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Old 11-01-2004, 07:40 PM   #161 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Numbaguy
I love this thread! My answer is:
At work, right now (or perhaps in the next couple of minutes whilst I surf for something appropriate to get me going.
I find myself distracted most days until I can relieve myself and then get back to thinking about what I'm supposed to be doing.

Other places:
In church (it's true!) - I was in the choir, and I had a long robe on!
Oooooh yeah. Look for me in the front row this Sunday.
(see my post today under the "Christian girls....." thread. Oh what fun!
Lindy is offline  
Old 11-01-2004, 08:23 PM   #162 (permalink)
superredhead's Avatar
Location: Around So Cal.
in college, in the back of class.. while a movie was going... two hours ago. i like wearing skirts
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Old 11-01-2004, 09:21 PM   #163 (permalink)
President Rick
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Old 11-08-2004, 05:55 AM   #164 (permalink)
Dizzet's Avatar
Location: Denmark
Military traning ground... Was so damn boring laying in a bush waiting for the enemy
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Old 11-08-2004, 08:54 AM   #165 (permalink)
Location: Edinburgh
in a peep show in amsterdam...didn't plan to just thought that it was my duty.
change happens when those who don't normally speak get heard by those who don't normally listen.
fatbob is offline  
Old 11-08-2004, 02:29 PM   #166 (permalink)
Location: Santa Cruz!!!
Strangest place I ever "Shook hands with Satan" was behind someone in a car. I was riding bitch in the back seat and they were up front and din't notice till next day when they saw cumstain on the upholstery. I was holding a conversation with them all the way through the deed.
"The government of man by man is oppression. Who who lays a hand on me to opress me is a tyrant and a usurper, and I declare him to be my enemy"
NosVette is offline  
Old 11-08-2004, 04:26 PM   #167 (permalink)
Originally Posted by mrklixx

RespectThat is offline  
Old 11-08-2004, 05:28 PM   #168 (permalink)
Location: indiana
in the car.. on the bus.. at work... in class...in a club...on stage...firends houses... cemetary...car dealer (test drive)... dressing room... locker room... health club... tanning bed... beach... pool deck.. pool...rollercoaster...nascar race..... i could go on and on
jillian is offline  
Old 11-08-2004, 05:31 PM   #169 (permalink)
Location: indiana
the weirdest would have to be at a boyfriends house while eating dinner with his parents... he started rubbing my leg and i just couldnt help myself... his mom and dad had no clue but he knew and thats all that mattered... or at least i dont think they noticed
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Old 11-08-2004, 05:33 PM   #170 (permalink)
some of you are strange individuals...
Chemical Smoo is offline  
Old 11-08-2004, 06:40 PM   #171 (permalink)
while driving and looking at hot women.. at the same time ;D
soloist124 is offline  
Old 11-08-2004, 06:53 PM   #172 (permalink)
Here to Help My Fellow TFP'er
Dawson70's Avatar
Location: All over the Net....(ok Wisconsin)
Originally Posted by superredhead
in college, in the back of class.. while a movie was going... two hours ago. i like wearing skirts
See me after class.............!!!!!!!!!!
"I Finally Finished My Goal....You Can Too!

Yippie Ki Ya...
Dawson70 is offline  
Old 11-08-2004, 06:54 PM   #173 (permalink)
Here to Help My Fellow TFP'er
Dawson70's Avatar
Location: All over the Net....(ok Wisconsin)
Damn....this thread really took off. (or got off) LOL
It goes to show, the urge is stronger than the vanity!
"I Finally Finished My Goal....You Can Too!

Yippie Ki Ya...
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Old 11-08-2004, 07:32 PM   #174 (permalink)
We work alone
LoganSnake's Avatar
Location: Cake Town
At work, school.

How do you do it while driving? I mean, from my personal experience I get cranky if I don't finish. It seems to me that in order to finish in the car, you'd have to jizz on the steering wheel or something. Do you guys keep tissues handy?
Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future. Common sense is knowing that you should try not to be an idiot now. - J. Jacques
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Old 11-09-2004, 08:50 AM   #175 (permalink)
Location: Edinburg, TX
In the middle of my class. It's great being a girl.
I am not afraid of tomorrow; for I have seen yesterday and love today!
kollege_gal2000 is offline  
Old 11-09-2004, 04:23 PM   #176 (permalink)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Originally Posted by jillian
in the car.. on the bus.. at work... in class...in a club...on stage...firends houses... cemetary...car dealer (test drive)... dressing room... locker room... health club... tanning bed... beach... pool deck.. pool...rollercoaster...nascar race..... i could go on and on

Thats f'en hilarious!!
I mean roller coaster?! Nascar race?!! It's like they're just not exciting enough for you, so you have to add that little bit extra....
Sorry, I'm not having a go but I'm just picturing it.

OK my turn *thinks up place*.......funeral!
-:mantra:- is offline  
Old 11-09-2004, 04:45 PM   #177 (permalink)
locker room
stommie29 is offline  
Old 11-09-2004, 10:01 PM   #178 (permalink)
Driving down the Interstate. If I get tired, I just whip it out and start stroking to stay awake. Works great for me.
Ridge is offline  
Old 11-10-2004, 10:04 AM   #179 (permalink)
braisler's Avatar
Location: Midway, KY
Originally Posted by sushiboy
I have a question for all the male, public masturbaters. What the hell do you do with the nut? Leave it on the floor? wipe it on your pants?
This has come [pun] up a few times in this thread, so I thought I would chime in. If tissues are not available and you don't want to make a mess, you can use a technique called retrograde ejaculation. I am sure that you can do a search on it and learn more, but basically at the moment of release (or just before) you hold down with firm pressure at the base the underside of your penis compressing the urethra. The ejaculate, unable to move forward through the urethra, travels retrograde up to the bladder. I can hear some jaws dropping out there. Yes, it is possible. And no, it doesn't hurt.

I have used retrograde ejaculation myself. While the sensation is unusual at first, the technique can come in handy when you don't want everything to come out all over. It can be particularly useful skill if you have a woman who prefers not to have a load delivered orally, but you would prefer to remain in her mouth. Not quite as good as letting everything go, but perhaps a close second. On a historical note, it has been documented that many men (particularly kings, though this is likely because their lives are more often documented) were counseled on how to practice retrograde ejaculation as a means to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Coitus reservatus instead of coitus interruptus, though I wouldn't really recommend either as a form of birth control.

Lastly, a disclaimer. There is a small increase in the risk of developing a urinary tract infection if you don't otherwise practice good hygiene. This risk can be decreased by urinating soon after.

And on the topic of the thread:

In the backseat of a car my mom was driving and Grandma in the passenger seat
In the loft space of a motorhome (we took family road trips when I was young)
At school (junior, high, college, graduate)
At work (multiple jobs)
In a pool
In the ocean
In front of my wife while on the interstate
Dorm room while roommate slept on lower bunk

I'm sure there are more...
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein
braisler is offline  
Old 11-10-2004, 05:03 PM   #180 (permalink)
Location: Springfield, USA
I had a homie that was in the back seat of his parents car on a road trip. Story goes that he was playing around with the sun visor when the idea struck. He pulled it off
Disco Stu is offline  
Old 11-10-2004, 05:32 PM   #181 (permalink)
Into the sour cream container when I worked at Taco Bell.
Justsomeguy is offline  
Old 11-11-2004, 12:34 AM   #182 (permalink)
Location: Aliso Viejo, California
Originally Posted by toilet_duck
This fuckin' thread rocks. Here's my list:

In the pacific ocean, while hanging onto a buyoy
on the roof of a local grocery store
inside the walk-in refridgerator at Pizza Hut
my friends house, on his mom's bed
at a cemetery
in a phone booth

uhhhhhhh you win.
Kick butt buzz-cut dickheads who didn't like what I said.
The good times are killing me.
Jaws clenching tight we talked all night, oh but what the hell did we say?
The good times are killing me.
omid is offline  
Old 11-11-2004, 11:32 AM   #183 (permalink)
In the Sea of Cortez in Mexico
Bottle-o-Suds is offline  
Old 11-11-2004, 08:39 PM   #184 (permalink)
In the car after being away from my girlfreind for a while. She finished me off though later that night.
My goal is to be rookie of the year...
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Old 11-12-2004, 06:35 AM   #185 (permalink)
Location: Germany
sitting on the girl`s toilet in a youth hostel....
it was kinda fun
RolandGilead is offline  
Old 11-12-2004, 07:20 AM   #186 (permalink)

By the way,in the ocean would the salt...hurt down there?
Fohur2 is offline  
Old 11-17-2004, 09:24 PM   #187 (permalink)
Location: MA
Here is my list:
In the car while driving
Many times in high school during study hall
In my dorm room with roommates sleeping close by
Work bathroom

Now my question:

With all these unusual public places being listed, did anyone ever get caught? I don't think I have, but I have to wonder if my roommates in college ever woke up and heard me.
rabblerouser is offline  
Old 11-17-2004, 10:32 PM   #188 (permalink)
My list:
church pew (though no one else was around)
hot springs
hot tub with two guy friends with no clue as to what was going on
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!"

"Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree."

ColonelSpecial is offline  
Old 11-19-2004, 01:59 PM   #189 (permalink)
I have done it at a park, at a school yard in evening, in car,in a river, in a lake, at work, in a movie, back of a greyhound, at night in my cot in the Army, on guard duty (In Army), on an Aleutian Island in a deserted quonset hut.
OPgary is offline  
Old 11-19-2004, 02:01 PM   #190 (permalink)
Location: Lisle, IL
Originally Posted by Justsomeguy
Into the sour cream container when I worked at Taco Bell.
now that's just wrong!
Dingo2879 is offline  
Old 11-22-2004, 05:58 AM   #191 (permalink)
Location: Rio Grande Valley, Texas
1) In an air plane restroom (who hasn't)?
2) At a rest stop in northern texas...wandered off into the woods. Was a beautifal place.
3) At work (restroom)
4) University Restroom
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones." -- John Cage (1912 - 1992)
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Old 11-22-2004, 06:58 AM   #192 (permalink)
At work (restroom and at my desk)
Backseat of a car with a girl friend of mine while 2 others were in the front seat
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Old 11-22-2004, 11:08 AM   #193 (permalink)
Originally Posted by OPgary
I have done it at a park, at a school yard in evening, in car,in a river, in a lake, at work, in a movie, back of a greyhound, at night in my cot in the Army, on guard duty (In Army), on an Aleutian Island in a deserted quonset hut.
Ummm What were you doing at the back of a greyhound?
gorilla_ is offline  
Old 11-22-2004, 11:40 AM   #194 (permalink)
Location: Germany
I think he means the world famous Greyhound-Omnibusses,
but on the second thought...
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Old 11-24-2004, 03:43 PM   #195 (permalink)
Well .. humm .. done it at my friends apartment .. behind a house on my way somewhere ( felt the need ) ....

I've jerked off my gf in a taxi crammed with people
And she's jerked me off while I was driving
respect to the man in the ice cream van
Tenaglia is offline  
Old 11-25-2004, 02:45 PM   #196 (permalink)
Location: Houston, Texas
Interesting anecdote. In the late 1800's and early 1900's, when there were clothing sweat shops in which the women were working at foot powered mechanical sewing machines, a journalist passing through one noted that every once and a while a seamstress would cry out and collapse on her sewing machine for a few minutes. It turned out that the women had learned how to stimulate themselves via the treadle action of the sewing machine and that this form of masturbation was very common.
Jay Francis is offline  
Old 11-26-2004, 07:31 AM   #197 (permalink)
buck fush
maestroxl's Avatar
Location: Tucson, AZ
Ditto at work. Haven't tried it in the car. But I did it in an airplane lavatory, probably more than once if I tried hard to remember.
be the change you want
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Old 11-29-2004, 03:54 AM   #198 (permalink)
Location: Melbourne, Australia
On the train under the newspaper!! I was young and hideously horny and didn't care it I got caught. Luckily I didn't.
Nocturnal is offline  
Old 12-03-2004, 02:39 PM   #199 (permalink)
In my car, in the parking lot at my High School
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Old 12-03-2004, 03:20 PM   #200 (permalink)
Location: Regina, sk, Canada
I just remembered one from a couple years ago. At my friends place listening to him and his girl doing it.
angeltek is offline  

masterbated, place, strangest

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