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Old 10-06-2004, 12:16 PM   #41 (permalink)
I came here for the first time two days ago

/new and confused, and feeling chastised
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Old 10-06-2004, 12:24 PM   #42 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
Ustwo's Avatar
I find this forum to be done very well and moderated fairly. What people are upset about is the lack of free boobies, not the forums. Last time this happened was when the server was being changed and couldn't handle the traffic which not only made sense but got people looking around besides at the boobies.

If you don't like it perhaps you should make your own forums, find your own bandwidth and give it away for nothing.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps.
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Old 10-06-2004, 12:57 PM   #43 (permalink)
I can understand why it was taken down. Seeing "1 viewing" , next board "2 viewing", next board "5 viewing", then the Titty Board is "70 viewing". Kinda rediculous, eh? I'll admit I came here for the Erogenous Zone, but all I had to do was scroll up to find all the other sections. And believe it or not, there's a lot of content on this site that isn't porn related. There's no love loss from me.
Common sense is uncommon. Ironic, isn't it?
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Old 10-06-2004, 01:01 PM   #44 (permalink)
Oh shit it's Wayne Brady!
CityOfAngels's Avatar
Location: Passenger seat of Wayne Brady's car.
Originally Posted by Halx
I do guarantee...that if you do get approved to gain access to the EZ again, it wont matter to you nearly as much as the rest of the forum.
There is MUCH more to this board than wanking material. This is NOT a porn site, as Halx has professed time and time again. If you have any interests other than sex, then this site should still be a God-send to you, as there is a multitude of other forums on this site, with many, MANY active and respectful participants.
Disinfect your mouse and talk about videogames or something. Seriously, guys. If you don't like the true purpose of this site, then show me a picture of the person holding a gun to your head, forcing you to stay here, and I'll be sure to call 911 for you.
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all.

Originally Posted by Zeraph
...the best way to keep a big secret would be to make it public with disinformation...
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Old 10-06-2004, 01:32 PM   #45 (permalink)
Why not make a VIP section made for people who donate? That way people HAVE to donate to get to the Titty Board? You guys get your money for the server, the freaks get their porn, and the rest of the people don't have to deal with a influx of baboons since the TB is shut down.
hoodedrobin is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 01:40 PM   #46 (permalink)
Beware the Mad Irish
Blackthorn's Avatar
Location: Wish I was on the N17...
Originally Posted by coash
why would anyone donate
there's traffic only cos it's free
Au contraire young grass hopper. People donate because it's not free. This site is run by a man who uses a great deal of his personal resources to keep it live. The rest of us who enjoy it DONATE so that it can continue to operate. If you want free porn then with a couple of google searches you can find what you need. If you want a community where you can build friendships and interact with people ... then GET THE DAMN CROW BAR OUT, PRY OPEN THAT WALLET AND SEND IN SOME OF THAT GREEN SALAD OF SALVATION!!!!

Until then....enjoy your googleing for porn.

Have a nice day.
What are you willing to give up in order to get what you want?
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Old 10-06-2004, 01:40 PM   #47 (permalink)
NoSoup's Avatar
Location: Green Bay, WI
Originally Posted by Halx
Too many leechers (you guys) and not enough support.

You = traffic = money.

Too much of you = need new server = need lots more money.


Absolutely no influx of donations = no soup for you.
Indeed... No Soup for you
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.

Just in case you were wondering...
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Old 10-06-2004, 01:58 PM   #48 (permalink)
Hey the rest of this site is hot too. I come for the free porn, I ain't gonna kid you, but I have enjoyed alot of the other threads here...I am with ya keep up the good work, thanks..
nottwood is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 02:17 PM   #49 (permalink)
It cost alot of money to run a popular forum...expecially with all the pictures here. My old man has a sports forum with 5000 members and I think he pay 500 or more bones a month just to keep it up and running...Only income he gets from it is donations. He puts alot of time and effort into it also. It's his baby.

I'll bet a million bucks the erogenous zone is still there...but when there are to many freeloaders, it gets to expensive. So the people who've been around a while and are a part of the community here, they've earned a right to free eye candy al la erogenous zone...They have access to it.

Unfortunately I could clasify myself as being one of the freeloaders.

I've never seen a webmaster/owner call members leechers though. Must not really need the donations or really doesn't care to get more positive traffic.

Also...My Dad puts a little *contributor* tag under everyone's UserName when they donate. It should give everyone just another good reason to donate to this site.

He to has a dark place for the loyal members....just not as kick ass as this one. It's a professional sports website, probably the biggest and most popular on the net. But it started as a sport site and didn't have the boobie thing going up until recently. So the "erogenous zone" isn't nearly as good as this one

I'd post more here...but my home is at a different forum. Truthfully, I was here for the boobs, man. If a donation will get me back to the boobs, I'll be glad to do it. I just don't have time to post on two different forums and get to know all of you guys in this wonderful community.


BTW- I'd tell you people what site it is...but I don't want any of you "leechers" going over there and trashing his family oriented site. He wouldn't let you in the adult part anyways:-)

Last edited by Adubb; 10-06-2004 at 02:50 PM..
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Old 10-06-2004, 02:25 PM   #50 (permalink)
SecretMethod70's Avatar
Location: Chicago
I'll say it again: If you're not a donator, don't make assumptions as to what the situation is for donators. And if you can't donate, that's cool - as has been said - there are other ways of contributing to the site as well.
Le temps détruit tout

"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
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Old 10-06-2004, 02:50 PM   #51 (permalink)
All hail the Mountain King
the_marq's Avatar
Location: Black Mesa
heh, there are more people viewing this thread than any other on the site.
The Truth:

Johnny Cash could have kicked Bruce Lee's ass if he wanted to.

#3 in a series
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Old 10-06-2004, 02:57 PM   #52 (permalink)
I came for the porn only. Dammit, this site is useless otherwise. Oh well, I got some great porn passwords. Thanks all!!!!
facefirst is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 02:59 PM   #53 (permalink)
i would have to say i'm not supprised that the titty board has been taken down, this is a great site the EZ was a nice little aditive tho!
oh well there are plenty of interesting things on the tfp to keep me entertained so .... if is comes back !!! great !! but if it doesn't ...... ..... ya get that dont ya!
alpha666 is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 03:00 PM   #54 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
Originally Posted by facefirst
I came for the porn only. Dammit, this site is useless otherwise. Oh well, I got some great porn passwords. Thanks all!!!!

its people like this that got it pulled....

this is not a useless site....unless you know everything in the entire world and never have a problem in your personal/professional life
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 10-06-2004, 03:01 PM   #55 (permalink)
Location: Cali
this site sucks without da porn i mean evryone usally comes for it way more than genral talk and other forums u got on here how bout deletin some of the general forums cuz u just lost like 300 people maybe more man but i guess ur decision is fine but if u anit bringin it back then i dont support it. why can't we just post the porn stuff in the entertainment forum that'll be easier i think peace hlz or howeva u say good = keep bad=throw it away + no soup for us= bad site
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Old 10-06-2004, 03:03 PM   #56 (permalink)
All hail the Mountain King
the_marq's Avatar
Location: Black Mesa
Originally Posted by Chappelle_
this site sucks without da porn i mean evryone usally comes for it way more than genral talk and other forums u got on here how bout deletin some of the general forums cuz u just lost like 300 people maybe more man but i guess ur decision is fine but if u anit bringin it back then i dont support it. why can't we just post the porn stuff in the entertainment forum that'll be easier i think peace hlz or howeva u say good = keep bad=throw it away + no soup for us= bad site

Yeah. We're going to miss you.
The Truth:

Johnny Cash could have kicked Bruce Lee's ass if he wanted to.

#3 in a series
the_marq is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 03:05 PM   #57 (permalink)
Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
I'll say it again: If you're not a donator, don't make assumptions as to what the situation is for donators. And if you can't donate, that's cool - as has been said - there are other ways of contributing to the site as well.
{If this message was for me, or including me.}

I hear you dude. It's the other way around for me though. I can donate, but I have another forum I spend my posting time in. I've been there since around 99. I agree that everyone should be more a part of the community. Some people don't want to be a part of anything and see the internet as a place to look at porn and beat their meat sticks off. I don't agree with that.

I never said I didn't understand. I know...this shit cost alot of freakin money to keep up, even without the porn. It's all good. But if I can donate to get the boobs...I will. I'd pay a small monthly fee. Hell....this site is better than a true porn site...atleast the members can comunicate and look at poon...can't beat that. I'd much rather pay a fee then have ten million people posting. Then I would post. You get tooo many people and it's no longer a community, it's a freaking city.

I'm also just trying to get the people bitching to understand...They are probably to young to look at the stuff anyway.
Adubb is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 03:05 PM   #58 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Chappelle_
this site sucks without da porn i mean evryone usally comes for it way more than genral talk and other forums u got on here how bout deletin some of the general forums cuz u just lost like 300 people maybe more man but i guess ur decision is fine but if u anit bringin it back then i dont support it. why can't we just post the porn stuff in the entertainment forum that'll be easier i think peace hlz or howeva u say good = keep bad=throw it away + no soup for us= bad site
Most of those people that we lost don't contribute anything thing to the site. They sign in, jerk off, and leave without ever posting anything. They're the reason the server's been slower than shit the last few weeks. All that has ever been asked of our members is to donate, or post outside of the EZ every once in a while. It's not an unreasonable request considering the amount of content that is being provided. We've run the site this way for a long time, and there are a ton of people who are willing to chat everyone once in a while. Stay and enjoy yourself, or leave. It's your call.

And posting porn in entertainment would completely defeat the purpose of what's going on.
"Fuck these chains
No goddamn slave
I will be different"
~ Machine Head

Last edited by spectre; 10-06-2004 at 03:18 PM..
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Old 10-06-2004, 03:15 PM   #59 (permalink)
fhqwhgads's Avatar
Maybe it's just me, but when someone gives you something for free, and then takes it away because he can't afford to give it to you for free anymore, you don't bitch and moan. This isn't your house, don't bitch because there isn't any beer in the fridge. If you stay at a friends house for a couple of months, then decide to throw him a twenty for his hospitality, don't tell him how to spend the twenty or bitch when he doesn't use it to buy you food. If you only use this board to see titty, you are missing out on a shitload.

People who complain when Hal takes down the porn reminds me of a child who lives at home, eats the food his parents bought, wears the clothes that they provide, doesn't chip into the rent, and then bitches because they won't buy him a new toy... Hal is giving all this to you FOR FREE. If you don't like what he provides, find a new place to whack off. We won't miss you. TFP does not stand for Titties for Free Project.

Personally, I'll admit that it has been way too long since I've thrown him any money. On the other hand, I try to contribute, and I don't bitch when he changes a part of the site.

Hal, thanx for the dedication. We appreciate it.
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Old 10-06-2004, 03:15 PM   #60 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
Originally Posted by Chappelle_
this site sucks without da porn i mean evryone usally comes for it way more than genral talk and other forums u got on here how bout deletin some of the general forums cuz u just lost like 300 people maybe more man but i guess ur decision is fine but if u anit bringin it back then i dont support it. why can't we just post the porn stuff in the entertainment forum that'll be easier i think peace hlz or howeva u say good = keep bad=throw it away + no soup for us= bad site

why the heck would we want our general forums deleted

just cause you cant see FREE t & a doesnt make it a bad site

ya'll seriously need to quit whining....
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 10-06-2004, 03:18 PM   #61 (permalink)
Location: Ohio
I'm an offender. I thought that just by donating the money when it was needed was all I needed to see the porn. I admit my guilt and appologize. My stats do stink - long member and very little contribution in posts. I tried posting a few (note not many) and never got any responses. I do really like the site and I'm going to make an effort to contribute to others posts. I still would like to donate the funds I was going to before, even knowing I will have to make a difference in my post count before being considered for the access.

I apologize and I will try to be a better TFProject baord member!

Thanks EVERYONE for the Great Site, your time is really appreciated.

"We're all Screwed!" - Office Space
Fast Freddy is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 03:24 PM   #62 (permalink)
To the asses giving us nothing but shit for taking away your whacking material:

Participate, be a part of the community, or find somewhere else to get off. There's always the tried-and-true Victoria's Secret catalog. It's not a hard concept to understand. You were getting lots of something for absolutely nothing. We would love donations, but all we ask for is community involvement. If you can't even do that, then you have no business whining. I'll be more than happy to help show you to the door.
analog is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 03:45 PM   #63 (permalink)
**Note to others- do not take the closing of the EZ as your chance to plug your shitty forum. Thanks.

-analog. **

Last edited by analog; 10-06-2004 at 03:56 PM..
Hacke is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 03:49 PM   #64 (permalink)
Alright...2 cents here. This *is* a porn site, get over it. I visit all the forums routinely, and it's easy to see from the member count in each forum that EZ has all the traffic. If it wasn't a porn site, cutting access to the porn wouldn't cheapen the bills.

Now, that being said, there is a lot of good content on this site. I spend quite a bit of time here reading everything, and yes, I do post. I don't contribute money because I did so once in the past and got my account cut for "not contributing". Yes, I could have fought it. Or someone could have done some bookkeeping. Point being, site was good, I came back after getting off my hissy fit and got a rookie status. I am working my way back up.

*off soap box* here is a novel idea: Halx - the porn eats bandwidth. The bandwidth costs money. The porn surfers don't pay. You lose out, and get shit on by complainers when you cut off the porn. Understood.

Unfortunately, you are dicking the people who did pay, and made the choice to pay because of the porn. I agree the content is good, but not everyone wants to visit the other content, and I am certain a good number of people have paid because of the porn, and it's gone. Why not meet in the middle: people have to pay in order to access EZ? If the code doesn't support it, I'm guessing there are several hundred or more programmers here that could help (myself included). Don't punish the few for the many.
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Old 10-06-2004, 04:04 PM   #65 (permalink)
Please touch this.
Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
dinkie222, please acknowledge the fact that you own nothing more than an account with minimal access to this website. You have absolutely no idea what kind of access others may have and you have absolutely no idea what goes on beyond what you can see. Don't assume that you can, either. Furthermore, this site is and will be whatever I want it to be. If I say it's not a porn site, I just press a few buttons and *blink* there is no porn to speak of. That's the power that I have over this site, so if you think that your definition of what groups a site into a certain category is the logic and law, you should reconsider your words and look again at where you are on the food chain.

As SM70 has pointed out, if you have not contributed shit to this forum (the part of the forum that *I* deem important) then you have no possible idea nor basis to shape an opinion over how the people who DO contribute feel.
You have found this post informative.
-The Administrator
[Don't Feed The Animals]
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Old 10-06-2004, 04:10 PM   #66 (permalink)
Enjoy your lonely little place on the Internet, Halx.
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Old 10-06-2004, 04:11 PM   #67 (permalink)
Please touch this.
Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
With my thousands of friends who respect the work I've done.. gladly - have been for 3 years.
You have found this post informative.
-The Administrator
[Don't Feed The Animals]
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Old 10-06-2004, 04:12 PM   #68 (permalink)
fhqwhgads's Avatar
Get the thought out of your heads right now that you are "paying" for something. Paying for something implies an exchange of money for services.

You give "donations". You understand that Hal foots the bill for this damn site, and you throw him some money in appreciation. You aren't buying anything, and you aren't owed anything. If you are upset because you can't whack off on TFP anymore, you're exactly the kind of person that I don't want around here.

This is not a titty board. This is a board that has titty on it. There's a big freakin' difference.

Last edited by fhqwhgads; 10-06-2004 at 04:14 PM..
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Old 10-06-2004, 04:16 PM   #69 (permalink)
see the links to my music?
Fly's Avatar
Location: Beautiful British Columbia
i see it no prob...........oh yeah......i donated and am in all the other aspects of this place.

great forum Halx..........

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Old 10-06-2004, 04:19 PM   #70 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
Originally Posted by dinkie222
Enjoy your lonely little place on the Internet, Halx.

you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 10-06-2004, 04:22 PM   #71 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
guess what you whiny people....*gasp* there are people that think enuff of this site and everything it has to offer and donate and dont look at the tittyboard *bigger gasp*
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 10-06-2004, 04:31 PM   #72 (permalink)
Location: Boston
Originally Posted by BonesCPA
If your total post count can be counted on one hand after you have been here more than a month, don't expect much sympathy.
In fairness to those of us that come here for the porn, we only have the one hand available for counting.

A couple of comments from this perspective: while the EZ is the best damn free porn resource on the net, I can certainly understand (and from my previous experience sympathize) with the decision to yank it when it impinges on the available resources (think about the web as a whole - how fast would <i>that</i> be if its entire Erogenous Zone suddenly disappeared?).

I personally don't have much of an interest in "online communities" and their associated trappings, so I was pretty much coming here just for the porn; though I am certainly not going to begrudge someone their decision about how to manage their own site.

The Links Board seemed to have a lot less traffic than the rest of EZ (seemed like it was more or less in line with the rest of the forums - though I could be wrong of course) - would it be feasable to just bring that one section back? Of course it mostly specialized in stolen passwords, which probably makes it the most iffy section.
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Old 10-06-2004, 04:33 PM   #73 (permalink)
Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance.
Anxst's Avatar
Location: Madison, WI
I for one would like to thank Halx and everyone else who realizes the EZ had to go. I admit, I'm mostly a lurker here, and I did hit the EZ, but that's not where I mostly lurk.

Lemme tell ya, lurking when the forums are as slow as they had been was tough.
Don't mind me. I'm just releasing the insanity pressure from my headvalves.
Anxst is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 04:33 PM   #74 (permalink)
Registered User
Jesus Christ! If you can't stop wanking long enough to at least browse through the other sections of the board then quit bitchin. This board is great. The fact that Hal lets us use this source for free is amazing at best. Personally, I'd be happy if Halx left off the titty board for good or just made it part of the rewards for contribution (whether it be posting or donating money). Also, Halx has friends that can help him in all aspects of this board, whether it be programming or otherwise. I'm not the greatest member but I for one hope to watch the TFP grow and evolve for many years to come. If you want to bitch because you can't see a friggin pair of tits.. get a fucking life or use your brain and see what this board is all about. Who knows..you might stumble onto something you like.
Glory's Sun is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 04:43 PM   #75 (permalink)
any other forums similar to titty board on the web? I'm sure there are, just don't know how to find it. was i supposed to donate? sorry.
joesixpak is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 04:51 PM   #76 (permalink)
Registered User
Originally Posted by joesixpak
any other forums similar to titty board on the web? I'm sure there are, just don't know how to find it. was i supposed to donate? sorry.

in case you missed it in the posts above.. you can CONTRIBUTE in other ways than just monetarily..
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Old 10-06-2004, 04:53 PM   #77 (permalink)
where do i get pr0n now ??
AVP is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 04:54 PM   #78 (permalink)
Originally Posted by AVP
where do i get pr0n now ??
Use google.
"Fuck these chains
No goddamn slave
I will be different"
~ Machine Head
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Old 10-06-2004, 05:07 PM   #79 (permalink)
Beware the Mad Irish
Blackthorn's Avatar
Location: Wish I was on the N17...
Originally Posted by Chappelle_
this site sucks without da porn i mean evryone usally comes for it way more than genral talk and other forums u got on here how bout deletin some of the general forums cuz u just lost like 300 people maybe more man but i guess ur decision is fine but if u anit bringin it back then i dont support it. why can't we just post the porn stuff in the entertainment forum that'll be easier i think peace hlz or howeva u say good = keep bad=throw it away + no soup for us= bad site
Absolute classic! I'm glad to see the status is appropriately set for this mess.
What are you willing to give up in order to get what you want?
Blackthorn is offline  
Old 10-06-2004, 05:15 PM   #80 (permalink)
Registered User
Originally Posted by dinkie222
Alright...2 cents here. This *is* a porn site, get over it. I visit all the forums routinely, and it's easy to see from the member count in each forum that EZ has all the traffic. If it wasn't a porn site, cutting access to the porn wouldn't cheapen the bills.

Now, that being said, there is a lot of good content on this site. I spend quite a bit of time here reading everything, and yes, I do post. I don't contribute money because I did so once in the past and got my account cut for "not contributing". Yes, I could have fought it. Or someone could have done some bookkeeping. Point being, site was good, I came back after getting off my hissy fit and got a rookie status. I am working my way back up.

*off soap box* here is a novel idea: Halx - the porn eats bandwidth. The bandwidth costs money. The porn surfers don't pay. You lose out, and get shit on by complainers when you cut off the porn. Understood.

Unfortunately, you are dicking the people who did pay, and made the choice to pay because of the porn. I agree the content is good, but not everyone wants to visit the other content, and I am certain a good number of people have paid because of the porn, and it's gone. Why not meet in the middle: people have to pay in order to access EZ? If the code doesn't support it, I'm guessing there are several hundred or more programmers here that could help (myself included). Don't punish the few for the many.

you must subscribe to the "IGNORANCE IS BLISS" theory
Glory's Sun is offline  

erogenous, happened, zone

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