1. male
2. 25
3. Protestant background. I believe in it, more or less. Not active in attending church.
4. Pro-choice for others, pro-life for myself.
5. Legal. If made illegal I think that abortions would be self-performed, which would not be a good thing.
6. No, I would never want an abortion of my unborn.
7. Yes. She was pregnant, I did not want her to get an abortion, but she did anyway. While not the only reason, this is largely why we are going through a divorce. Before she got the abortion, I read the info they gave her for her waiting period, and almost got sick when I read the details of the procedure. This is especially hard on me when I look at the daughter we DID have together, and imagine her in rewind as a little embroyo terminated.
Yay, happy thread.