Originally Posted by genuinegirly
I am pretty close to the B body type (maybe a tad skinnier). My BMI is 23.2 - right in the middle of the "normal weight" range. If you consider that below average, what do you consider average?
I don't mean average in terms of BMI... I mean average, as in when I go to the mall and see your "average American woman" walking around shopping, someone in her 30s-40s who has already had a couple of kids, and maybe has a little pudge around the middle. I feel that those women should not have to feel "fat" just because they are "average," and not feel pressure to have to get down to the "B" body type (which I associate more with college-age bodies, before childbearing sets in). Of course, there are all different sizes of women at all ages, I recognize that. But that's my image of "average," and if I look like that when I'm that age, I'd like to think that I'll feel okay with that.