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#1 (permalink) |
abortion... i need your opinions!
hey all... as part of my never ending string of research papers, i've decided to write one on abortion. find sites for pro-choice, pro-life, the pro's and cons of abortion isn't a problem.
please, please, please, please do not turn this into a flame war or a discussion! please start a new thread if you'd like to discuss something from this, but i'd really like this to just be your current opinions on the subject. what i would like to do (since in no way do i need to be scientific about it), is get you're opinions on it. if you could, i'd like this info: 1. sex/gender (male, female, transgender... i'd be interested in homo- or hetro too, but that's at your discretion to add.) 2. age 3. religion (preferably adding how religous/level of practice) 4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why? 5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? why? 6. would you ever consider having one or asking your partner to (if male)? if so, under what circumstances? (edit: possibly clarification made) 7. (very optional)if female, have you had one? if male, have you contributed to one? i realize that #'s 4 and 5 are similar, but i'm sure that there are some pro-life people who do feel it should be illegal even though they would not choose to have one themselves. feel free to add anything you feel is relevant! oh, and mods, if you don't think this is the right place, feel free to move as always. thanks everyone!
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer Last edited by hannukah harry; 11-09-2004 at 04:51 PM.. |
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#3 (permalink) |
I'll bite on this:
1) Male 2)21 3) ?...Deist, I'd guess is closest. 4) Pro-Life. Personally, I think it isn't consistent to practice a "Culture of Life" with abortion, the death penalty, etc, around. BUT 5)Abortion should be legal. I do not beleive in people legislating religion, which many of the people that spout the bullcorn about "Culture of Life" do. I think were it to be outlawed, we'd see many young women getting them in the "underground" and ending up in hospitals because someone in a back alley abused them, or they threw themselves down stairs, etc. I think that with proper sex ed, the number of abortions would decrease. That includes sex ed at home, not just at school. Parents should talk to kids about sex and contraceptives, other wise they may end up with a problem or two if it's twins. 6) At this point in my life, I don't think so. Perhaps if I knew the unborn kid would have some horrible, painful disease. 7) Nope, fortunatley I haven't had to deal with it. |
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#4 (permalink) | |
Oh shit it's Wayne Brady!
Location: Passenger seat of Wayne Brady's car.
1. sex/gender (male, female, transgender... i'd be interested in homo- or hetro too, but that's at your discretion to add.)
ANSWER: Male. Straight. 2. age ANSWER: 20 3. religion (preferably adding how religous/level of practice) ANSWER: Christianity. I believe that Jesus Christ paid for my sins, but I don't listen to everything and everyone that has the label "Christian." I am very skepticle about the validity of our translation of the Bible, and don't let other people try to tell me what God Himself is telling me. 4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why? ANSWER: It depends. I am pro-life because it is my personal opinion that a) a human fetus is human, nonetheless, b) life is always better than death, no matter what life you may lead (this is a psychological/philosophical stand-point that I live by; I'd have killed myself long ago if I hadn't), c) People should take responsibility for their actions, and d) Adoption is an option of taking care of that responsibility. I am pro-choice because in some cases, like my own mother's second-to-last pregnancy, the birth of the child greatly jeopardizes the life of the mother. In her case, not only did she have a 40% chance of dying if the baby was born, but also the baby had a less than 1% chance of living itself, and if it had, the longest a baby with the same conditions have ever lived was three days. 5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? why? ANSWER: It should be legal under proper circumstances. No, I do not believe that a person should be allowed to murder their offspring just to get out of the responsibility of giving birth. Adoption is always an option. 6. would you ever consider having one? if so, under what circumstances? ANSWER: Read #4. Also, you never know what life throws at you, nor your choices that you will have to make. If I were completely morally sound, then read #4. But given the chances of possibility, anything can happen. 7. (very optional)if female, have you had one? if male, have you contributed to one? ANSWER: I have not contributed to an abortion (at least not to my knowledge).
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all. Quote:
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#6 (permalink) |
Submit to me, you know you want to
Location: Lilburn, Ga
ok...im open enuff to do this
1. Female 2. 36 3. I believe in god, I was raised christian...I have faith....I no longer believe in organized religion. 4. pro choice....its not my right to tell another woman what to do with her body 5. legal....women are going to find a way to have them anyway...they deserve to not be torn to shreds, lose the ability to have children later in life or die 6. see below 7. I had one when I was 19 (1987)....long story short...I was a HEAVY cocaine user as was the father and I just "knew" the baby would be born with problems, at least thats how I rationalized it...until I got preggie I was pro life...very adamantly...the shoe got put on the other foot. My mother actually encouraged me and supported me (and paid for it) when I had it done. If I had not been a drug addict I prob wouldnt have done it...but who knows, it was an agonizing decision...and one that was NOT made lightly..many tears were shed...sometimes I still do
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!! |
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#7 (permalink) |
We work alone
Location: Cake Town
1. Male. Straight
2. 18 3. Jewish by blood, atheist by affiliation 4. Pro-choice because I think that it is nobody's business but the woman's 5. It should be legal for the reasons above, but with some restrictions. Those would be the age of the fetus, and the number of times a single woman has an abortion. (I wouldn't want a chick to get pregnant just for the hell of it and abort 20 times) 6. Since I'm a guy, I would never have one but I would fully support my partner if she decides to do it. 7. I have not contributed to one.
Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future. Common sense is knowing that you should try not to be an idiot now. - J. Jacques |
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#8 (permalink) |
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
1. sex/gender - Female. straight. single
2. age - almost 40 3. religion Raised Roman Catholic, have strayed somewhat from the church 4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why? Morally, pro-choice, abortion is wrong, however, politically pro-choice, because it is a moral decision, and the government should not be allowed to legislate morality. 5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? Yes. why? because the government has no business legislating morality, 6. would you ever consider having one? It depends. if so, under what circumstances? My own physical or mental health was in jeopardy. 7. (very optional)if female, have you had one? if male, have you contributed to one? Nope, but have gone with more than one friend who's had it done. I've sat in the waiting room, while the procedure was being done, and knowing how my friend agonized over her decision, and then watched some of the young women inthe waiting room act like it was just another saturday, and it was something to do before hitting the mall.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
Last edited by maleficent; 11-09-2004 at 04:56 PM.. |
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#9 (permalink) |
Location: work
1. male / married
2. 31 years 3. Christian 4. pro-choice - I believe that your morality is pretty much up to you, and the consequences of your decisions are between you and God. 5. legal - government should not legislate what we do with our bodies, they do enough already. 6. not applicable 7. one
Semper Fi |
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#10 (permalink) |
Location: Charlotte, NC
1. Male / Heterosexual
2. 34 3. Agnostic / Neo-Pagan 4. Pro-Choice... we should be allowed to make our own decisions about reproduction. 5. Legal... because we are a free society (or at least are supposed to be) and should be allowed to make choices of this nature for ourselves. 6. N/A 7. No, I have not (to my knowledge) contributed to an abortion.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules — and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress. Kurt Vonnegut - Sirens of Titan |
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#11 (permalink) |
"Without the fuzz"
Location: ..too close for comfort..
1. female, bisexual
2. 19 3. pagan/wiccan-pretty intense i guess-no i don't believe in god 4. pro choice..but i dont like the concept of abortion as "birth control" aka used insted of preventive mesures..as to why..i dont feel that the gov. should have that power over womens bodies and i feel for the children who would have to grow up and be unwanted..but i do feel that there should be limits as to how many..and how often a woman is allowed to get..adding to the whole used as birth control tangent.. 5.said above..but legal ..with restrictions 6. i dont think i could bring myself to..not saying its "wrong" just i dont think i could bring myself to 7. no..i've been pregnant and considerd one..but i lost the baby by "other means"
Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. Play with each other. Play with yourselves. Just don't play with the squirrels, they bite. |
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#12 (permalink) |
Minion of the scaléd ones
Location: Northeast Jesusland
1. sex/gender (male, female, transgender... i'd be interested in homo- or hetro too, but that's at your discretion to add.) Male Hetero
2. age 35 3. religion (preferably adding how religous/level of practice) - Individualist Semantic Pantheist - devout, but just living is a religious act. 4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why? Pro Choice - Because abortion's less wrenching than infanticide. Because sticking people with kids they don't want and/or cannot raise properly leads to lives not worth living. Because it's not my body, so it's not my choice. Seriously, in large part because it pisses off the self-righteously religious. 5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? why? Legal. Her body, her choice. (The fit my kids are pitching right now, I'd say the same about infanticide.) 6. would you ever consider having one or asking your partner to (if male)? if so, under what circumstances? (edit: possibly clarification made) Asking my partner? No. I believe it should be an option, but I would rather it not be used. 7. (very optional)
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life. |
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#13 (permalink) |
Location: Pittsburgh
1)Male hetro
2)34 3)Catholic praticing 4)pro-life (not just on this issue) 5)Legal there is no place for me to expect my morality to be requered of others and a womas body is here choise. Also the history of anti abortion law shows that it becomes something the rich have not truble with but the poor suffer. 6)No. However I do belive the life of the mother comes first.
Dyslexic please excuse the spelling. |
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#14 (permalink) |
1. I am female/bisexual
2. Age 21 3. I am Christian by faith, Catholic by practice 4. I am pro-life without all the bad connotations. Life is precious and some of the women I have spoken with who have chosen to have an abortion have been emotionally devestated by that choice. With that said, I am still pro-choice because if we do not keep this legal, women might have to resort to poor, medically unsound abortions. 5. I do think abortion should be legal. We need to look at the story of the mother, the father, the family. I am not advocating mandatory counciling before an abortion but the system needs to be changed to allow abortion to be kept as an option only, not an ultimatum. So many times, people think that once the abortion takes place, that is the end of the situation. This is such a difficult situation to deal with that to not talk about it and figure things out is to ask for trouble. 6. I would love to stand on my pedestal and say that I would never have an abortion but how many women who have had to make that choice stood on the same pedestal when they were in my similar situation? It would be the hardest decision I would ever have to make and live with. 7. I have not had an abortion.
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!" "Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree." Sara |
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#15 (permalink) |
1. male, hetero
2. thirties. Let's leave it at that ![]() 3. Agnostic 4. pro-choice - what happens to her body is her call, not mine. 5. Legal. This is a moral issue, and it is not the place of the government to legislate morality. 6. I would ask her to if the pregnancy could be harmful to her. 7. Nope. |
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#16 (permalink) |
Location: ignoreland
1. male
2. 25 3. Protestant background. I believe in it, more or less. Not active in attending church. 4. Pro-choice for others, pro-life for myself. 5. Legal. If made illegal I think that abortions would be self-performed, which would not be a good thing. 6. No, I would never want an abortion of my unborn. 7. Yes. She was pregnant, I did not want her to get an abortion, but she did anyway. While not the only reason, this is largely why we are going through a divorce. Before she got the abortion, I read the info they gave her for her waiting period, and almost got sick when I read the details of the procedure. This is especially hard on me when I look at the daughter we DID have together, and imagine her in rewind as a little embroyo terminated. Yay, happy thread. |
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#17 (permalink) |
Location: Ontario, Canada
1) I am Female and straight.
2) 18 3) Believe in god but don't follow an organized religion. 4) Pro-choice. I believe that an abortion should not be used as birth control but if there was a good reason that the women could not have the baby in good physical and mental health, or that the child would have serious problems that would result in a low quality of life, that abortion is acceptable. If it was simply a case of not wanting the responsibility, i think that adoption is a much better option for the child, but it is still the women's choice in the end. 5) Definitly Legal. What happens to a women's body is her business, government should have no say in this. If abortion was illegal, determined women would still find a way to have it done and could seriously harm themselves. Also, the unwanted babies could be abandoned at birth which is much worse. It breaks my heart when you hear stories about babies found in trash cans. 6) Personally, i would concider doing it in the case of rape or after finding out that the child would have a serious condition that would result in death or low quality of life. In the case of an accidental but healthy pregnency i would decide based on where i was in my life at that point. 7) i have never had one |
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#18 (permalink) |
More Than You Expect
Location: Queens
1. Heterosexual Male
2. 19 3. Spiritual but not affiliated to any faith in particular 4. I'm pro-choice and pro-life. Babies shouldn't be allowed to live because of a matter of convience but my beliefs don't hold precedence over anyone's personal freedoms. 5. Abortion should be legal because no one has the right to tell a person what they can't do with their child. 6. I'd support my partener in having the procedure done because neither of us are in the position to adequaetly care for a child (monitarily, etc.) and with the present state of the adoption/foster care system - death would be better than that life. 7. I haven't ever contributed.
"Porn is a zoo of exotic animals that becomes boring upon ownership." -Nersesian |
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#19 (permalink) |
The sky calls to us ...
Super Moderator
Location: CT
1. Male
2. Age 20 (close to 21) 3: Unaffiliated, but spiritual and theistic 4. I am pro-choice. However, I don't feel that abortion should be a matter of convenience or a method of after-the-fact contraception. If you can't use birth control consistently and properly, you shouldn't be having sex in the first place. This is one of the reasons that I believe strongly in comprehensive sex education ni schools. Back to the topic: I believe that life begins when the fetus becomes a viable child, not at conception. I don't feel that a woman should be forced to keep anything growing inside of her that she did not willingly become host to, especially in the case that it woudl cause harm to her. 5. It should be legal. It is not my place to tell people what to do with their lives and bodies unless they threaten my life or body. 6: If I had to, I would consider it, but I sure as hell wouldn't feel good about it. It would have to be early in the pregnancy; even though I dont' think that life begins until viability, I don't think I could deal with aborting something with a developed nervous system. 7. I have not and hope that I will never have to. |
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#20 (permalink) |
Custom User Title
Location: Lurking. Under the desk.
1. male
2. 28 3. catholic - kind of 4. pro-choice. It's a woman's body, and nobody elses. 5. legal to anyone 6. At one time, I would have (back in high school). However, now that I have a son of my own and another on the way, I myself would never try to convince someone to have one. But I still feel they should be legal. Good luck on your paper.
Blistex, in regards to crappy games - They made pong look like a story driven RPG with a dynamic campaign. |
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#21 (permalink) |
MOD EDIT: PLEASE DO NOT TURN THIS INTO A FLAME WAR OR DISCUSSION. And what was that in the rules about being over 18?
1 Male 2 16 3 Catholic 4 Pro-Life, no- its not the woman's body, its the baby's body that's getting killed. If the woman didn't want the baby inside of her, she shouldn't have had sex in the first place. Its the same thing as if you invited someone over to spend the night and got tired of having to entertain them, so you kill them. If you didn't want to entertain them, you shouldn't have had them over, thats what you get. 5 Illegal- our morals are going down the tube. Also, being that killing a pregnant woman is double murder, shouldn't having an abortion be murder? The answer is yes, it should. 6 I wouldn't ever let my wife have on 7 being that I'm a male, no, I've never had one Last edited by MSD; 11-09-2004 at 09:43 PM.. |
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#22 (permalink) |
1. Female
2. 20 3. Christian, but do not attend church regularly 4. Pro-Choice. I think the woman has the right to chose what she does with her body. What I don't agree with are women who seem to use it as a form of birth control. 5. Legal. It still needs to be available to women who are raped or need to abort due to health issues of the woman. 6. I did consider an abortion when I thought I may have been pregnant. I was a lot younger then and scared. If I were to become pregnant now I would take responsibility for my actions and have the child. Well, that's what I say now. If I were placed in the situation and had to choose, I really don't know.
-Speak your mind even if your voice shakes |
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#23 (permalink) |
The Pusher
Location: Edinburgh
1. Male, straight
2. 20 3. Agnostic 4. I'm generally pro-choice with some exceptions. 5. I think abortion should be legal within limits. Victims of rape, incest and parents of severely-diseased fetuses should have the choice, as long as it's done professionally and with stricts laws, medical procedures, etc. I think being young or poor or just becoming pregnant at an 'inconvenient' time is no excuse. Shit happens in life, don't make a child die because your career goals aren't met yet. Suck it up and accept that you will soon have a child who had no choice in the matter, and then either love that child or give it up for adoption where somebody will love him or her. I do believe a woman's body is a woman's body, but when a a life is in your body you shouldn't be thinking about your body as simply your own. Whether you like it or not that baby should be the priority. 6. I would not ask my partner to have an abortion, instead I would accept that my life as a young man is over and I'm now a father. I'd be sad about my own young life being cut short but I would accept that these things can happen, and any loss I felt would be overshadowed by the joy of being a father and a sincere dedication to my child, and knowing that I'm going to be the greatest dad ever. |
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#24 (permalink) |
1. sex/gender: male, hetero
2. age: 32 3. religion: athiest, practicing, but not in an organized fashion (ponder that for a while) 4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why?: Why must you be one or the other? I used to be pro-choice, but I now feel a lot like the way CityOfAngels feels, that there are times when pro-life is the right choice to make. 5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? why? Certain types of abortions, such as third trimester abortions, yes. Unregulated abortions, yes. Unsafe, unlicensed abortions, yes. Abortion can't be an answer to not wanting to take on the responsibility of your actions. Adoption is the answer to that. At the same time, there's lots of scary things nasty mothers' to be will do to a child still in the womb, too. Lets not kid ourselves. Its as easy as stopping by the liquor store and picking up a boddle of Vodka a couple nights a week. Is that a better option than having an abortion? How about a pack of smokes? Both are perfectly LEGAL. 6. would you ever consider having one or asking your partner to (if male)? if so, under what circumstances? At one point, I left the option open for my partner, because its her decision too, not just mine. We decided to have a baby and are amazed by him...daily... 7. if male, have you contributed to one? Yes, in a previous relationship. In all honesty, we probably should have been held to the fire to have the child and live with the responsibility. We would have discovered far sooner that we weren't meant for each other, I'd guess. |
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#25 (permalink) |
Location: Brisbane
1. male, hetro
2. 22 3. Athiest 4. Pro-choice because the birth of a child is a huge impact on somebodies life. If they(she/couple etc) dont think they can handle a child, then they should be given the chance to terminate the birth. 5. Legal, because people deserve that option. By making it illegal, they arent going to stop abortions. It will only drive abortions underground which can only do negative things for womens health when they go for back alley abortions purely because they accidently got pregnant and cant afford to bring a child into the world. The affects of this change will not only affect the women/couples lives who are having the child, but think of the environment the child will be brought up in. Parents who dont want a child are generally not going to be good parents, especially if the original decision to abort the birth was based on their financial situation. The last thing you want is the responsibility of raising a child when your strapped for cash. 6. Most definately and my girlfriend feels the same way. I would love to have children when I have an environment which is suitable for a child to grow up in. If the time isnt right, then it is unfair to both us and the child as we aren't ready to give it everything it needs. 7. No |
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#26 (permalink) |
big damn hero
1. Heterosexual male
2. 25 3. Agnostic 4. pro-choice - Life should be about giving choices, not taking them away willy-nilly. 5. Legal. Abortion is a moral issue. As long as the womb isn't used to endanger the public than the government has no business there. 6. Yes. There are only a few instances where I believe abortion has to be used. Rape victims, death of the mother, etc... As long as it's not used as a form of birth-control than I have no issue at all with abortion. 7. Yes. A good friend of mine was raped and consequently impregnated. I drove her to the clinic and took care of her while she recovered.
No signature. None. Seriously. |
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#27 (permalink) |
Location: No longer, D.C
1. male - hetero
2. 22 3. wiccan 4. pro-choice.. it is their body, their life. Until the point the child can live outside of any external help (taken out of the body and survive on its own) I don't believe there should be any question. However, if the baby can survive on its own, then it becomes a whole new can of worms, one in which I don't wish to get into at the moment. 5. Legal: if they want one, they will find a way. Making it legal provides a safer, better environment for which they can do it. 6. asking the girl, no, supporting her in her decision, yes. 7. nope |
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#28 (permalink) |
Location: Texas
1. Male Hetro
2. 45 3. God probably doesn't believe in me. But I express thanks in prayer for everything all the time. 4. I am not qualified for such an opinion. 5. Government can go to Hell. 6. No. Under no circumstance. 7. Male, and I have contributed to the choice of a loved one. And I mean "loved" very sincerely. Personal comment: This is a topic I feel that no *man* has a right to discuss, research, or offer the most superficial of advice on. This should be relagated to women only, period. Take your research and dispose of it before you get started. It does not belong to you. I offer no understanding, no support, no wisdom, no opinion. Just the deepest of desire that this sort of decision become history. Legend. Drop it. -tb2 |
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#29 (permalink) |
1. Male, married
2. 36 3. Protestant, but very agnostic 4. Pro life, but not dogmatic. I realise that there are reasons where an abortion is better than the child being born, but they seem to be used too often as a form of birth control. 5. Legal. 6. If the woman's life was at risk or the child had some disease which would give it a very short and painful life. 7. No |
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#30 (permalink) |
1. Female - heterosexual
2. 20 3. i don't believe in organized religion, but i do believe in god 4. Pro -Choice... it is a woman's body, and her reasons are her own. 5. Legal... it is the best way to keep the proceedure regulated and safe for the woman. We should be able to make these decisions and have a safe method available. There is no reason to tell us what we can do with out bodies and rationalize it as murder or divine mandate. 6. I would consider having an abortion because there is no point in giving birth to a child that is unwanted. At this point in my life, having a child is not an option. I'm not heartless, but I'm not stupid. 7. n/a
17 seconds is all you really need - Smashing Pumpkins |
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#31 (permalink) |
Location: Home.
1. Female
2. 23 3. Um, I believe in *something,* but I doubt it's GOD, or just GOD. 4. Pro Life. It a choice that should be made between two rational, mature people. . 5. Legal. As many have started, it would give a standard to the procedure, thus making it safer for all Also, one cannot morally rule this out as a viable option under all circumstances. 6. Yes. If the situation was not right for a child. 7. Yes.
Someday, someone will best me. But it won't be today, and it won't be you. |
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#32 (permalink) |
Location: happy place
1. sex/gender (male, female, transgender... i'd be interested in homo- or hetro too, but that's at your discretion to add.)
Female, hetero 2. age 40 3. religion (preferably adding how religous/level of practice) Non-practicing Episcopalian 4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why? Pro-Choice, I believe it's a womans right to choose. 5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? why? Legal--Safe, govt. should not be in control of anyones body 6. would you ever consider having one or asking your partner to (if male)? if so, under what circumstances? (edit: possibly clarification made) Yes, probably due to health issues. 7. (very optional)if female, have you had one? if male, have you contributed to one? No
"You can't shake hands with a clenched fist." Ghandi "Things do not change: We change" Henry David Thoreau |
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#33 (permalink) |
Location: tallahassee...:(
1. male
2. 19 3. undeclared 4. pro life 5. i think under certain circumstances it should be legal, but in most cases there are other healthy alternatives to abortion .. case in point: adoption. After a certain time (very limited) abortion should be illegal. I agree that the govt. shouldnt interfere with our life choices, but after a certain point it's no longer your life to decide on. 6. Maybe if the woman was raped or a drug addict but only in the very early stages pregnancy. 7.no
"The road to nowhere leads to me." ![]() "Some kind of.... Bubba Hotep" - Elvis |
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#34 (permalink) |
Leaning against the -Sun-
Super Moderator
Location: on the other side
1. female hetero
2. 24 3. none 4. pro-choice with limitations, pro-life but not in the conventional sense, for myself I would be in turmoil if I had one 5. Legal with limits, but not as limited as in my country (only up to a certain time and only if the mother's health is in danger), but it certainly should not be a form of birth control (Though I doubt seriously that most women could ever view something so horrible as that). But I do think that you can't look at it as black and white, There are always different circumstances, different contexts...also women will go on having them so the procedure should be safe, and preserve a woman's dignity in what surely is a very difficult decision to make 6. I would have to say no, but as I said, only if you're in those shoes can you know what you'll do. If my health was in danger, physically or mentally... 7. I have never had one, and I am thankful to have never found myself in that situation.
Whether we write or speak or do but look We are ever unapparent. What we are Cannot be transfused into word or book. Our soul from us is infinitely far. However much we give our thoughts the will To be our soul and gesture it abroad, Our hearts are incommunicable still. In what we show ourselves we are ignored. The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged By any skill of thought or trick of seeming. Unto our very selves we are abridged When we would utter to our thought our being. We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams, And each to each other dreams of others' dreams. Fernando Pessoa, 1918 |
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#35 (permalink) |
Location: Edinburg, TX
1. female/hetero
2. 22 3. Southern Baptist/occasionaly 4. pro-life/I believe that the baby should not die just because mom and dad forgot protection. I think that if you are old enough to have sex, then you are old enough to deal with the responsibilities that may or may not come with it. 5. I think that abortion should be illegal unless the mother's life is endangered. If in that situation, I think it is solely up to the parents on what to do. With the adoption program, I don't think abortions need to happen, because there is always another alternative. 6. I would not have an abortion. If I can't be the best parent to my child, then I would give it up for adoption. 7. I have never had one, nor have I been with someone while they were getting one.
I am not afraid of tomorrow; for I have seen yesterday and love today! |
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#36 (permalink) |
Location: Texas
1. Male
2. 28 3. athiest 4. Pro-Choice. Its not up to me to police others. Right or wrong, it isnt your body. 5. Legal. Same as above. If someone wants to smoke, drink, etc.. it isnt up to me or anyone else to be in their business. If it will be illegal, it will still be done, just in worse enviroments. 6. Yes. I was young, not financialy stable, and so far from being in Love. ?Not a good enviroment for a child. 7. Look above. Yes I have. |
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#37 (permalink) |
Is In Love
Location: I'm workin' on it
1. Female
2. 26 3. Raised Roman Catholic, but never really went to church or all that. I don't really consider myself religious. 4. Pro-choice. 5. It should be legal. Do we really need to go back to the coat hangers in back alley years? 6. Would I consider it? I don't know. I really don't. It would depend on the circumstances in my life at that point. 7. I have not had one. I have friends who have, and I was there for them when they needed the support.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great. |
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#38 (permalink) |
Boy am I horny today
Location: T O L E D O, Toledo!!
1. Male, hetero, married 9 yrs.
2. 34 3. Christian, Lutheran to be exact 4. Personally, I'm pro-life, but what a woman does with her body is her thing. I'm not against abortion, just would never ask my SO to have one. 5. As stated in 4, what a woman does with her body is fine, it's legal, should stay legal. 6. No, would not. 7. I'll answer this... my sister in law borrowed some money once, later I found it was to have one, she didn't lie about it, but didnt' tell the truth. My wife has not had one. |
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#39 (permalink) |
Location: Deep South
1. Male
2. 22 3. Catholic 4. Pro-Life (Feel life begins at conception) 5. Illegal - Adoption is always another legitimate option. Abortion should only be a last resort if the mothers life is in danger. 6. No 7. N/A
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#40 (permalink) |
Location: London
1. male, straight.
2. 20. 3. n/a 4. pro-choice. Because really, It's none of my fucking business what a women does with her body. 5. it should be legal. Criminalizing abortion won't stop some women wanting them. 6. personally I think I'm too young to have a child. but it's the women decision not mine. 7. n/a |
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Tags |
abortion, opinions |