1. sex/gender: male, hetero
2. age: 32
3. religion: athiest, practicing, but not in an organized fashion (ponder that for a while)
4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why?:
Why must you be one or the other? I used to be pro-choice, but I now feel a lot like the way CityOfAngels feels, that there are times when pro-life is the right choice to make.
5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? why?
Certain types of abortions, such as third trimester abortions, yes. Unregulated abortions, yes. Unsafe, unlicensed abortions, yes. Abortion can't be an answer to not wanting to take on the responsibility of your actions. Adoption is the answer to that.
At the same time, there's lots of scary things nasty mothers' to be will do to a child still in the womb, too. Lets not kid ourselves. Its as easy as stopping by the liquor store and picking up a boddle of Vodka a couple nights a week. Is that a better option than having an abortion? How about a pack of smokes? Both are perfectly LEGAL.
6. would you ever consider having one or asking your partner to (if male)? if so, under what circumstances?
At one point, I left the option open for my partner, because its her decision too, not just mine. We decided to have a baby and are amazed by him...daily...
7. if male, have you contributed to one?
Yes, in a previous relationship. In all honesty, we probably should have been held to the fire to have the child and live with the responsibility. We would have discovered far sooner that we weren't meant for each other, I'd guess.