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motdakasha 09-02-2003 08:35 PM


Originally posted by Dream
I lost my viriginity on my gf's parents' bed.

Another time, me and my gf had sex under the covers (very slow and quiet) while my brother slept 4 feet away.

:-/ pretty tame compared to you guys ;)

ew, i will never have sex on either bed of my parents. the whole family thing is creepy.

Battlefield 09-02-2003 09:55 PM

masturbating by myself with my gf and her parents in the next room... not that disgusting but damn I felt dirty and shameful about it

siryn 09-02-2003 10:45 PM

Had sex on a school bus. Band geeks rule!

Journeyman 09-03-2003 12:21 AM

"And this one time, at band camp..."

meff 09-03-2003 04:44 PM

Eating my wife out during her period and then fucking her and her giving me a blowjob afterwards.

It's been awhile, shes on Depo-Provera.. but mmm was it good.

A. Rothschild 09-04-2003 02:56 AM

In few words:
my old girlfriend
a lot of drinking

*no further comment*

-Anders 09-04-2003 04:15 AM


Originally posted by A. Rothschild
In few words:
my old girlfriend
a lot of drinking

*no further comment*

Arr you freak ;)

sigma1042 09-04-2003 09:11 AM

in hs took a trip to europe w/ 4 girls, while there managed to get one to fool around on the top bunk of the hostel while the other 3 were talking underneath, then fingered and got oral on the plane back to the states

bending my chick over the bar in my fraternity house after a good party died down, actually we did it every room (12) of the house, over the course of several months

in her dorm showers w/ other people walking in
in her shower with 3-4 of her friends sitting outside listening me talking dirty as she was being loud

right beside her prude roommate, slowly

beyonce gets me hot now cause we gave each other handy's in the theater during austin powers

in her grandma's pool,
in her best friends pool (man i wanted her friend to join us, but no luck)

got drunk and somehow managed to get a fist in her (never did before or after, she kept asked for more in her but it left her way too sore)

just a month ago, standing from behind right in the middle of her front yard in suburban town

abelak 09-05-2003 07:14 AM

I need new friends...

quantumburnz 09-05-2003 07:20 AM

sigma1042 - you are off the heezy man...

peeplwatcher 09-05-2003 08:14 AM

-My first time at a strip club. Without saying a word, my g/f managed to get 2 girls' #'s as they gave us a lap dance. I couldn't touch them, but they pretty much devoured my girl in the club. They exchanged #'s, fast forward 4 hours later(when they got off work), came over to the hotel room, and I fucked them all until breakfast time. And whoever I wasn't doing, my g/f had the other girl in between her legs. I managed to slay all three until they couldn't take it anymore.

All this being my g/f's idea. I said maybe 10 words to these girls the whole night. Memorable ::)

-At friends party, met some random asian cutie. I got too drunk, and ended up puking. She came into the bathroom just as I finished ralfing, and proceeded to give me head, just because. I ended up eating her out in a room of 4 other people laying right next to us, passed out.

Many more, but these two stand out.

sigma1042 09-05-2003 08:34 AM


Originally posted by peeplwatcher

-At friends party, met some random asian cutie. I got too drunk, and ended up puking. She came into the bathroom just as I finished ralfing

did you puke in a big silver bowl and have her eat it? i think i saw a video of that once

now that would be nasty

ok i made myself sick now

Cynthetiq 09-05-2003 08:41 AM


Originally posted by sigma1042
did you puke in a big silver bowl and have her eat it? i think i saw a video of that once

now that would be nasty

ok i made myself sick now

aww damn. i was just about to eat lunch.

sigma1042 09-05-2003 09:35 AM

yeah sorry about that one...

jeenyus_one 09-06-2003 08:39 AM

when I was like 6 i shit my pants in a mall and flushed my undies down the toilet lol

Rainmountain 09-06-2003 11:05 AM

OH, I have a very dull sex life.

2001sc2 09-07-2003 12:49 PM

Sex in a public pool with kids everywhere

First time anal at my parents camp (in a camper) with my parents and brother all in the same room.

Had sex on my g/f's best friends bed, and accidentally "spilling some" on her sheets. The next week, they got into a huge fight and were seriously pissed at one another. We never told her bout it, but we just laughed about it. Nothing more humiliating than sleeping in your own bed with the cum of 2 people you hate on it, and not even knowing. Sleep well, Lisa.... hahahaha

Wombat 09-07-2003 01:16 PM


Originally posted by peeplwatcher
-My first time at a strip club. Without saying a word, my g/f managed to get 2 girls' #'s as they gave us a lap dance. I couldn't touch them, but they pretty much devoured my girl in the club. They exchanged #'s, fast forward 4 hours later(when they got off work), came over to the hotel room, and I fucked them all until breakfast time. And whoever I wasn't doing, my g/f had the other girl in between her legs. I managed to slay all three until they couldn't take it anymore.
Awesome. :thumbsup:

AlCap0wn 09-09-2003 07:52 PM

Sounds like I've got a pretty tame sex life by comparision. Ah well.

After a little "back in the hometown for a week or two" party out at a club, me and the "respectable young lady" stop by her house. We're both pretty tipsy, so we're stopping in the kitchen to get some water & B-complex before bed to ward off any potential hangovers. A squeeze here, pinch there, hand slips up her shirt, and before I know what's going on she's unbuttoning my shirt and then going straight for the belt. In the middle of the kitchen, lights on, with her parents upstairs.

What the hell - I start tearing her clothes off. Sit her up at just the right height on the countertop, and proceed to make her muffle what would have been a *very* loud orgasm on my shoulder.

That was sort of the "awakening of the Naughty Girl Within" for her. Needless to say, it's just gotten better and better.

zombieman 09-09-2003 08:27 PM


Fucked in a mens public toilet. She was loud, and we could hear a bloke in the next cubicle wanking himself!!

Fucked in a cave, halfway through I turned round and there was a woman stood there with her hand down her pants. I just carried on, and when we were finished, she had left. I hope she had a good time :D

Did the nasty on some town walls, on a grate that overlooked a road. Just as I was about to come, she pulled me out and wanked me off. I came onto a passing car windscreen.

Stuck a mini milk ice lollie up her, and then ate it :)

Fisted her several times.

Anal sex in a nightclub toilet. We were both very pissed, and she started yelling "Fuck me up the arse!". When we left the toilet, we were applauded :D

Another time, in the same nightclub, my GF went down on me under the table when I was talking to some friends. I came in her mouth, and she popped up and spat it into an empty pint glass!

And loads more :D

Dano069 09-10-2003 06:45 AM

Sex in the woods, on a picnic bench, with my wife.

Sucking my girlfriends tits, out in the open, in a public park, while her friend watched.

Sex in house my mom was having built, again, with my future wife.

BJs in the car, fingering her in the car, watching my wife masturbate while passing a truck.

Damn, do we have fun.

Dang it, had to edit this to add:

Sex on the beach, in a low spot in the dunes, with people walking by.

Sex with my ex-gf in the hallway leading up to her parent's house. It was a two flat. Her aunt and uncle occupied the downstairs appt. I used to eat her out while she leaned against the wall. My face was eye level with the door lock. Thank God she went to a Catholic H.S. that required a skirt!

Got a bj on that same stairwell while talking to her younger sister who had come out to ask us a question. She HAD to know what was going on. My ex-gf was positioned between my legs.

Sex on the beach, in the middle of winter. I owe this one to a pint of Peppermint Schnapps.

kmonkey 09-10-2003 01:25 PM

i was 16. some of my friends and i are at another friend's house, and one of the girls suggests we have an orgy. out of the blue. and everyone agrees. of course, i was in a fresh relationship with someone that everyone in the room knew, and none of them wanted to touch me (or have me touch them) for fear of it "getting weird." so i was basically a "pit stop" for the girls: they would chat with me (in their t-shirts and panties, nothing else) when they wanted a breather.

it never really turned into an actual orgy. there was lots of fingering and groping, but no exposed genitals or actual intercourse of any kind. but i've wanted to get myself into a similar situation ever since (8 years). no luck, though, because i'm a chicken shit.

narfmasta 09-10-2003 07:05 PM

Hi guys I'm new here... Anyways....

An ex that I dated for a couple months and I were messing around in my car and she was a virgin and didn't want to have sex until she's married. So we do everything but the deed and fog up the windows. Then, out of nowhere she pulls my ebrake (on the car, not mine) straight up and proceeds to get off on it! :eek: Kinda cool at the time, but now that I think about it, kinda weird...

The g/f that I have now and I started messing around in the movie theatre of "Finding Nemo" (out of all movies) and since we were at the top row, we each take off each others pants and underwear and do all the pre-sex activities. Finally we're so horny that we have to have sex and I do her missionary position. I finish all over the floor of the theatre, with an entire row of people in front of us! No one was on our row at the top though....

Darthnapoleon 09-10-2003 08:07 PM

i got a few.
my first time was out in the snow(not nasty, just sorta cool)

had sex with my gf at the time in my roommate's chair in college, then telling him what we did a few days later.

i got a blowjob from my gf driving on the interstate.

my gf gave me a handjob while i was wearing panties while she drove one day.

my gf gave me a bj on the dock at the parents house once at night, then once in the middle of the day.

Agro 09-11-2003 01:36 AM

My 1st, I'll repeat 1st, sexual experience was with a 16yr old girl I fisted using Baileys instead of lube.

Thing is I'd picked up all my techniques from german porn movies so I figured this was totally normal.

NatureBoy 09-11-2003 12:55 PM

A bit of road head here and there. Once, I fingered my g/f to orgasm while I was driving.

sta500 09-11-2003 04:40 PM

Man, you guys a fucking nuts. My friend's told me a few stories of his, so I'll share:

He was at a party and slept with 4 different girls, multiple times, in one night.

He woke up the next night to some chick riding him. Didn't know her, never found out her name.

He fucked his sister-in-law while her and his borther were married.

He's got so many stories, I doubt he's told me all of them. He's a weird dude.

Mupwah 09-12-2003 05:15 PM

Having my girlfriend jack me off in the back seat of the car and wiping the jizz on the panties she was wearing. Oh and her mom was driving at the time.

spudman61 09-12-2003 05:22 PM


Originally posted by curveedv8
Sluttiest - Thu: meeting my fuck buddy in a sports oval, him bending me over and fucking me from behind before turning me around, pushing me to my knees and cumming all over my face

Fri:went to a bondage nightclub, slipped on a gas mask, had who knows fingers inside me, hands all over me, gas mask off, kissing girls, kissing boys, bent over a chair and getting spanked, telling cute boy I'd just met I wanted to suck his cock, leaving with him, going to his car, sucking said cock (I ain't a tease - haha), fucking him, letting him cum all over my arse and back, going home, sleeping alone.

I am moving to Australia! :)

pocon1 09-12-2003 07:12 PM

Yeah, watching german porn will do that to you, everything else looks kind of tame after that.

Loui 09-14-2003 03:28 PM


i had sex with my g/f on the golf course on the way to her house.

we also had sex in my friends room while friends of ours were watching from the top of the garage.

had sex with my g/f at a party of mine whilst people were walking in and out of the room, i was also holdin conversations with these people.

i dunno, not quite as extreme as some of this stuff

FoolsGold 09-14-2003 05:06 PM

Lost my virginity in the bathroom in my dad's apartment. Fucked my girlfriend in a lake while she was arguing with her best friend, who was standing on the dock. I got sucked off at school with the door to my room wide open, sitting at my computer, watchign Family Guy, while my roommate was playing video games on his computer (which faced mine--our desks were back to back). He didn't know until I told him. Good times.

mypro 09-15-2003 05:38 PM


motdakasha 09-15-2003 05:46 PM


Originally posted by mypro
AND the woman I'm having an affair with all within 24 hours. Again, not proud, more a statement of fact...
.................. :S

On a recent camping trip, we played I have never (non alcoholic, booo) and I found out that one of the guys had had sex on a MOVING MOTORCYCLE! That twisted up my brain into all kinds of knots just thinking about the logistics of that. He also gave head to a girl while (she? was) driving. I can't remember the other crazy things that this guy did, but there were quite a few more.

A. Rothschild 09-15-2003 10:44 PM


Originally posted by NatureBoy
A bit of road head here and there. Once, I fingered my g/f to orgasm while I was driving.
Hehe! Did the same thing two weeks ago... with my ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend on the backseat... fortunately he was asleep and utterly drunk. :p We had almost crashed 10 minutes earlier, because he was kissing my new gf on her neck... that pissed me off so I grabbed his jaw and turned my head to look at him.... which made me forget all about the road and the fact that I was driving 120km/h where I was allowed to go 80km/h. Then the road suddenly ended :p

anyway... my gf got mad at me, so I had to make up for it. ;)

Lunchbox7 09-16-2003 06:04 AM

Sex in a tree while people walked underneath us. Got a hand job while I ws hugging her from behind in a room full of her family. Went down on a girl as she was talking to her mum on the phone. Gave a girl a handjob on a rollercoaster. I was in an orgy once. I like taboo things

SkanK0r 09-16-2003 09:35 AM

I got head once while driving a fourwheeler. That kinda has a hillbilly ring to it, doesn't it?

Redlemon 09-16-2003 11:01 AM


Originally posted by motdakasha
He also gave head to a girl while (she? was) driving.
Yup, done that one. You need a car with a tilt steering wheel tilted all the way up. Sure, I had a crick in the neck when it was done, but we were in college, it was worth it.

AlCap0wn 09-16-2003 01:12 PM


Originally posted by Lunchbox7
Went down on a girl as she was talking to her mum on the phone.
Ditto, but it was her sister on the other end. She had a hard time explaining why she kept gasping and stifling moans. :D

gummby 09-16-2003 05:23 PM


Originally posted by siryn
Had sex on a school bus. Band geeks rule!
Yeah, I wasn't in band, but being in color guard I was on all the band trips.

And I wanna know where you find these people...there's no one cool, like some of the ones you all have, around here.

All I have is giving the hubby highway blow jobs, and everyone has done that.

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