1. female/hetero
2. 22
3. Southern Baptist/occasionaly
4. pro-life/I believe that the baby should not die just because mom and dad forgot protection. I think that if you are old enough to have sex, then you are old enough to deal with the responsibilities that may or may not come with it.
5. I think that abortion should be illegal unless the mother's life is endangered. If in that situation, I think it is solely up to the parents on what to do. With the adoption program, I don't think abortions need to happen, because there is always another alternative.
6. I would not have an abortion. If I can't be the best parent to my child, then I would give it up for adoption.
7. I have never had one, nor have I been with someone while they were getting one.
I am not afraid of tomorrow; for I have seen yesterday and love today!