1. female, bisexual
2. 19
3. pagan/wiccan-pretty intense i guess-no i don't believe in god
4. pro choice..but i dont like the concept of abortion as "birth control" aka used insted of preventive mesures..as to why..i dont feel that the gov. should have that power over womens bodies and i feel for the children who would have to grow up and be unwanted..but i do feel that there should be limits as to how many..and how often a woman is allowed to get..adding to the whole used as birth control tangent..
5.said above..but legal ..with restrictions
6. i dont think i could bring myself to..not saying its "wrong" just i dont think i could bring myself to
7. no..i've been pregnant and considerd one..but i lost the baby by "other means"
Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Play with each other. Play with yourselves. Just don't play with the squirrels, they bite.