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Old 01-03-2008, 07:06 PM   #81 (permalink)
Minion of the scaléd ones
Tophat665's Avatar
Location: Northeast Jesusland
1 - Absolutely
2 - No.
3 - While there are limits, they are of the "Fire" in a crowded theater type.
4 - No. It's more subtle than that.
5 - No, but they should not expect services in any other language than the official one.
6 - Yes.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Old 01-03-2008, 10:31 PM   #82 (permalink)
guy44's Avatar
Location: corner of No and Where
1. Yes
2. No
3. Some, but not many, limits
4. Of course
5. No
6. Trick question. Prayer shouldn't be prohibited - you should be able to pray according to your religious beliefs - but absolutely, positively no state endorsement of religion or prayer should be countenanced in any manner
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Old 01-04-2008, 09:59 AM   #83 (permalink)
DahliMama's Avatar
Location: Kansas City, MO
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Would be interesting to see, with people trying as much as possible not to argue the case, and simply state their position

1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
2 - do you support the death penalty?
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?

My answers

1 - without a doubt.

2 - I think unless we are 100% sure of a person's guilt, we should not take his life. no matter how much it seems like they've committed a crime. I would like to see our justice system used more effectively than it currently is.

3 - freedom of speech should remain just as it states. free. that's it.

4 - absolutely. one could only dream of such an ideal situation.

5 - No I don't think anyone should be forced. But it should be encouraged that they take the class. Maybe offer it as part of the citizenship preparation.

6 - I will say this. A prayer led by a teacher, adminstrator or janitor for that matter, should not be allowed. But if a student or small group of students wish to pray at school, so be it. Just don't drag my daughter into it, and make her feel like she's a freak for not praying. She's there to learn facts and develop ideas, not to have religious agenda pushed on her. If I wanted her to pray in school, I would send her to a faith-based school.
That is all.
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Old 01-11-2008, 11:58 PM   #84 (permalink)
Location: on the road to where I want to be...
Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
Taxation should fund services that are best provided by the government. The postal service, the military, police, fire, etc. Free education and providing basic needs to those who are unable to provide for themselves (but not those who are simply unwilling) is acceptable with strict oversight to ensure that money is not wasted; allowing people to become productive members of society will put money back into the system. Taxation should benefit society as a whole, not penalize anyone for being successful.
Penalizing someone for being successful != hire tax brackets for people with higher incomes. The fact is that the majority of wage growth has been in the top 5-10% of jobs in this economy, with the most drastic increases coming from the top 1%, those people being amongst the top 10 executives at major corporations. I believe part of our government's responsibility is to provide education and healthcare to its citizens, and the only way this is going to happen is if they tax people with astronomical incomes--somewhere to the tune of 50% or so.

You might think that number is ludicrous, but back in the 1950s-1970s the highest bracket of income tax paid 80% of their income to the U.S. Govt. That's how we paid for things like the federal highway system, put a man on the moon, and got medicaid and social security off the ground.

It doesn't make much difference anyways--people who are that rich already have a million and one different accounting tricks they employ to shelter their money and beat the system, so it's doubtful anything much can be done about it at this point.
Dont be afraid to change who you are for what you could become
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Old 01-12-2008, 10:31 PM   #85 (permalink)
Location: Orlando, Florida
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Would be interesting to see, with people trying as much as possible not to argue the case, and simply state their position

1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
Yes, as I see no good reason to prohibit gays from marrying.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous
2 - do you support the death penalty?
Yes, but only for a few specific crimes, all of which, with the exception of Treason during wartime, require the death of at least 1 victim as a result of the crime.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
Pretty close to absolute. About the only exceptions I would think of are slander, incitement to riot, and "fire" in a crowded theatre. I can't think of other exceptions at this time.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
No, not really a fan of welfare, but then again, I could live with it provided there are some restrictions. Time limits would be an example, work/education requirements are another.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
The United States does not have an official language, but I do think that if you wish to emigrate to a nation, learning it's language would be the polite thing to do.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
Depends on the specifics.

If a student wants to pray to himself prior to class, or during class, they should be allowed to do so, though they should be respectful that others may have differing points of view on this. (IOW don't make a scene about it)

If we're talking about special times set aside for prayer, or faculty lead prayer, or anything along those lines, then no.
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Old 01-13-2008, 07:47 AM   #86 (permalink)
Minion of the scaléd ones
Tophat665's Avatar
Location: Northeast Jesusland
I want to change my answer on #3: Freedom of speech is absolute as regards truth, and fiction presented as fiction. Freedom of speech should not apply to untruth presented as truth. That covers Fire in a crowded theatre. Also - Money is not Speech.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Old 02-03-2008, 03:38 AM   #87 (permalink)
Minion of Joss
levite's Avatar
Location: The Windy City
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry? Yes, absolutely. If we're going to have civil marriage, it cannot discriminate.

2 - do you support the death penalty? Not in any form we've ever had it in the US. Capital punishment, IMO, is essentially just vengeance. Which I don't necessarily have a problem with, unless the government is getting into the vengeance business.

3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say? There should be very minimal limits, only such as would be covered by minimal and non-intrusive public safety, fraud, and libel laws.

4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally? Yes.

5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it? No. I think it would be a good idea for immigrants to at least learn a basic knowledge of the predominate language of their new country, but it shouldn't be a prerequisite for emigration.

6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools? Prayer should be prohibited from public schools in the classroom during school hours, or at official school functions, whether during school hours or at other times. But I see no reason why a public school can't have, say, a religious club as an optional afterschool activity, so long as it's not the only club, and so long as it keeps to itself.
Dull sublunary lovers love,
Whose soul is sense, cannot admit
Absence, because it doth remove
That thing which elemented it.

(From "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" by John Donne)
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Old 02-03-2008, 04:36 AM   #88 (permalink)
1 - Yes
2 - No
3 - Some limits in very extreme cases decided on by supreme court
4 - yes
5 - yes
6 - yes

Last edited by The_Jazz; 02-03-2008 at 08:08 AM..
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Old 02-03-2008, 06:43 AM   #89 (permalink)
Living in a Warmer Insanity
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Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Would be interesting to see, with people trying as much as possible not to argue the case, and simply state their position

1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
2 - do you support the death penalty?
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Freedom of speech should be nearly absolute. You know the whole yelling fire in a crowded room argument.
4. Not sure I understand the question completely. I do believe those with the most have the most responsibility.
5. Forced to, no. encouraged to, yes.
6. No, I think religious groups and clubs should have the same access that other clubs are given. If the chess club has a place to meet I think the "Good News Club" should as well. I do not think the schools should be engaged in any activity that promotes any religion.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

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Old 02-03-2008, 02:01 PM   #90 (permalink)
bad craziness
m0rpheus's Avatar
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
2 - do you support the death penalty?
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
1 - Absolutely however religious institutions should have the right to say they will not marry same-sex couples.
2 - Never
3 - There should be very few limits. Libel, public safety, and anti-hate-literature laws I'm okay with.
4 - No
5 - No
6 - Depends on what you mean. If you mean should an individual be allowed to pray in school? Then no it should not be prohibited. If you mean setting aside time for prayer, then yes.
"it never got weird enough for me." - Hunter S. Thompson
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Old 02-03-2008, 10:26 PM   #91 (permalink)
Location: I am not living.
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?

2 - do you support the death penalty?
No, but I do believe rapist should be imprisoned for life, and have to bunk with Buba

3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
Natural it should not be absolute, but I do believe government is pushing the limits.

4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
No. It should be up to the people. The government is to protect.

5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to immigrate to it?
Yes. It is key to know the language, otherwise, they will not be able to do any more than just survive.

6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
"Hope is for people that don't stand a chance."
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Old 02-04-2008, 04:42 AM   #92 (permalink)
Location: a little to the right
1) I support civil unions for everyone. "Marriage" is too entwined with religious observances and the government can't get involved in how religions conduct themselves (though we can revoke their tax exempt status for failing to observe our Constitution).

2) No. (though I think suicide and euthanasia should be safe and legal)

3) There should be some few limits as observed above. I think public slander and libel should be treated more seriously, though. We're free to say what we wish, and responsible for every word.

4) Yeah, absolutely.

5) Governments should fund national language/common language courses for immigrants.

6) Government funded programs and facilities should be compliant with all laws, including the first amendment.
In heaven all the interesting people are missing.
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Old 09-14-2009, 08:35 PM   #93 (permalink)
Stare At The Sun's Avatar
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?

Yes. This is the civil rights movement of the 21st century.

2 - do you support the death penalty?

No. The same problems that existed in Furman v. Georgia still exist.

3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?

99.99% Yes. Things such as "yelling fire in a crowded theater" should not be protected, almost everything else should be.

4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?

No. The role of taxation should be to provide public services and protection (Roads, police, fire dept, military).

5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?

If they want to be an citizen, yes. If they want a visa/green card, no.

6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?

Yes. Religion has no place in schools.
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Old 09-14-2009, 08:54 PM   #94 (permalink)
Broken Arrow
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1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry? YES
2 - do you support the death penalty? YES
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say? Limits imposed on criminal/mischievous acts, such as the fire in a theater example. Other than that, absolutely not.
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally? Absolutely not.
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it? YES
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools? YES. However, if a group of students wish to pray, I find absolutely nothing wrong with that, campus grounds or not. If one employee involves themselves or tries to break it up, other than to tell the students to get to class after the bell has rung or other actual school-related reasons, then it becomes an issue. It should not be an official event, sanctioned or otherwise.
We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
-Winston Churchill
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Old 09-14-2009, 09:04 PM   #95 (permalink)
Location: My head.
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
Yeah, I mean, why not. Mind your own business and I'll mind mine I guess.

2 - do you support the death penalty?
Of course, why deal with them?

3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
Absolute of course. Say whatever you want.

4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
Yep. How else will roads be built and police exist if not the people using them pay for them?

5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
Nope, not forced. Do what you want, but we should also be allowed to be bias against them should they require special effects such as specialized jobs. Hey, you never bothered to learn the language how do you think you will interact with people then? C'mon, common sense.

6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
YES DEAR GOD YES. Religion is not a defining factor in schools. Schools are for dispensing facts that we don't need to have "faith" in. Take your voodoo elsewhere.
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Old 09-15-2009, 05:02 AM   #96 (permalink)
Paladin of the Palate
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Location: Redneckville, NC
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?


2 - do you support the death penalty?

Yes, but let's go back to public hangings and firing squads. I want people to know what happens when you do really bad things to other people (That merit the death penalty).

3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?

Yes there should be freedom of speech but only if I am not in charge.

4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?

No, I want it to pay for the things I take for granted.

5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?

Yes, if I go to a country the first thing I want to learn is how to communicate with those in that country.

6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?

No. I think forcing people to pray to someone else's god/goddess/flying spaghetti monster is wrong. I don't care what you do in your head, just don't make my kid do it with you. It's intolerance of other people's beliefs that fucked up the religion in school thing.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich

Last edited by LordEden; 09-15-2009 at 05:31 AM.. Reason: Clarify answers and spelling
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Old 09-15-2009, 05:57 AM   #97 (permalink)
rolls good
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?

Yes and No. It depends upon the circumstances. This question is somewhat loaded and not black/white.

2 - do you support the death penalty?

Yes, in the case of particularly heinous crimes.

3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?

It should be limited.

4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?

No - it may have been originally designed that way, but now it just pays off debt or pays for government spending.

5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?

No, they cannot be "forced" to do this anyway. And who is going to police or enforce it? Oh wait, let's throw some government money at it--that will work....

6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?

No. People who want to pray do so anyway, whether students or teachers or administrators. And I've yet to attend a graduation ceremony that didn't begin with a public prayer.

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Old 09-15-2009, 06:14 AM   #98 (permalink)
braisler's Avatar
Location: Midway, KY
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?

Absolutely! I can't imagine that this is really still a question.

2 - do you support the death penalty?

Yes, but not in its current form. There are some people who cannot be 'reformed' and need to be edited out of the population.

3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?

Freedom with limits on injury to other parties. Notice I say injury, not offense.

4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?

Not so simply, but yes. And the people who say no to this, I'll go ahead and call bullshit. They just don't like some definition of what is in the common interest of the country.

5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emigrate to it?

Encouraged, assisted, yes. Enforced, not really. But nor should people of that nation be made to feel that the new arrivals can speak whatever language they please and it is all in the name of diversity and should be accepted.

6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?

Absolutely! Pray in your home or your church. Schools are for education. Religion is indoctrination and inimical to education. As the saying goes, 'Don't pray in my school, and I won't think in your church.'
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Old 09-15-2009, 06:17 AM   #99 (permalink)
Wehret Den Anfängen!
Location: Ontario, Canada
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?

Sure, as much as non-gay couples should be allowed to legally marry. I'm fine either way.

2 - do you support the death penalty?

Yes, but probably not in the way you think. By the time someone is locked up and in a box and we have proven that they have done something really horrible, just keep them in the box. It is less bother than killing them.

At the same time, the death penalty happens more often (state sanctioned murder) when a police officer uses deadly force.

3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?

Preventing someone from saying something is very difficult. There are some things that when said, deserve punishment. Ie, if I promise you to give you 11,000$ tomorrow in exchange for 10000$ today, and I don't come through...

There are a myriad of other examples. If I threaten to kill someone, incite others to kill someone, tell someone to kill someone -- all are pretty non-controversially criminal acts.

So no, freedom of speech shouldn't be absolute. It should be incredibility broad, but not absolute.

4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?

I am not aware of a taxation scheme that does this to any significant extent -- most first world taxation schemes redirect wealth at best from the super-wealthy to the merely ridiculously wealthy (or what the first world calls the "poor") on this planet.

And there are plenty of arguments that don't involve redistribution that make national welfare programs make lots of sense.

In short, this really hasn't been tried. It might be worth trying on a decent scale.

5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?

I sort of think that nations should have the right to determine who becomes citizens/residents of the nation in question. And I think that a nation encouraging immigrants to learn the local language in order to become citizens/residents seems like a reasonable system.

6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?

Naw -- I think if students want to pray about something, they should be allowed to... on their own time (even in school they should have their own time). On the other hand, I think that non-denominational schooling should be around, and that the teachers in a non-denominational school shouldn't be telling/ordering their students to pray. Quite possibly they shouldn't even be praying in public with the students while they are working.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.
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Old 09-15-2009, 06:59 AM   #100 (permalink)
RogueGypsy's Avatar
Location: The Great NorthWet
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
2 - do you support the death penalty?
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
Yes, say what you will, but take responsibility for saying it.
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
No, we already redistribute wealth, it's called employment.
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emigrate to it?
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
Yes, separation of church and state.
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Old 09-15-2009, 06:01 PM   #101 (permalink)
FelixP's Avatar
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1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
2 - do you support the death penalty?
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?

3-Absolute, no limits.
4-To an extent.
6- Sanctioned prayer, yes. If a kid wants to pray before eating lunch, more power to him.

Obviously some of those are not black and white, but I tried to abide to the OP and not explain too much.
Free will lies not in the ability to craft your own fate, but in not knowing what your fate is. --Me

"I have just returned from visting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world." --Douglas MacArthur
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Old 09-15-2009, 06:13 PM   #102 (permalink)
Caerus's Avatar
Location: Seattle, WA
Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
Would be interesting to see, with people trying as much as possible not to argue the case, and simply state their position
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
2 - do you support the death penalty?
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
1: In a free country, I completely and totally support the right for homosexual couples to marry. I find that this is one of the great hypocrisies of the modern Republican party.

2: I do. I believe that people who have committed such a heinous act as murder should be faced with death.

3: The freedom of speech is not absolute and I do not believe that it should be. Libel and other incidences of spreading falsities is a crime in the world of journalism and should be treated as such. I have no problem with people saying whatever they want, just as long as it is not paraded as fact or news.

4: I do not. Taxes pay for a multitude of things and social welfare is an extremely small portion of government spending. Where does the money from taxes go? I believe an overwhelming amount of it goes to government contractors/banks (haha)/roads/govt. etc.

5: I do not believe so. The idea that we should be solely an English speaking language is ludicrous I think. We are extremely fortunate that other countries learn English as a second language from the get-go. Other nations are not exclusive and neither should we.

6: Absolutely. Religion is a private matter and should be kept as such. They are PUBLIC schools for a reason.
"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions."
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Old 09-15-2009, 08:56 PM   #103 (permalink)
samcol's Avatar
Location: Indiana
Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
Would be interesting to see, with people trying as much as possible not to argue the case, and simply state their position

1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
2 - do you support the death penalty?
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?


My answers
1. yes
2. I think people deserve to die for certain crimes, but I feel the government isn't capable of keeping innocent people from being executed.
3. Direct death threats shouldn't be absolute. Any other speech should be allowed under 1st amendment.
4. no
5. yes
6. no
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Old 09-17-2009, 07:06 PM   #104 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
yes, in concept. I'd like to try just having a total equal rights/benefits civil union, just because I hate to think of the tons of money spent on public voting on this ad nauseum to appease the religious folk. let them have their term "marriage"

2 - do you support the death penalty?

3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
yes, mostly. except for yelling FIRE when there is no fire or maybe NAZI
this freedom is for individuals i.e. people and not corporations. in fact lately I'd consider penalties for misrepresentation by people in certain professions like journalist/pundit etc( who are often just mouthpieces for corporate interests anyway). people in media should be held to some standard of truthfulness. I feel these days the quality of content is such garbage that standards need to be drawn up and people need to be held to them or loose their...licence ? I guess I feel like those on TV are in a special position of power, I feel they should be held to a standard. I'm not sure how to go about implementing such a thing. I can see it could be a huge problem. but I feel like people are taking advantage of their place in the public eye and causing damage.

4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
yes, I would not phrase it this way, but I do believe I would prefer a society in which education is free including trade schools and academic college. I believe a society that invests in it's people reaps benefits in both economic and social ways. regardless of career choice, higher education just gives people better thinking skills. it makes them better neighbors and makes them less susceptible to "mob mentality" less apt to turn to violent aggression as a "tool of resolution". I also believe similarly in terms of support of health care, even if up to 20% of the recipients are gaming the system. I care more about the 80% that really need assistance. I feel it's part of the cost of living in a "civil society" I've had plenty of help in my life (not public assistance but I've been lucky enough to find good people to associate with) I think it should be available for those in need.

5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emigrate to it?
yes, within reason. not for residence but to become a citizen I think a basic language skills would be reasonable.

6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
yes, out loud, organised prayer anyway.
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.
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Old 09-17-2009, 11:42 PM   #105 (permalink)
Location: Orlando, Florida
1. Yes, as I have yet to see anything resembling a decent reason, much less a good one, as to why gays shouldn't be allowed to marry.

2. Yes, but only for treason during wartime, 1st degree murder, and murder during the commission of certain violent felonies.

3. There should be some limits, but those limits are libel, incitement to violence, and fire in a crowded theatre types of things.

4. No, I see taxes as a necessary evil. I think they're there pay for the things that government should be doing.

5. Yes, if you're coming to the United States to stay, you should be required to learn English. (Though technically the US doesn't have an official language afaik)

6. In terms of faculty organized, led prayer, yes, it should be prohibited. If some students wish to quietly pray on their own time, in a manner that's not disruptive to others, then that should be allowed.
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Old 09-18-2009, 04:19 PM   #106 (permalink)
Psycho: By Choice
dd3953's Avatar
Location: dd.land
1- do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
Yes, I don't think that marriage should be a privilege for some, i think any person should be able, if they want, to marry another person.

2 - do you support the death penalty?
I'm not sure. While part of me understands why we have it, it seems that it could be wrong. But sometimes it makes sense. Someone does something, like rape 30 woman, goes to jail, comes out and does it again, and the cycle repeats itself, kill them. They are not going to change and they are hurting other people.

3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
Yes, and while it sucks when people say things that hurts other people's feeling, I don't think there should be any limits. This whole PC thing is getting way too out of control in my opinion, and can lead to some real negative stuff down the road.

4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
While I think that should be the role, I don't believe that is the goal of it currently.

5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
I don't think they should be forced, but encouraged. At some point it'll just make life easier for them.

6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
No. But until we can respect the fact the not everyone is praying to the same God, or that everyone goes about it the same way, there will be problems.
[Technically, I'm not possible, I'm made of exceptions. ]
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Old 09-20-2009, 12:14 AM   #107 (permalink)
william's Avatar
1. Gay marriage - who cares.
2. Death Penalty - if proven beyond a doubt.
3. Absolute freedom of speech - That's one of the reasons I spent 8 years in the military; but then again, be careful of what you say and where you say it.
4. Taxation - yes.
5. Learn the Language - that would be a big HELL YES, I've traveled overseas and they act like I'm an asshole because I don't know their language - I'm just visiting! If they choose to move and live here, learn the language.
6. Prohibit prayer from schools - Church and State rules
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Old 09-20-2009, 11:44 AM   #108 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar
1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
2 - do you support the death penalty?
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
1: Yes
2: No
3: Yes
4: Yes
5: Yes, except for refugees.
6: "Students have the right to be free of the coercion of state-sponsored and captive-audience prayer."
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry
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Old 09-21-2009, 04:56 PM   #109 (permalink)
james t kirk's Avatar
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
Would be interesting to see, with people trying as much as possible not to argue the case, and simply state their position

1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
2 - do you support the death penalty?
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?

1. Gay Marriage - Already a fact in Canada, I'm all for it.

2. Death Penalty - Already illegal in Canada and I personally feel that it demeans us all. That said, a life sentence should be exactly that.

3. Freedom of Speech has limits

4. Taxation to redistribute wealth. No. You can't make the poor rich(er) by taxing the rich. That said, I'm all for spending more money on higher education (college and University - the only true way to get the poor to stand on their own 2 feet.)

5. Since when has anyone been forced to learn English (/French) when emigrating to NA. Why start now?

6. I'm Catholic, but I believe only in the Public School System. No prayer or religous training in schools. Save that for church, or the Synogogue, or the Mosque, or whatever floats your boat.
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