MOD EDIT: PLEASE DO NOT TURN THIS INTO A FLAME WAR OR DISCUSSION. And what was that in the rules about being over 18?
1 Male
2 16
3 Catholic
4 Pro-Life, no- its not the woman's body, its the baby's body that's getting killed. If the woman didn't want the baby inside of her, she shouldn't have had sex in the first place. Its the same thing as if you invited someone over to spend the night and got tired of having to entertain them, so you kill them. If you didn't want to entertain them, you shouldn't have had them over, thats what you get.
5 Illegal- our morals are going down the tube. Also, being that killing a pregnant woman is double murder, shouldn't having an abortion be murder? The answer is yes, it should.
6 I wouldn't ever let my wife have on
7 being that I'm a male, no, I've never had one
Last edited by MSD; 11-09-2004 at 09:43 PM..