1. I am female/bisexual
2. Age 21
3. I am Christian by faith, Catholic by practice
4. I am pro-life without all the bad connotations. Life is precious and some of the women I have spoken with who have chosen to have an abortion have been emotionally devestated by that choice. With that said, I am still pro-choice because if we do not keep this legal, women might have to resort to poor, medically unsound abortions.
5. I do think abortion should be legal. We need to look at the story of the mother, the father, the family. I am not advocating mandatory counciling before an abortion but the system needs to be changed to allow abortion to be kept as an option only, not an ultimatum. So many times, people think that once the abortion takes place, that is the end of the situation. This is such a difficult situation to deal with that to not talk about it and figure things out is to ask for trouble.
6. I would love to stand on my pedestal and say that I would never have an abortion but how many women who have had to make that choice stood on the same pedestal when they were in my similar situation? It would be the hardest decision I would ever have to make and live with.
7. I have not had an abortion.
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!"
"Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree."