1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
Yeah, I mean, why not. Mind your own business and I'll mind mine I guess.
2 - do you support the death penalty?
Of course, why deal with them?
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
Absolute of course. Say whatever you want.
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
Yep. How else will roads be built and police exist if not the people using them pay for them?
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
Nope, not forced. Do what you want, but we should also be allowed to be bias against them should they require special effects such as specialized jobs. Hey, you never bothered to learn the language how do you think you will interact with people then? C'mon, common sense.
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
YES DEAR GOD YES. Religion is not a defining factor in schools. Schools are for dispensing facts that we don't need to have "faith" in. Take your voodoo elsewhere.