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arcane 09-23-2003 02:37 PM

went up north on a band trip (yes i was a band geek) to some multi school competition. When we arrived there was another school in the lobby and they were handing out room assignments. I noted one room that had like 4 hot girls staying in it, and once me and my roommates got to our room i convinced them to come with me down to their room. long story short i got to fool around with one chick while everyone else in the room was talking.


also...me and some friends used to throw rave style parties at my friend's father in law's cabin. nothing really kinky happened besides one chick letting me use a glowstick on her :cool:

Aladdin Sane 09-23-2003 06:54 PM

1. gf and I fucked in a tent with her mother laying beside us. I could have easily touched her mom if I'd wanted to
2. switched back and forth between anal and vaginal penetration with no wash up. Funny thing is she never got an infection.
3. Fucked while I drove down LBJ freeway in Dallas.
4. Fucked while swinging (on the playground of an elementary school)
5. Threesome with a college buddy and a way underage girl. My Gf almost caught us. Gf then came home with me and I fucked her
6. Masturbated while having phone sex with gf while in the office of a U.S. Senator.
7. Got a big blob of poop on my dick during anal sex. I wiped it on something and never told her about it.
That's all I can think of for now...

darkallaround 09-24-2003 12:44 AM

this guy i knew freshman year of college:
he goes to a party and brings this chick back to the dorm.
he's hittin it from behind and accidently rams it in her ass.
she jolts, sending him careening backwards.
he hits his head on a chair, passed out on the floor.
his door was wide open the next mornin when he awoke to laying in a puddle of his own piss with the normal dorm-hubub going on outside. heh.

as for myself, i hooked up with this chick once at a party...then later that week i asked her roomate out. talk about "things being weird"

bah. im lame.

tritium 09-24-2003 06:11 PM

Stole a pair of panties out of a dryer and once I returned to my room, used them for my own purposes ... not a lot of experience or opportunity to be nasty. I need to get out more.

Harshaw 09-27-2003 09:34 AM

This isn't that nasty, I'm mostly posting for the fun memory of it all. One hot day I grabbed a hand full of ice cubes and used them on my GF in strategic places. God the screaming and moaning was intense.

Next time I am going to try ice and tea.

padam 09-27-2003 10:25 AM

eating my gf pussy while she was on her period. didn't swallow anything but just let all the juices keep her really moist.

EbolaVirus 09-27-2003 02:31 PM

I picked up this chick at the bar one night. We went back to my place and started having anal. While we were doing it, she began to shit. I went to the bathroom to wash the shit out of my pubes. When I came out of the bathroom, she was gone.

emotes 09-27-2003 05:01 PM


Originally posted by EbolaVirus
I picked up this chick at the bar one night. We went back to my place and started having anal. While we were doing it, she began to shit. I went to the bathroom to wash the shit out of my pubes. When I came, she was gone.
This one, by far for me, is the worst I've read so far. ;-)

omega2K4 10-14-2003 12:09 PM

When I participated in a small orgy consisting of 4 girls, and myself. I was laying on my back, 1 girl riding my cock (While she was riding me, she was leaning forward eating another girl), 1 girl sitting on my face, (while she was sitting on my face, she was leaning forward and giving oral sex to another girl). That was probably the most fun I've had.

Jedbeck 10-14-2003 12:42 PM


Originally posted by EbolaVirus
I picked up this chick at the bar one night. We went back to my place and started having anal. While we were doing it, she began to shit. I went to the bathroom to wash the shit out of my pubes. When I came, she was gone.
Whoa clean-up in aisle 5!!!

The craziest thing I have ever done is have sex in a crowded lake with people about 30 feet from us. I don't think they knew or at least they weren't being obvious that they knew. ;)

Holo 10-14-2003 01:38 PM

It was a night of firsts:

Very first time I ate my gf's pussy-

It was on the beach

That first time I made her come-

6 times. I learned then she was multiorgasmic.

then an hour later ate her out in the parking lot of Border's.

She returned the favor some weeks later with road head while a trucker watched us from beside/above and honked his air horn. She got embarrassed and didn't finish but still a good experience.

edit: I almost forgot Fisting. Incredible thing to see your hand disappear inside someone.

Dano069 10-16-2003 11:02 AM


Originally posted by omega2K4
When I participated in a small orgy consisting of 4 girls, and myself. I was laying on my back, 1 girl riding my cock (While she was riding me, she was leaning forward eating another girl), 1 girl sitting on my face, (while she was sitting on my face, she was leaning forward and giving oral sex to another girl). That was probably the most fun I've had.

I am SO insanely jealous of you right now. You lucky bastard! :thumbsup:

Midlandmadman 10-16-2003 11:56 AM

I caused a traffic jam cause while I was driving... I decided I needed to go down on my wife while we sat in the turn lane. Well, I believe i sat through 3 lights with my face buried in my wifes lap. All the cars were honking....people were swearing at me. One guy finally approached the window knocked on it, I looked up and smiled..... he just starting laughing and went back to his car.

mml 10-16-2003 12:15 PM

In college, I usually spent Saturday nights at my girlfriends. She worked retail and her store opened at noon on Sundays, so we would usually have sex all morning then she would go to work. Once she left, I would slip into her roommates room and we would fuck all afternoon. Life was good.

One spring break in South Padre, the group of us set goals for ourselves. I was going to see how many girls would allow me to "six pack" them( a finger in one hole, a thumb in the other). Another buddy wanted to do the same thing and it sort of became a competition. I got 14 girls to do it in 7 days( he got 10) and actually the last four were on the last day at a party where I explained what was going on to them and let them know that I was going to lose. Over the next couple of hours each of the four pulled me aside and offered to help. One just took me to the bathroom, pulled up her skirt, masturbated for minute and told me to do it.

Now I lead a nice quiet life with my lovely and loving wife.

omega2K4 10-16-2003 12:34 PM


Originally posted by Dano069
I am SO insanely jealous of you right now. You lucky bastard! :thumbsup:
Yeah, I was really lucky that I was drunk, and the girls were drunk. That was some of the most fun I have ever had in my life. That was probably the first, and the last time ( :mad: ), I will ever experience anything like that again.

Corneo 10-16-2003 09:33 PM


Originally posted by mml
In college, I usually spent Saturday nights at my girlfriends. She worked retail and her store opened at noon on Sundays, so we would usually have sex all morning then she would go to work. Once she left, I would slip into her roommates room and we would fuck all afternoon. Life was good.
You are a god!!!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Meta 10-16-2003 11:10 PM

I met up with this one girl I knew once at this park-type-thing in Ohio. We spent the day together just sort of hanging out and fooling around. We went swimming in the pool and at one point she hopped up and wrapped her legs around my waist so I'd be holding her up. Then she'd jerk me off while I'd finger her... we were standing in the middle of the pool and there were a ton of families around, but it just looked like we were hugging.

Later we went for a walk along some of the boardwalk trails and got it going a little heavy on some of the park benches and among the trees. We almost got caught quite a few times, but damn if that wasn't exciting.

Met22 10-19-2003 02:17 PM

In college had a gang bang on this chick with five other guys, three of us hit a second time each. Oh those college years.

apechild 10-20-2003 05:55 PM

Once had sex on a college professor's desk (no, he wasn't actually in the office at the time)...

Brought a girl back from a bar, broke into a local college's art building and had all sorts of freaky sex in the art studio...

In the laundry room at a dorm...

In a playground...

Parking lot...

Car, while kindly asking Mr. Policeman to give us some privacy...

That's about it for me

davik 10-22-2003 10:00 PM

I'm pretty tame compared to some of these, but I think my first one earns some points:

Sex in some tall grass inside the fence of a secure government facility within view of a guard shack.

Tying my girlfriend down blindfolded and using a combination of ice and candle wax on her.

A couple of cases of having sex then realizing she was on her period; didn't really bother me much, but it is kind of weird to wake up in the morning, see red handprints on the sheets and look in the trash can and realize the condom has blood on it.

Going down on a girl while she was yelling up the stairs carrying on a conversation with her grandmother.

Sex in a cemetary at night (almost got caught too).

Getting head during the movie Seven (you have no idea how long it takes to finish with THAT in the background).

Going down on a girl outside in the middle of a suburb under a full moon; had a car pull into a driveway 10 feet away from us while we were at it.

ledzep 10-23-2003 07:30 PM

what a great thread i must say.

my experiances:
handjob while driving in the car with her whole family
sex in her basemet-one time her mom came down to do the wash, we were still fucking. she came in, luckily my g/f was wearing a skirt, i just covered up with a blanket (this has happened numerous times may i add) but this time, i look on the table, CONDOM WRAPPER. her mom keeps talking to us, i have a look on my face like i just saw a ghost. LUCKILY her mom didnt see it. if she did, i would be in jail right now.

Uuudar 10-24-2003 01:59 PM

Pretty much everything I've done has been stated. Just eating her out while she was on the phone, eating a girl out while on her period, getting head 8 times in 2 hours. By the end of that all I was shooting was a little flag that said "bang."

Nothing as of late. I'm very lonley now :(

31Friction 10-24-2003 03:06 PM


Originally posted by padam
eating my gf pussy while she was on her period. didn't swallow anything but just let all the juices keep her really moist.
same as mine... but we did it in the shower and minimized the chance for blood...

matt_mll 10-24-2003 03:55 PM

ontop of a Air Force building where I had roof access. Best part, a security patrol (who happend to be a buddy of mine) noticed that the lock to the roof hatch was unlocked, didn't bother to check if anyone was up there and locked it. I had to jump into a tree, cimb down, go back up the elevator unlock the roof hatch, grab the girl and get the hell out of there. It was funny as shit, and I so could have died jumping into the tree.

I called my buddy to ask if he came across an open roof hatch a couple of days after the fact. He said, yeah, why. I replied asshole and hung up. I eventually told him the story a couple weeks later. Both got a kick out of it.

The girl was a little freaked out though. didn't want to see me again after that. :) oh well

Rubyee 10-24-2003 04:01 PM

Got caught getting fingered in my basement by my oh-so-religious-and-uptight stepfather.

Let my now-ex stick the remote control for the family stereo inside me.

Had sex on the kitchen counter of my now-boyfriend's mom's house five minutes before meeting her.

Humped my ex's leg because his parents were home and we could not get naked (it was nasty and odd to me).

sailor 10-24-2003 05:12 PM


Originally posted by Rubyee
Got caught getting fingered in my basement by my oh-so-religious-and-uptight stepfather.

Hahaha, how'd that one turn out?

slashjunior 10-25-2003 12:29 AM

My ex-gf screwing me up the ass with a strap-on while one of while licking her friends pussy.

Corneo 10-25-2003 02:03 AM

You let your gf fuck you in the ass? Well at least it was a 3 some.

Shadowman 10-25-2003 09:56 AM

A few interesting ones, but I cant really compete with others...

-Masturbated on the plane (in my seat), jizzed into the bag....the old woman next to me was sleeping
-Fooled around with my GF on the couch, with her mother on the couch next to us.
-Sex on the beach at 10am, with all the joggers jogging past
-Fingered a girl in a nightclub on the dancefloor (lots of weird looks!)
-Had sex in the Toy area of K-mart when I was working night fill.

All enjoyable times, hope theres more to come!

jw_toyboy 10-25-2003 11:32 AM

I've been lingering around her long enough and figured his topic was as good as any to make a start in.
Ok I've only been of age(18) for a few months now and over the past 18 years I have had only one experience worth mentioning: last year (my final year of high school) I missed an test and had to 'reschedule' it. Two days later I sat the test in a quite little room in the school, a fairly trustworthy kid the female teacher left me to my own devices while she taught a class not far away.
I breezed through the exam and realizing I had about 10 minutes to spare before the teacher came in my eyes began wandering around the room looking for entertainment.
Jackpot!!! A box of tissues... my typically male brain (penis) demanded some attention so I unzipped my fly and soon got to work under the desk. Sure enough the teacher strides in 6 or so minutes earlly... right on que as I ejaculate.
Oh shit!!! This was one of my regular teachers (in early to mid 30, curvy, blonde hair and a near perfect tan) who I had a bit of a crush on for some time. Nearly 12 months later I'm still not sure what she said (my mind spinning like never thought possible), however she walked over and seemingly in the blink of an eye had removed the tissue and began giving me a bj.
Not content with blowing my mind :) she then removed her panties (wearing a skirt) and 'climbed on', riding me.
I got the results back from the test next day in her class, A+ (With an interesting sketch and some interesting additions to the regular essay appraisal!)

Seems to good to be true, like something out of a porno, however I still have that test here!

bermuDa 10-25-2003 11:49 AM

dear penthouse... :thumbsup:

matt_mll 10-25-2003 12:19 PM


Originally posted by peeplwatcher
-My first time at a strip club. Without saying a word, my g/f managed to get 2 girls' #'s as they gave us a lap dance. I couldn't touch them, but they pretty much devoured my girl in the club. They exchanged #'s, fast forward 4 hours later(when they got off work), came over to the hotel room, and I fucked them all until breakfast time. And whoever I wasn't doing, my g/f had the other girl in between her legs. I managed to slay all three until they couldn't take it anymore.

Right on!! Wish my g/f would do that :)

Rubyee 10-26-2003 08:10 AM


Originally posted by sailor420
Hahaha, how'd that one turn out?
I think I stayed in the basement for a couple of hours so that I didn't have to face him. When I finally went upstairs, my older sister patted me on the back saying "Nice job."

Rowan 10-26-2003 04:16 PM

I have a thing for outdoors
sex in a park, at a playground late at night a couple of times, on a trail to a lighthouse, behind a church, sex on a train, on the hood of my car during a snow storm that one was one of the hottest time.


nanofever 10-26-2003 08:56 PM


Originally posted by jw_toyboy
I've been lingering around her long enough and figured his topic was as good as any to make a start in.
Ok I've only been of age(18) for a few months now and over the past 18 years I have had only one experience worth mentioning: last year (my final year of high school) I missed an test and had to 'reschedule' it. Two days later I sat the test in a quite little room in the school, a fairly trustworthy kid the female teacher left me to my own devices while she taught a class not far away.
I breezed through the exam and realizing I had about 10 minutes to spare before the teacher came in my eyes began wandering around the room looking for entertainment.
Jackpot!!! A box of tissues... my typically male brain (penis) demanded some attention so I unzipped my fly and soon got to work under the desk. Sure enough the teacher strides in 6 or so minutes earlly... right on que as I ejaculate.
Oh shit!!! This was one of my regular teachers (in early to mid 30, curvy, blonde hair and a near perfect tan) who I had a bit of a crush on for some time. Nearly 12 months later I'm still not sure what she said (my mind spinning like never thought possible), however she walked over and seemingly in the blink of an eye had removed the tissue and began giving me a bj.
Not content with blowing my mind :) she then removed her panties (wearing a skirt) and 'climbed on', riding me.
I got the results back from the test next day in her class, A+ (With an interesting sketch and some interesting additions to the regular essay appraisal!)

Seems to good to be true, like something out of a porno, however I still have that test here!

That was a porno, you fell asleep during your test and failed it in the process.

nextlevel1 10-26-2003 10:27 PM

Fingering my GF (wife now) while we were in a funeral service and going into the bathroom of the funeral home and banging while the funeral was going on!

davik 10-26-2003 10:40 PM


Originally posted by nextlevel1
Fingering my GF (wife now) while we were in a funeral service and going into the bathroom of the funeral home and banging while the funeral was going on!
Wow, not sure whether to be vaguely impressed, or kind of weirded out... Just tell me it wasn't any close relative/friend who's service you were at :P

Dano069 10-27-2003 06:49 AM


Originally posted by Uuudar
getting head 8 times in 2 hours. By the end of that all I was shooting was a little flag that said "bang."

Nothing as of late. I'm very lonley now :(

Damn, you got a flag? :D All that happened to me was air came out. :lol:

Dano069 10-27-2003 07:01 AM


Originally posted by nextlevel1
Fingering my GF (wife now) while we were in a funeral service and going into the bathroom of the funeral home and banging while the funeral was going on!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dead men tell no tales!

Excellent use of time my friend! :thumbsup:

I hope my some of my relatives do that at MY funeral.

petergriffin24 10-27-2003 07:13 AM

I got head from my ex-girlfriend while her mom slept in a recliner about 5 feet away from us!! I was freaked as hell but once it started I couldn't stop it!!

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