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Old 11-16-2004, 04:13 PM   #81 (permalink)
Location: North America
1. sex/gender (male, female, transgender... i'd be interested in homo- or hetro too, but that's at your discretion to add.)
ANSWER: female/hetero

2. age

3. religion (preferably adding how religous/level of practice)
ANSWER: Christian/non-denomenational/non-church-going

4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why?
ANSWER: Pro-LIFE. I believe life begins at conception. For those who would argue that "nobody really knows when life begins", why take that chance? It pains me to read the replies that advocate the pro-choice stance as they all revolve around the mother, not the child. A woman who is willing to terminate a life because it's inconvenient, or dare I say even threatening to her health, is being selfish. The child is the only person without a voice and the only one who's life has been entrusted primarily in the hands of his/her MOTHER. Adoption is a great option, however many mothers are unwilling to deal with the pregnancy, the perceived shame, and the pain of having to give up their child upon birth. It's all about them (the mother).

5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? why?
ANSWER: Illegal. Once again, legalizing abortion essentially gives women the green light to kill/murder their unborn children. For those who would argue that the government should not force its morality on the mother, take a look at our society. We send murderers to prison, and even sentence them to death because society has deemed their actions immoral and unacceptable. Should the government take its nose out of that business as well? Certainly not; those laws, based on moral convictions, keep our society from degenerating into chaos. So to say the government should not dictate our personal moral values is ridiculous. Oh, and by the way, the last time I checked, our government and our laws are determined by the people. We do live in a democratic republic. People talk about the government as if it's some foreign body that they have no connection with.

6. would you ever consider having one or asking your partner to (if male)? if so, under what circumstances? (edit: possibly clarification made)

7. (very optional)if female, have you had one? if male, have you contributed to one?
"You are my density...I mean, my destiny." -- George McFly

Last edited by Epiphanies; 11-16-2004 at 05:49 PM..
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Old 11-16-2004, 06:53 PM   #82 (permalink)
<Insert wise statement here>
MageB420666's Avatar
Location: Hell if I know
1. male - straight
2. 20
3. Raised Jewish, guess I would currently qualify as agnostic
4. Pro-Choice, the government has no right to legislate morals. The government should place the well-being(that includes financial, mental, emotional, physical, etc.) of it's citizens above that of potential citizens.
5. Legal, the government should not be able to force women to have unwanted children. It's the same thing as forcing people to adopt or house troops.
6. Depends on the situation, right now I wouldn't because I know my girlfriend's view on abortion, she's pro-choice but wouldn't have an abortion.
7. No.
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn.
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Old 11-16-2004, 07:39 PM   #83 (permalink)
1. Male

2. 25

3. Catholic (devout) although I consider my views on this subject to be grounded more in Reason than Religion.

4. Pro-life. Because IF life begins at conception (which there is no sound scientific evidence that it does not - a zygote has a different genetic makeup than its father or mother [i.e. its not just another part of the woman's body, it is simply dependant on her for survival - every part of her own body is a genetic match while the zygote/embryo/fetus is genetically a seperate person from conception]) than abortion is murder of the most innocent person immaginable. Period. If we say we aren't sure whether or not life begins at conception (i.e. we don't know when it begins - although I'll point out that there is no magic date that a fetus becomes a human) than we should ere on the side of caution and assume that life exists.

5. Illegal. See answer to number 4. If outlawing murder is "legislating morality" than I guess this would qualify as that too. But I think society should outlaw the murder of the defenseless innocent.

6. No. Under no circumstances.

7. No.

Last edited by lawguy505; 11-16-2004 at 07:42 PM..
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Old 11-17-2004, 12:30 AM   #84 (permalink)
same as most people posting
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Old 11-17-2004, 12:32 AM   #85 (permalink)
Insensative Fuck.
Location: Boon towns of Ohio
1. male
2. 21
3. agnostic
4. prochoice
5. Legal.
6. Yes I would, as opposed to what other people think. It's not just her life, sure its her body, but the change does not 'only' affect the body, the body is micro compared to the changes in ones life due to this. Wemon should respect that we will have our own opinions on abortion, and should NOT be 'shamed' into the whole 'her body her choice' psych.
7. No I have not, although my g/f knows that if she were to get pregnant at this point in my and her life, my stance would be pro-abortion.

*little note, I believe abortions should only proceed if the pregnancy is less than 3 months, before the brain and the body has a chance to form into a resemblence of a human baby.*
Originally Posted by Crompsin
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Old 11-17-2004, 06:00 AM   #86 (permalink)
1. Male, single, hetero

2. 22

3. Athiest

4. Pro choice, to an extent. Late term abortions are even less nice than early abortions.

5. Legislation in Australia currently dictates that you can abort up to the end of the first trimester (12-14 weeks into pregnancy), since at that time the embryo develops the beginnings of a spinal cord, ergo a central nervous system, the ability to feel pain, etc. After that point, either the foetus has to have a significant and incurable problem (sickle-cell, for instance), or the woman has to be at risk - either physical, financial or psychological.

I am a bit concerned with how broadly "psychological risk" is currently defined, since the late term abortion procedure strikes me as totally inhumane and has the potential to lead to 'designer babies' - ie., late term abortions upon discovering your child isn't genetically perfect (but certainly healthy enough to live), as a woman can claim psychological stress, say she'll kill herself if she carries her allegedly deformed baby to term, and bang - instant loophole. Current legislative practice pushes the 'acceptable' point frighteningly close to eugenics, in my opinion.

That said, I would probably prefer to err on the side of the life of the woman over the life of the embryo. In conclusion: early abortions I have no problem with, but if you want a late term abortion you'd better have a damn good reason for it.

6. If I loved my partner, I'd support her in her decision, whatever it might be. That said, I disagree with the women's suffrage movement as it is often explained to me - that a man should ultimately have no say in the abortion (beyond talking, of course), yet still has to pay alimony and child support if the women goes ahead without his informed consent. This strikes me, a male, as wholly unfair. Abortions, and the decisions not to have them, are two-way things.

7. Negatory. I've been careful thus far.
gefax is offline  
Old 11-17-2004, 06:47 AM   #87 (permalink)
Flavour of the Weak
Location: Canada
1. sex/gender
Male / Heterosexual

2. age

3. religion

4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why?
Pro-Choice. Nobody should tell women what they can or can't do with their body.

5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? why?
Legal. Religious people and their outdated beliefs can shove it. If they don't want to get abortions, good for them; but they have no business telling others what they should/shouldn't do.

6. would you ever consider having one or asking your partner to (if male)? if so, under what circumstances?
If my partner got pregnant right now, I would be in favour of an abortion. We are too young to raise a kid. We aren't mature enough, didn't finish our studies, don't have enough money, etc. I would also consider an abortion if I learned that the baby had some sort of disease or disability. However, in the end, it would be the mother's choice.

7. if male, have you contributed to one?
No, never got anyone pregnant.
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Old 11-19-2004, 10:45 AM   #88 (permalink)
StephenSa's Avatar
Location: Dallas, Texas
1. male hetero
2. 37
3. Not religious
4. Pro-choice. Because I frankly don't hold each life as precious as some and wouldn't mind a few less people on this globe. To me whether or not life begins at conception is irrelevant. As a male I can't bear children and don't know what being pregnant is like so I'm not sure it should be up to me to tell a woman she has to go through it or have a child live a life of poverty or pain from birth defects or other drastic impairment so I can feel morally superior.
5. It should be legal because one way or another it will be done so it might as well be done as safely as possible.
6. I'd never ask/pressure a woman to have one because ultimately its her choice and should follow her own belief system. I would support whatever decision she made. If it were my child and I wanted a child I would tell her that and see if she would bear the child for me, but again the decision should ultimately be hers.
7. And finally nope, never contributed to an abortion.

Last edited by StephenSa; 11-19-2004 at 11:26 AM..
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Old 11-19-2004, 12:43 PM   #89 (permalink)
william's Avatar
1) Straight male
2) 40
3) Lutheran, but not practicing
4) Pro-choice. Do not agree w/the pro-life (are there people that are anti-life). Why? Because it's not my place, or yours, or anyone elses to tell someone what to do w/their body. As much as I can agree w/the arguments for abortion (rape, incest, et al.), it is her choice. Another problem I have is that there are enough struggling chhildren in this world. The pro-choice (?) people might change my way of thinking if they started talking to young girls (i.e. 15, 16, 17), and said "You know what - You're pregnant, and honestly you cannot raise this child. I will raise it for you". Pro-choice wants to insist that the child be brought into this world (before it even is a child), regardless of circumstances.
Should abortion be a cure-all to end-all - of course not.
5) Legal (see above).
6) I wouldn't think of asking her to have the abortion. I'd hope she'd rather not.
7) I've helped a couple through the process, up to the doctors office. Friends of mine (as were the guys). Not my place to judge.

On a sidenote - it's always easy to talk about how girls should have their babies. And then once it happens, the focus is gone. The fetus is the focus of attention, until it is born. Then that one is passed up for the next fetus. Must be why you never see a college-tuition program for the "fetus that was almost not born". Words come easy, but it's the action that takes work.
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Old 11-19-2004, 01:13 PM   #90 (permalink)
Location: Michigan
1. sex/gender (male, female, transgender... i'd be interested in homo- or hetro too, but that's at your discretion to add.) Male
2. age - 35
3. religion (preferably adding how religous/level of practice) - atheist
4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why? pro-choice, not my business
5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? why? legal.
6. would you ever consider having one or asking your partner to (if male)? if so, under what circumstances? (edit: possibly clarification made) yes.
7. (very optional)if female, have you had one? if male, have you contributed to one? yes
c172g is offline  
Old 11-19-2004, 01:49 PM   #91 (permalink)
Location: Texas
1. Male/hetero
2. 30+
3. Unpracticing Christian
4. Pro-Life. If I get you pregnant it IS my business
5. Legal. There are instances where abortion should be legal. I don't agree it should be used as a conveniant means of birth control.
6. I would never ask a woman to have an abortion.
7. I've never contributed to one but my ex-girlfriend that had a few, this was well after we were not together anymore. She can now no longer have kids. I don't know the whole story as we don't keep in touch or talk.
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