It cost alot of money to run a popular forum...expecially with all the pictures here. My old man has a sports forum with 5000 members and I think he pay 500 or more bones a month just to keep it up and running...Only income he gets from it is donations. He puts alot of time and effort into it also. It's his baby.
I'll bet a million bucks the erogenous zone is still there...but when there are to many freeloaders, it gets to expensive. So the people who've been around a while and are a part of the community here, they've earned a right to free eye candy al la erogenous zone...They have access to it.
Unfortunately I could clasify myself as being one of the freeloaders.
I've never seen a webmaster/owner call members leechers though. Must not really need the donations or really doesn't care to get more positive traffic.
Also...My Dad puts a little *contributor* tag under everyone's UserName when they donate. It should give everyone just another good reason to donate to this site.
He to has a dark place for the loyal members....just not as kick ass as this one. It's a professional sports website, probably the biggest and most popular on the net. But it started as a sport site and didn't have the boobie thing going up until recently. So the "erogenous zone" isn't nearly as good as this one
I'd post more here...but my home is at a different forum. Truthfully, I was here for the boobs, man. If a donation will get me back to the boobs, I'll be glad to do it. I just don't have time to post on two different forums and get to know all of you guys in this wonderful community.
BTW- I'd tell you people what site it is...but I don't want any of you "leechers" going over there and trashing his family oriented site. He wouldn't let you in the adult part anyways:-)
Last edited by Adubb; 10-06-2004 at 02:50 PM..