dinkie222, please acknowledge the fact that you own nothing more than an account with minimal access to this website. You have absolutely no idea what kind of access others may have and you have absolutely no idea what goes on beyond what you can see. Don't assume that you can, either. Furthermore, this site is and will be whatever I want it to be. If I say it's not a porn site, I just press a few buttons and *blink* there is no porn to speak of. That's the power that I have over this site, so if you think that your definition of what groups a site into a certain category is the logic and law, you should reconsider your words and look again at where you are on the food chain.
As SM70 has pointed out, if you have not contributed shit to this forum (the part of the forum that *I* deem important) then you have no possible idea nor basis to shape an opinion over how the people who DO contribute feel.