1. sex/gender (male, female, transgender... i'd be interested in homo- or hetro too, but that's at your discretion to add.) Male Hetero
2. age 35
3. religion (preferably adding how religous/level of practice) - Individualist Semantic Pantheist - devout, but just living is a religious act.
4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why? Pro Choice - Because abortion's less wrenching than infanticide. Because sticking people with kids they don't want and/or cannot raise properly leads to lives not worth living. Because it's not my body, so it's not my choice. Seriously, in large part because it pisses off the self-righteously religious.
5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? why? Legal. Her body, her choice. (The fit my kids are pitching right now, I'd say the same about infanticide.)
6. would you ever consider having one or asking your partner to (if male)? if so, under what circumstances? (edit: possibly clarification made) Asking my partner? No. I believe it should be an option, but I would rather it not be used.
7. (very optional)
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.