To the dumbshit petitioners that are outside my store every fucking day... I work here. I have worked at this location for a year and a half. We have been seeing eachother almost every day during that time. You asked me to sign this this thing yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. I didn't want to sign it then, I don't want to sign it now, I won't want to sign it tomorrow. Leave me alone.
Yes, I take my coffee black. Yes, I really do prefer it that way. Quit asking me why... I just do. It's not really all that strange, people.
My last name is "Park," NOT "PARKS!" Quit adding the "S" onto my last name. It's 4 letters for Christ's sake, how hard is it to fuck up a 4 letter word? And its even a regular day-to-day word; no silent letters or odd rules of English happening there.
If you have any poo... fling it NOW!