrhoids. I certainly and clearly DO NOT CARE. The next time that little fucker down the street shoots his BB gun at my car, I'm going to take it from him and shoot him with it.
These are the good old days... formerly Murp0434 |
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#20 (permalink) |
Location: Tennessee
Wow, Dunedan, that my friend is some world class, serious, grade A, pimped out venting! I am now cracking open a beer, nay a bottle of Jack if your honor.
(some of that reminds me of my time working in a backwoods gas and gulp about 10 years, no firearms involved (sometimes) but I think I served the same customers)
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”
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#21 (permalink) |
I Confess a Shiver
Whenever you log on to the tan-colored forum and post some holier-than-thou weapon handling crap or talk about how you need to focus on the fundamentals... don't post pictures of your brought-to-you-by-Arby's FUPA eating an appendix holstered G19. Putting 10k 9x19 downrange each year won't stop that heart attack from having to run 300 yards. I don't give a shit what names you drop or what $2k 1911 you're using if you're another guy who's gut prevents him from doing push-ups. Nice plate carrier. I guess you don't need soft armor inserts, Captain Blubbergut.
I can see my dick when I look down. ... For the amount of money I've put into you, you'd think that I'd at least get some morning sex. But you're furniture, not a sputnik... so I guess that's okay. One day I'll come home from a business trip one and you'll be not-just-a-little fat and, yep, that'll be it. Keep your bags packed, baby. I love vegetables. Why can't you? ... Yes, I run a Rock River AR-15. No, I didn't buy it; it was a gift. Instead of trading it and my left nut for a Colt or a KAC or whatever, I chose to shoot the shit outta it. You can bitch about the inferior components and shoddy assembly all you want but I'm still outshooting you and I didn't have a single stoppage in 2k rounds. Now who's the real dumbass, Mr. Fancy Patriot Ordnance Factory Pants? Instead of spending so much money on your jam-'o-matic and cool guy sunglasses, how about you buy some big boy pants instead of blowing out the crotch of your skin tight Columbia hiking trousers in the middle of a three day shoot class and showing your bubblegum wad to BOB? DCU pants are $15 in Spring Lake at Old Sarge's. And I'm a lousy shot. ... I hope your new boyfriend/husband beats off as much as I used to do back in the day. It isn't that you're bad in bed; you're spectacular... but you're a total psycho. What's that? You're better now that you changed your birth control? Well, eat a dick! You couldn't do that for me when I asked? Oh, you needed a change in your life? Thanks. I'm glad our divorce could be that change. If you ever find urine stains on your door mat... it's just me. You and every other over-emotional woman I've nailed in the last decade had the same story: girl finds boy, girl hates boy, girl finds me, girl hates me because I'm stable/boring, girl leaves me for old boy, old boy just wants anal, girl gets herpes, girl vaguely regrets leaving me, girl joins Peace Corps. Meat on meat. ... Thanks for all the heads-up PMs, guys. You're like little Beavis clones. If there ever was a reason for me to pop the locks on your cars with a Big Easy kit and fill the back bench seats with day-old catfish innards, this would be it. It wasn't enough that people need to act like please-blackmail-me Reddit types, but you had to remind me that it was happening. Real public service. Why I'm pissed? You didn't think to share. Talk about clueless. Jerkoffs. ... Dear Giant grocery stores: Your fat free cottage cheese with pineapple chunks makes me feel like vomiting. I have no idea why; I normally love cottage cheese and fruit. I think the combination of the sweetness of the canned fruit and the saltiness of the cottage cheese combines to produce *gag*. Nom nom nom. ... Stop using children as a crutch to justify your mediocre life resume. You can't whine about life if you have no plan of action. You might have a higher IQ than me and a fancy degree, but you're still another tubby beatoff sock playing World of Warcraft and fapping it to Japanimation girls. Get a grip. You're not even 30. ... Wow, reading that aloud actually made me feel better. GO FEELINGS! Last edited by Plan9; 08-05-2010 at 10:36 PM.. |
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#22 (permalink) |
Location: Tennessee
And the venting thread has thus served its purpose Plan.
When I go into a gas station to buy smokes, please don't shove a petition in my face to ban a local mosque from being built by telling me how "they" are now hiding in small towns so its easier to congregate and plan future attacks. Better yet don't get all pissy and act like a victim when I tell you and your petition to fuck off. Thanks.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”
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#23 (permalink) |
I Confess a Shiver
If you live in a state where the average level of education absorbed is comfortably in the single digits, you can't really bitch about the dumb shit that people do. It's a little like climbing on a short bus, riding for half an hour and suddenly going, "Damn, why am I surrounded by retards!"
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#24 (permalink) |
Location: Tennessee
I don't think its so much the state Plan, small minded idiots exist and thrive in all 50 states quite well, I experienced much worse when I lived in various places around New England.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”
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#25 (permalink) |
I Confess a Shiver
Let's say I live outside one of the most highly educated areas of the country. And let's say it's crammed orgy-with-clothes full of young upwardly mobile professionals. They're not dumb, they're not stupid... they went to Hah-vahd and they drive a car that's more expensive than my first house. They've just got an entitlement complex and can't be bothered to do things like hold open doors, operate vehicle turn signals, or give you the time of day.
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#26 (permalink) |
Location: Tennessee
No I mean like hard core racist, bigoted, small minded, backward ass rednecks. But I never lived in Boston I lived in rural New England...which I think is the real problem urban vs rural settings. There's a huge difference between Boston and rural Maine as there is between Nashville and Appalachia.
Oddly I've found living outside of Nashville to be a breathe of fresh air...what the fuck is that all about? I don't know.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”
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#27 (permalink) |
Big & Brassy
Location: The "Canyon"
To the dumbshit petitioners that are outside my store every fucking day... I work here. I have worked at this location for a year and a half. We have been seeing eachother almost every day during that time. You asked me to sign this this thing yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. I didn't want to sign it then, I don't want to sign it now, I won't want to sign it tomorrow. Leave me alone.
Yes, I take my coffee black. Yes, I really do prefer it that way. Quit asking me why... I just do. It's not really all that strange, people. My last name is "Park," NOT "PARKS!" Quit adding the "S" onto my last name. It's 4 letters for Christ's sake, how hard is it to fuck up a 4 letter word? And its even a regular day-to-day word; no silent letters or odd rules of English happening there.
If you have any poo... fling it NOW! |
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#29 (permalink) |
Young Crumudgeon
Location: Canada
Dear high-powered business person,
I love my new job. Honestly, I do. I've been here two weeks and so far it's been challenging and fun. I've clicked with my co-workers well enough that I already feel like one of the guys most days. And yeah, it does make me feel good that your MBA self has to call me to get something done. I've worked hard on developing the skillset I have, I know it's rare enough to make me valuable and that feels pretty good. But if anything is going to make me hate this gig in a year, it's going to be you. Your domain expired because you didn't get the emails to renew it. You didn't get the emails because when Joe Sysadmin left your company last year you didn't update your contact info at the registry. And now we have to fill out the forms if you want it back. Yes, we need incorporation documents. Yes, we need photo ID. Yes it has to be faxed and signed and faxed again, and yes we need a letter of intent as well. These aren't even our rules, so getting huffy about it isn't going to help your cause. None of this is my fault. Yelling at me will not expedite the process. And you know what? I don't have to listen to this shit. Maybe you're used to customer service lackeys you can browbeat into submission but I'm not them. I am a skilled labourer, I have better things to do with my day, I have people who are going to work with me to get their problems solved. If you're not one of those people I'm perfectly content to tell you that we've done everything we can here and take your hopefully more contrite call tomorrow when you realize that I am the one and only guy who can solve your problem. To be clear, this is your own goddamn fault. I don't care how urgent it is, and I don't care how much money it's costing you. If you'd taken the time to fill out the change of contact info when you should've this would not have been a problem. So suck it up, princess. See if you can find it in your shriveled, misshapen heart to show a little courtesy. Do everything I tell you exactly how I tell you to because I am the professional who does this for a living, and maybe if you're lucky and all the wheels are greased we can have this done some time next week. You don't like the way we do business? You think you'll have better luck elsewhere? Fine. Go with godaddy, where they do have clueless monkeys on the phone, and good luck to you. Somehow I think we'll get by on our thousands of satisfied customers who are willing to pay the premium for experience and expertise. My heart will go on without you. Haveaniceday.
I wake up in the morning more tired than before I slept I get through cryin' and I'm sadder than before I wept I get through thinkin' now, and the thoughts have left my head I get through speakin' and I can't remember, not a word that I said - Ben Harper, Show Me A Little Shame |
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#30 (permalink) |
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Your boss yelled at you? Jesus Christ, I can't imagine a more rude or childish behavior from someone you work for. I'm excited that you've got a new job, but I'd give him a, "I'm glad to get the job done, but you don't need to be yelling at me. It will get done and done right."
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#31 (permalink) |
Young Crumudgeon
Location: Canada
Is that addressed to me? I wasn't talking about my boss. That was actually in regards to a client.
My boss is a pretty cool guy, actually.
I wake up in the morning more tired than before I slept I get through cryin' and I'm sadder than before I wept I get through thinkin' now, and the thoughts have left my head I get through speakin' and I can't remember, not a word that I said - Ben Harper, Show Me A Little Shame |
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#32 (permalink) | |
Location: Whatever house my keys can get me into
for my vent - to all the people who determined that no-call no-show is an appropriate way to miss work at a plant that I am running - WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING??? I WILL FIRE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT! /post
These are the good old days... formerly Murp0434 |
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#33 (permalink) |
Super Moderator
Location: essex ma
last night i was sitting in a publick house enjoying a fine beverage and watching keno numbers change. i noticed a guy notice me. he then walked across the room stopped next to me and put his index finger into my beer.
i said: your index finger is in my beer. he said: so it is. i'm sorry. i thought it was mine. i said: it is yours. it is your index finger that is in my beer.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear it make you sick. -kamau brathwaite |
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#35 (permalink) |
Location: I'm up they see me I'm down.
Wow, thanks. I never get my hopes up. Ever. That is, until you said you'd come out here for Labor Day. Now you can't because of your debt, debt you had BEFORE you said you'd come out here. I get it. You love me. You tell me every day and every night. It's okay, I get it. You don't have enough money to come out here, but you have enough money for perfume (because I'll like it), a hybrid vibrator/dildo (because it's roughly the same size as me), starbucks, cigarettes, etc. Fuck me right? Apparently not until December. I love you, but I'm already stressed the fuck out as it is. I don't expect you to dig yourself deeper to come see me, but at least be honest about it and get your priorities straight. I can handle your money going to the hospital or credit companies, but not to starbucks.
My LT hates me (it's not my fault I got a skeleton key and network permissions before you; rank isn't everything sir. I've got an uncle on life support; they're probably going to pull the plug as soon as the anti-seizure meds wear off. Don't get me wrong, the man's a shitbag and a drunk and the world would be better off without him, but his death could adversely impact my grandfather's already tenuous grip on life. My Commanding General's Inspection is tomorrow. Guess what? I got six months worth of work done in two months. Guess what else? There was a total of ten months worth of work to do! Let's do the math: 10-6= seriously fucked PFC. I won't get busted down, or ninjapunched; hell, I probably won't even get a 6105, but it's still gonna fuck my pros and cons. I'm stuck with this nondeployable job until december or january. fucking battery office bitch job. All I wanted was go to war and do my job; in the sixties I would've been a commodity, a rare treasure. In this day and age I'm just another dipshit twenty year old that spends too much time playing call of duty and watching the military channel. Born to fight and trained to kill, ready to die but never will. Sick fucking joke.
Free will lies not in the ability to craft your own fate, but in not knowing what your fate is. --Me "I have just returned from visting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world." --Douglas MacArthur Last edited by FelixP; 08-08-2010 at 08:22 PM.. |
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#37 (permalink) |
Location: Tennessee
Ugh I've had a long weekend.
I don't even care to attempt to write all of the details of this out but fuck slacker musicians who think its all about getting messed up on designer drugs and fucking hot chicks instead of following through on commitments and working hard to make a living. Fuck you for always showing up late because you stayed out until sunrise the night before and fuck the girlfriend you've known all of two weeks that you're chasing all the way Phoenix because its just something you've "gotta do". Some people actually depend on paying gigs to make a living and when you back out at the last minute causing the rest of us to cancel a pay day it hurts but what the fuck do you care? Some spaced out hippy in Arizona might put out and usually has great acid, so fuck everyone who gave you a place to sleep, helped you with bills and went out of their way to help you get going so you can get back on your feet. I don't know even know why this is bugging me so much, it might just be lack of sleep or something usually this stuff just roll off my back but holy fuck have I been in a foul mood all weekend because this...its not even about the money really...I don't know... ...damn I'm terrible at putting thoughts to words...I give up. I do feel a little better having gotten it out of my system though.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”
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#39 (permalink) |
Location: Tennessee
A dozen boxes of cereal doesn't sound weird...I live off that stuff too.
Who the hell drinks 40's anymore anyway? WTF? Actually now that I think about it I'm kind of craving a bowl full of Fruit Loops and a bottle of Colt 45.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”
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#40 (permalink) |
I'll be on the veranda, since you're on the cross.
Location: Rand McNally's friendliest small town in America. They must have strayed from the dodgy parts...
You're tired because you've been wakeboarding all day and don't want to drive 45 minutes back from the river, and it just really sucks because if you have to work at 9 you don't get to stay out as long? FUCK YOU!!! No I won't cover your shift tonight, just like I haven't the last 3 times you've texted me an hour before you're supposed to be at work. I've just worked 40 hours in the last 3 days at my real job...and you work part time, 20 hours a week at the place where I moonlight. Christ, kid...get a clue.
I've got the love of my life and a job that I enjoy most of the time. Life is good. |
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purpose, thread, venting |