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Old 08-27-2008, 10:32 AM   #81 (permalink)
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I'm not a fan of the "she looks sickly" comments, nor the "she looks like a fat cow" comments. It is interesting to me to read that a good portion of the men on the board prefer larger women. I do wonder, however, if these same men would seek out porn with fuller figured women over the typical skinny-big-boobs women you seen in porn most of the time.

I'm not skinny like girl A in the photo, but I also don't have the boobs of girl B. I don't know where I would fit in the limited spectrum represented there.
"Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark."
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Old 08-27-2008, 10:39 AM   #82 (permalink)
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I wonder, too, merlen.

I think most of us have some sort of preference, but as dlish said, he'd probably allow himself to be seduced by one who wasn't his type. Although my guess is that he isn't alone, I challenge you, dlish, to overcome your shallowness.

Can you truthfully say you'd screw someone who wasn't your type (again, via seduction), but wouldn't bother to get to know her? Or is it that you wouldn't want to be seen with her?

Packin' my bags ...
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
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Old 08-27-2008, 10:51 AM   #83 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Porn isn't about forming a sexual relationship, it's simple id gratification.

As one many who can't stand most pornography, I can say that I don't enjoy the appearance of most porn stars. I remember the first time I saw Kobe Tai (I had to have been like 15) and I thought, "It's too bad she got those implants". She was almost certainly more beautiful before augmenting her very lean build with DDs. It creates a common look in pornography/Los Angeles, with a very, very lean build and unnaturally large breasts.

Each of the three women in the picture seem to have reasonably well proportioned bodies.
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Old 08-27-2008, 10:56 AM   #84 (permalink)
Location: England
I had a look for "fuller figured" porn, and by that I mean just normal looking people. However, it just leads down a road to properly fat women(especially searching for curvaceous), not just people like C.
Best compromise is amateur stuff on pornhub.
Absolute best is a girlfriend.
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Old 08-27-2008, 11:45 AM   #85 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jewels View Post
I wonder, too, merlen.

I think most of us have some sort of preference, but as dlish said, he'd probably allow himself to be seduced by one who wasn't his type. Although my guess is that he isn't alone, I challenge you, dlish, to overcome your shallowness.

Can you truthfully say you'd screw someone who wasn't your type (again, via seduction), but wouldn't bother to get to know her? Or is it that you wouldn't want to be seen with her?

Packin' my bags ...
leaving are we? tsk tsk.. afraid of my wrath? or are you in a rush to be somewhere?

jewels, most men think with one thing only..yes thats right..their brains. we dont need emotions, just chemical reactions.

we may be a derivative of the homo-erectus, but thats exactly what makes us better off as a human race. we run on visual reactions instead of emotional ones. some may call it testosterone, but at the end of the day we are all but creatures that roam the earth (some more than others), and even though men can be seduced through visual images, women can just as easily be seduced in other ways.

do i think its shallow that i used the seduction analogy? not really. it was just a litmus test to gauge the probablility of sleeping with someone and wasnt meant to mean that i would. wanting to and actually doing it are two totally different things.


lets say theoretically ok..that i did screw someone that i wasnt atracted to and that i didnt know..would i want to be seen with her?? probably not. especially if its a one night stand. why? cos if i didnt find her attractive in a physical emotional psychological metaphysical whichever-al kinda way, then i wouldnt pursue anything further.

so i throw the gauntlet to you jewels..

why do you assume that males are such primitive animals? seduction is a powerful thing and works on both sides, so i'd like you to explain to me how and why you think the female race is superior to males in regards to raw emotion.
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Old 08-27-2008, 11:55 AM   #86 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sound chaser View Post
I'm currently chatting on MSN with some women who, shall we say, have a few extra pounds. I'm not knocking overweight women at all, and I don't all at mean to be offensive here. But it seems over the past few years I've started to like chubby (but not obese) women.

Do many men like chubby women? Or does society say that slim is beautiful (and is it just the media who push that)?
Big or small, I like them all. Nothing wrong with a woman who actually looks and feels like a real woman, not some pencil thin bony waif. I've dated both and found out the personality is a hell of a lot more important than if she is, or isn't, carrying some extra weight.
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Old 08-27-2008, 12:13 PM   #87 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dlish View Post
lets say theoretically ok..that i did screw someone that i wasnt atracted to and that i didnt know..would i want to be seen with her?? probably not. especially if its a one night stand. why? cos if i didnt find her attractive in a physical emotional psychological metaphysical whichever-al kinda way, then i wouldnt pursue anything further.

so i throw the gauntlet to you jewels..

why do you assume that males are such primitive animals? seduction is a powerful thing and works on both sides, so i'd like you to explain to me how and why you think the female race is superior to males in regards to raw emotion.
So, if I'm understanding what you're saying, she'd be good enough for your penis, but not good enough to hold your hand? Reminds me of the guys who will go down on a girl but think it's disgusting to borrow her toothbrush.

That's shallow and thusly primitive. Did I claim that we're superior? Hell, no. I've seduced; I've been seduced. We can be primitive, too.

As far as raw emotion... WTF? Did I say that?
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
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Old 08-27-2008, 12:21 PM   #88 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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*Ducks*, whoa was that a gauntlet?!
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Old 08-27-2008, 12:33 PM   #89 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jewels View Post
Picture 1, girl A, B or C

No question, C is the hottie I would take a flying leap at. B is nice, but a little on the slim side. A is skinny, not slender in a good way. She looks like she needs a sandwich.

Originally Posted by jewels View Post
This one's a plus-sized model. Would most consider her fat?
(Picture 2)
Not fat. Hot!! I would shag that chick like a rug!

Originally Posted by jewels View Post
I can't believe this one is considered plus-sized ...
(Picture 3)

That's just insane.
It is insane. She's a smokin' hottie. I would be all over her.

But all of this is just about general type. If you ask me, do you generally go for curvy or for tomboyish when it comes to girls, I say curvy. But I don't date abstractions, nor fuck 'em neither. I date/fuck people, and what attracts me to a girl is the whole package, not just body shape. A girl can have the most perfect curves in the world, and if she's a bitch, or a snotty whiner, or a fluff-head, it won't make a difference that's she's hot. Likewise, a girl can be a little too small and slender for my usual tastes, but if she's smart, funny, witty, sexy, adventurous, and so forth, she'll look pretty damn good to me.
Dull sublunary lovers love,
Whose soul is sense, cannot admit
Absence, because it doth remove
That thing which elemented it.

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Old 08-27-2008, 12:36 PM   #90 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jewels View Post
So, if I'm understanding what you're saying, she'd be good enough for your penis, but not good enough to hold your hand? Reminds me of the guys who will go down on a girl but think it's disgusting to borrow her toothbrush.

That's shallow and thusly primitive. Did I claim that we're superior? Hell, no. I've seduced; I've been seduced. We can be primitive, too.

As far as raw emotion... WTF? Did I say that?

yes you did understand me correctly. one night stands happen all the time. lets be realistic about it. why is it necesary that you walk down the street with a total stranger? sure you looked after each others needs in a sexual way, but whos to say that you have to share more time with them? bada bing bada boom.

not encouraging the idea..just keepin it real

pass the toothbrush please
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Old 08-27-2008, 12:39 PM   #91 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by levite View Post
No question, C is the hottie I would take a flying leap at.
Wait a second, you're G-d's chosen people AND you can fly?
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Old 08-27-2008, 12:45 PM   #92 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dlish View Post
yes you did understand me correctly. one night stands happen all the time. lets be realistic about it. why is it necesary that you walk down the street with a total stranger? sure you looked after each others needs in a sexual way, but whos to say that you have to share more time with them? bada bing bada boom.

not encouraging the idea..just keepin it real

pass the toothbrush please
Pffffttt! You miss the point completely, or maybe I'm just too emotional

I guess our difference is that although I'm as sexual as you (or any man) and might be prone to seduction at times, I wouldn't enjoy an appendage if I had no interest whatsoever in the carrying party. I'm not necessarily going to have to fall in love, but even the booty call friends should be friends - even if the only relationship is sexual- don't you think?

Oh and yes, I'm leaving town. Going to the beach, I think.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
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Old 08-27-2008, 12:59 PM   #93 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jewels View Post
Everyone's definition of fat and chubby are different. What one man sees as fat, another sees as voluptuous.

How about:

Picture 1, girl A, B or C
A looks like a runway model, B looks in shape and soft, 3 is what "curvy" and "voluptuous" meant before gigantic women misappropriated the terms.
This one's a plus-sized model. Would most consider her fat?
(Picture 2)
I would. She's bigger than I find attractive and is overweight to the degree that I was when I considered myself "fat."

I can't believe this one is considered plus-sized ...
(Picture 3)

That's just insane.
No idea. From that picture I can't tell what she really looks like.
Originally Posted by Willravel View Post
As one many who can't stand most pornography, I can say that I don't enjoy the appearance of most porn stars. I remember the first time I saw Kobe Tai (I had to have been like 15) and I thought, "It's too bad she got those implants". She was almost certainly more beautiful before augmenting her very lean build with DDs. It creates a common look in pornography/Los Angeles, with a very, very lean build and unnaturally large breasts.
I had the same thought when she got the implants, although I thought it was more recently than that. I absolutely hate implants and they can make the most attractive woman instantly unattractive to me. I've seen thousands of women with them (including before/after shots from plastic surgeons, not all in person,) and I can count on one hand the number that I think looked good. Not all the real-life ones came with a before reference, but I still would prefer small breasts to huge lumps of silicone or plastic bags under the skin.
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Old 08-27-2008, 01:08 PM   #94 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Yeah, I agree. I won't say I don't support women (or men) getting plastic surgery, but I'd prefer it to fix something that was honestly wrong. I've seen women get implants after breast cancer, or people getting reconstructive surgery after an auto accident, and I can't support that enough.
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Old 08-27-2008, 01:11 PM   #95 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jewels View Post
Reminds me of the guys who will go down on a girl but think it's disgusting to borrow her toothbrush.
I'm one of those guys. Sharing a toothbrush is nasty.
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Old 08-27-2008, 01:13 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Willravel View Post
Yeah, I agree. I won't say I don't support women (or men) getting plastic surgery, but I'd prefer it to fix something that was honestly wrong. I've seen women get implants after breast cancer, or people getting reconstructive surgery after an auto accident, and I can't support that enough.
This is how I feel about it.

As for the female body type I prefer. I have to say healthy and real. I can be attracted to many different body types.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

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Old 08-27-2008, 02:37 PM   #97 (permalink)
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B is fine, C is on the chubby side, pic 2 is fat. Pic 3 is similar to C.
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Old 08-27-2008, 02:54 PM   #98 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jewels View Post
I wouldn't enjoy an appendage if I had no interest whatsoever in the carrying party. I'm not necessarily going to have to fall in love, but even the booty call friends should be friends - even if the only relationship is sexual- don't you think?
Jewels, while I agree with most of what you've said, and I don't necessarily agree with all that dlish has said--I do think that this is something that's very individual. There are plenty of both men and women who will have a one-night stand, simply because it satisfies a physical need--and many would prefer that person to in fact NOT be a friend, whatsoever. The person is more like a masturbation tool than someone to be "interested" in.

I don't fall into this category, but I don't have a moral problem with those who do. I can acknowledge that there are situations in which sex is really just sex.
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Old 08-28-2008, 02:13 AM   #99 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by abaya View Post
There are plenty of both men and women who will have a one-night stand, simply because it satisfies a physical need--and many would prefer that person to in fact NOT be a friend, whatsoever. The person is more like a masturbation tool than someone to be "interested" in.

I don't fall into this category, but I don't have a moral problem with those who do. I can acknowledge that there are situations in which sex is really just sex.
I've been one of those people at a period in my life. Sex was just sex. But I would never have engaged in sex with a guy that I felt would embarass me. I guess that's just me.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
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Old 08-28-2008, 02:47 AM   #100 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jewels View Post
But I would never have engaged in sex with a guy that I felt would embarass me.
Ah, I guess I didn't get that impression from what dlish said... I understood his meaning to be that a one-night stand is sometimes just that, and both people want to be rid of each other after a single use.

But I do also think that some people have different standards (e.g. pure self-centered sexual gratification, nothing else), and yes, they will fuck anything that moves, including someone that will embarrass them the next day. Once again, not my bag, but plenty of people do it on a regular basis. My observation is that it tends to be more men than women (that whole "pity fuck" thing, which I do judge as being despicable), but that's not a scientific study.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
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Old 08-28-2008, 03:52 AM   #101 (permalink)
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Recently my life has turned into a lot of what really amounts to short term relationships. And yes several one night stands, but usually it a week or so. I don't understand the local culture well when if comes to M/F relationships. Hell I got enough problems figuring out M/F relationships in my own culture. That leaves me with tourists (usually) as an only options. Tourists simply have to go home at some point. I get phone calls and e-mails but they taper off after about two weeks, I could almost mark it on my calendar. But one night stand or one week fling- I'm not sleeping someone I would be embarrassed with. That includes their appearance as well as their behavior and intellect.

For some reason I can't get a vision of some singer I saw a couple years backs. She was really hot. But she held up a can of "chicken of the sea" tuna and asked "so is this chicken or what?" Yeah, I'm not sleeping with that type of women. I used to work with a guy who did the singles scene a lot. He was never looking for marriage, think his longest relationship was 3 mos. He told me once "2X's the IQ and it's a no go." I found out he meant if their weight is more then double their IQ he passed. So I of course asked if she's a Mensa member she can be nearly 300lbs?
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

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Old 08-28-2008, 04:07 AM   #102 (permalink)
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For some reason I can't get a vision of some singer I saw a couple years backs. She was really hot. But she held up a can of "chicken of the sea" tuna and asked "so is this chicken or what?" Yeah, I'm not sleeping with that type of women.
That would be Jessica Simpson. I think the whole chicken thing has been pretty much exposed as just a silly plot line for TV show.

Porn stars haven't done anything for me since I a kid. If I'm going to look at naked people, I'll go to priceless420 where it's not even amatuer, it's just candid snapshots.
I think the Apocalypse is happening all around us. We go on eating desserts and watching TV. I know I do. I wish we were more capable of sustained passion and sustained resistance. We should be screaming and what we do is gossip. -Lydia Millet
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Old 08-28-2008, 04:23 AM   #103 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Poppinjay View Post
That would be Jessica Simpson. I think the whole chicken thing has been pretty much exposed as just a silly plot line for TV show.
So that was an act? Ok, well I still stand by my comment. I've known people like this, male and female. I'm not sleeping with a women like this.

Originally Posted by Poppinjay View Post
Porn stars haven't done anything for me since I a kid. If I'm going to look at naked people, I'll go to priceless420 where it's not even amatuer, it's just candid snapshots.
Usually by the time a chick becomes a porn "star" they're full of silicon, not my thing. I prefer amateur type porn. But I'm not looking for any type of plot when viewing porn. I if want a plot I'll watch the latest Morgan Freeman et el flick.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

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Old 08-28-2008, 04:58 AM   #104 (permalink)
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I would watch porn if Morgan Freeman narrated it. I mean besides, "I wish I could tell you Andy Dufrane fought the good fight..."
I think the Apocalypse is happening all around us. We go on eating desserts and watching TV. I know I do. I wish we were more capable of sustained passion and sustained resistance. We should be screaming and what we do is gossip. -Lydia Millet
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Old 08-28-2008, 07:24 AM   #105 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Poppinjay View Post
I would watch porn if Morgan Freeman narrated it. I mean besides, "I wish I could tell you Andy Dufrane fought the good fight..."


I loved Shawshank.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

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Old 08-28-2008, 07:29 PM   #106 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Willravel View Post

My 63 year old father is looking over my shoulder as I peruse this thread and points out something I didn't think of. Assuming that all three of these women are, say, 22 years old at this time, and we look toward the future, which would be the most attractive at ages 40, 50, or 60?
Since most of us tend to put on a few (or quite a few) pounds as we get older, both Dad and I think that C will probably turn out to be just huge (without mentioning any animals) in another 20 or 30 years. Even though she's a little too thin now, Dad picks A as the one to bet on for the long term. And he's been watching girls since Eisenhower was President in the 1950s.

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Old 08-28-2008, 07:37 PM   #107 (permalink)
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it just depends on how chubby she is
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Old 08-28-2008, 07:40 PM   #108 (permalink)
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Interesting take. Still, the first woman may be as skinny as she is because she has an eating disorder (not that she does, she may). The long term effect of an eating disorder is pretty horrible, physically (and emotionally). The woman in the middle seems to have the healthiest lifestyle, assuming we're playing to averages.

Still, a lot of that strikes me as oversimplification. The third woman may maintain her weight via diet and exercise. The first woman may simply have the thin phenotype. The second woman may even be plastic.
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Old 08-30-2008, 05:06 PM   #109 (permalink)
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I may be oldfasioned, but give me a woman who sparks me on more then one level and I am hers. A woman's weight has little to do with chemestry!!!!
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Old 08-30-2008, 05:35 PM   #110 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by duskytip View Post
I may be oldfasioned, but give me a woman who sparks me on more then one level and I am hers. A woman's weight has little to do with chemestry!!!!
I must be tired. I read it twice and read "give me a woman who spanks me".
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
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Old 08-30-2008, 07:24 PM   #111 (permalink)
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In general, I like curves, & if that means a little meat on the bones that's fine.

I also know thin women who are pretty, fit, intelligent, humorous, educated, & caring. In other words, very attractive on several levels.
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Old 08-31-2008, 03:33 AM   #112 (permalink)
First a disclaimer, yes I realize that I am discussing the women in the pictures like cuts of meat. As near as I can tell that is the tone necessary for this thread. This is not the only thing I could consider in real life, not is it even important if I am attracted to a woman.

For the quick summary,

I usually like my women just on the larger side of average, however it really comes down to how their individual body suits them and their personality.

I wouldn't say no to any (of these, damn it lets be honest and forget the part between the parens) women.

I would however walk away from A or B buying me drinks (I usually can't get women to let me buy them drinks in case you are wondering) just so I can make contact with C at a party. There is no contest.

I am also a legs guy, lets look at the leg tone of these 3 women, A has bad musculature (but what I can see of her face reminds me of Fiona from Burn Notice, why do I like bitches?), B has better structure, but could use some curves, C is the epitome of said curves.

Woman 2 is very beautiful, I would do anything she asked if she promised not to stand like that again, or smile so tall, top gums smiles don't work with her teeth, it is not working for her.

Woman 3 is welcome to cal me at anytime to do anything she wants.
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Old 08-31-2008, 07:02 AM   #113 (permalink)
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I used to be as skinny as A, and people would ask me if I was anorexic. I wasn't, I love my food. I used to eat what I wanted when I wanted, and never gain a pound. So I'm sorry to say that comments like "she looks downright sick" are a little hurtful. Some people are naturally thin like that. I don't think she looks unhealthy, just thin. I agree it may be too thin and it's nicer to have some curves, but some things just can't be helped.

I'd say these days I'm close to B, with less boobs and thinner legs. So I'm not sure where I fit there. between A and B I guess.

I think all three are outwardly beautiful in different ways. I think as long as you feel well and stay healthy (eat well and exercise), that's all that matters. Fat or thin. I try not to judge others based on their appearance, if I can help it.
Whether we write or speak or do but look
We are ever unapparent. What we are
Cannot be transfused into word or book.
Our soul from us is infinitely far.
However much we give our thoughts the will
To be our soul and gesture it abroad,
Our hearts are incommunicable still.
In what we show ourselves we are ignored.
The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged
By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
Unto our very selves we are abridged
When we would utter to our thought our being.
We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams,
And each to each other dreams of others' dreams.

Fernando Pessoa, 1918
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Old 08-31-2008, 12:13 PM   #114 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jewels View Post
I must be tired. I read it twice and read "give me a woman who spanks me".
Well, that is another story
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Old 09-22-2008, 03:46 PM   #115 (permalink)

I dont mind fat girls, i like big rumps bt within reason, Trouble with fat girls is they sweat a fair bit,
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Old 09-22-2008, 09:22 PM   #116 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by abaya View Post

...I would not say that B looks unhealthy--but she is still below average...
I am pretty close to the B body type (maybe a tad skinnier). My BMI is 23.2 - right in the middle of the "normal weight" range. If you consider that below average, what do you consider average?
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Old 09-23-2008, 12:55 AM   #117 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by genuinegirly View Post
I am pretty close to the B body type (maybe a tad skinnier). My BMI is 23.2 - right in the middle of the "normal weight" range. If you consider that below average, what do you consider average?
I don't mean average in terms of BMI... I mean average, as in when I go to the mall and see your "average American woman" walking around shopping, someone in her 30s-40s who has already had a couple of kids, and maybe has a little pudge around the middle. I feel that those women should not have to feel "fat" just because they are "average," and not feel pressure to have to get down to the "B" body type (which I associate more with college-age bodies, before childbearing sets in). Of course, there are all different sizes of women at all ages, I recognize that. But that's my image of "average," and if I look like that when I'm that age, I'd like to think that I'll feel okay with that.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
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Old 09-26-2008, 06:29 AM   #118 (permalink)
Location: Sacramento, CA USA
I'm going to say "Hell to the YEAH" to the chubbies. I love love love sex with them, my last girl was thick 'n' juicy like girl C. So soft and she felt so good against me.

I have a lot of love to give and I need a lot of girl to give it to.
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Old 09-26-2008, 07:31 AM   #119 (permalink)
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Location: Near Raleigh, NC
Chubby, yes. Fat, no. Bone skinny, no. The point that the woman loses her feminine shape, I'm outta there. I like all kinds really, but not the extremes.....

Good thing too, cause I'm chubby, and don't need another hypocrisy in my personal philosophy.
bill hicks - "I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."
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Old 09-26-2008, 10:09 PM   #120 (permalink)
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Location: Australia
I'm not into 'chubby' women, by that I mean overweight. I like chubby women - I love the pictures on the first page of the plus sized model (she's quite cute) so I would say that that particular size I like, but nothing more than that.
Sun flames and moons glow, timeless the tides will flow, what will I face, what will be mine, fortune and fate the other side...
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chubby, nay, women, yea

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