1. Male
2. 25
3. Catholic (devout) although I consider my views on this subject to be grounded more in Reason than Religion.
4. Pro-life. Because IF life begins at conception (which there is no sound scientific evidence that it does not - a zygote has a different genetic makeup than its father or mother [i.e. its not just another part of the woman's body, it is simply dependant on her for survival - every part of her own body is a genetic match while the zygote/embryo/fetus is genetically a seperate person from conception]) than abortion is murder of the most innocent person immaginable. Period. If we say we aren't sure whether or not life begins at conception (i.e. we don't know when it begins - although I'll point out that there is no magic date that a fetus becomes a human) than we should ere on the side of caution and assume that life exists.
5. Illegal. See answer to number 4. If outlawing murder is "legislating morality" than I guess this would qualify as that too. But I think society should outlaw the murder of the defenseless innocent.
6. No. Under no circumstances.
7. No.
Last edited by lawguy505; 11-16-2004 at 07:42 PM..