Originally Posted by sushiboy
I have a question for all the male, public masturbaters. What the hell do you do with the nut? Leave it on the floor? wipe it on your pants?
This has come [pun] up a few times in this thread, so I thought I would chime in. If tissues are not available and you don't want to make a mess, you can use a technique called retrograde ejaculation. I am sure that you can do a search on it and learn more, but basically at the moment of release (or just before) you hold down with firm pressure at the base the underside of your penis compressing the urethra. The ejaculate, unable to move forward through the urethra, travels retrograde up to the bladder. I can hear some jaws dropping out there. Yes, it is possible. And no, it doesn't hurt.
I have used retrograde ejaculation myself. While the sensation is unusual at first, the technique can come in handy when you don't want everything to come out all over. It can be particularly useful skill if you have a woman who prefers not to have a load delivered orally, but you would prefer to remain in her mouth. Not quite as good as letting everything go, but perhaps a close second. On a historical note, it has been documented that many men (particularly kings, though this is likely because their lives are more often documented) were counseled on how to practice retrograde ejaculation as a means to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Coitus reservatus instead of coitus interruptus, though I wouldn't really recommend either as a form of birth control.
Lastly, a disclaimer. There is a small increase in the risk of developing a urinary tract infection if you don't otherwise practice good hygiene. This risk can be decreased by urinating soon after.
And on the topic of the thread:
In the backseat of a car my mom was driving and Grandma in the passenger seat
In the loft space of a motorhome (we took family road trips when I was young)
At school (junior, high, college, graduate)
At work (multiple jobs)
In a pool
In the ocean
In front of my wife while on the interstate
Dorm room while roommate slept on lower bunk
I'm sure there are more...